Registriert seit: 16. Jan 2003
Ort: Bonn ("links über Königswinter ")
240 Beiträge
Delphi 4 Standard
25. Feb 2003, 20:34
Such mal nach ParamStr, das sollte dir weiterhelfen.
Returns a specified parameter from the command-line.
command line utilities
function ParamStr(Index: Integer): string;
ParamStr returns the parameter from the command line that corresponds to Index, or an empty string if Index is greater than ParamCount. For example, an Index value of 2 returns the second command-line parameter.
ParamStr(0) returns the path and file name of the executing program (for example, C:\TEST\MYPROG.EXE).
Note: Use double quotes to wrap multiple words as one parameter (such as long file names containing spaces).
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