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Registriert seit: 7. Okt 2004
Ort: Solingen
11 Beiträge

Re: uhr in delphi--> wie die zeiger?

  Alt 23. Nov 2004, 17:37
Ich habe im internet auch noch einen Code für eine Klasse gefunden, jedoch sagt mit die klasse TRect nichts. Welchen Wert erwartet man wenn man eine Variable die Klasse TRect zuweist?

Anfgefügt habe ich den quellcode
Hab nun einen Tipp von einem "DPUser" erhalten
also dass ich einfach
kor.Top := 100;
kor.Left:= 200;
so eine TRect Variable aussehen kann, jedoch stürzt das Programm mit einer zugriffsverletzung ab:
test.Create(kor,Form1); MfG
uses Forms, {TForm}
     Graphics; {TCanvas, TColor}

type TClock = class (TObject)
    FPicture: TPicture;
    FBrush,FPen : TColor;
    FBack,FClock,FImage: TImage;
    FTimer: TTimer;
    procedure Circle;
    procedure FOnTimer(Sender: TObject);
    procedure SetBrush(AValue: TColor);
    procedure SetPen(AValue: TColor);
    procedure SetPicture(AValue: TPicture);
    constructor Create(const ARect: TRect; const AParent: TWinControl);
    destructor Destroy; override;
    property BrushColor: TColor read FBrush write SetBrush;
    property PenColor: TColor read FPen write SetPen;
    property Picture: TPicture read FPicture write SetPicture;
  end; //TClock


constructor TClock.Create(const ARect: TRect; const AParent: TWinControl);
  inherited Create;
  FPen := clBlack;
  FBrush := clWhite;
  FPicture := TPicture.Create;
  FBack := TImage.Create(AParent);
  FClock := TImage.Create(AParent);
  FImage := TImage.Create(AParent);
  with FBack do
    Parent := AParent;
    Left := ARect.Left;
    Top := ARect.Top;
    Width := ARect.Right - Left;
    if Width < 50 then
      Width := 50;
    Height := ARect.Bottom - Top;
    if Height < 50 then
      Height := 50;
  with FClock do
    Parent := AParent;
    Transparent := TRUE;
    Left := FBack.Left;
    Top := FBack.Top;
    Width := FBack.Width;
    Height := FBack.Height;
  with FImage do
    Transparent := TRUE;
    Parent := AParent;
    Left := FBack.Left;
    Top := FBack.Top;
    Width := FBack.Width;
    Height := FBack.Height;
    Canvas.Pen.Width := (Width + Height) div 100;
  FTimer := TTimer.Create(AParent);
  with FTimer do
    Interval := 1000;
    OnTimer := FOnTimer;
    Enabled := TRUE;
end; //TClock.Create

procedure TClock.Circle;
  with FClock do
    with Canvas do
      Pen.Width := (Width + Height) div 100;
      Pen.Color := Parent.Brush.Color;
      Brush.Color := Parent.Brush.Color;
      Font.Style := Font.Style + [fsBold];
      Font.Size := (Width + Height) div 30;
      Font.Color := FPen;
      Rectangle(Rect(Left, Top, Left + Width, Top + Height));
      Pen.Color := FPen;
      if (FBack.Picture.Graphic = nil) or
        (FBack.Picture.Graphic.Empty) then
        Brush.Color := FBrush;
      Ellipse(Rect(Left, Top, Left + Width, Top + Height));
      TextOut((Width - TextWidth('12')) div 2, Pen.Width + 2, '12');
      TextOut((Width - TextWidth('6')) div 2, Height - TextHeight('6') - Pen.Width, '6');
      TextOut(Left + 2 + Pen.Width, (Height - TextHeight('9')) div 2, '9');
      TextOut(Width - TextWidth('3') - 2 - Pen.Width, (Height - TextHeight('3')) div 2, '3');
end; //TClock.Circle

procedure TClock.FOnTimer(Sender: TObject);
  Default: Integer;
  MSec: Word;
  DecodeTime(Now, Hour, Min, Sec, MSec);
  Sec := Sec * 6;
  Min := Min * 6;
  Hour := Hour * 30;
  with FImage do
    with Canvas do
      if FPen <> clWhite then
        CopyMode := cmWhiteness
        CopyMode := cmBlackness;
      CopyRect(FImage.BoundsRect, Canvas, FImage.BoundsRect);
      Pen.Color := FPen;
      MoveTo(Width div 2, Height div 2);
      LineTo(Width div 2 + Trunc(Sin(DegToRad(Sec)) * (Width div 2 - Width div 8)), Height div 2 + Trunc(Cos(DegToRad(Sec)) * - (Height div 2 - Height div 8)));
      MoveTo(Width div 2, Height div 2);
      Default := Pen.Width;
      Pen.Width := Pen.Width + 1;
      LineTo(Width div 2 + Trunc(Sin(DegToRad(Min)) * (Width div 2 - Width div 8)), Height div 2 + Trunc(Cos(DegToRad(Min)) * - (Height div 2 - Height div 8)));
      MoveTo(Width div 2, Height div 2);
      Pen.Width := Pen.Width + 1;
      LineTo(Width div 2 + Trunc(Sin(DegToRad(Hour)) * (Width div 3)), Height div 2 + Trunc(Cos(DegToRad(Hour)) * - (Height div 3)));
      Pen.Width := Default;
end; //TClock.FOnTimer

procedure TClock.SetBrush(AValue: TColor);
  if FBrush <> AValue then
    FBrush := AValue;
end; //TClock.SetBrush

procedure TClock.SetPen(AValue: TColor);

  if FPen <> AValue then
    FPen := AValue;
end; //TClock.SetPen

procedure TClock.SetPicture(AValue: TPicture);
  with FBack do
    Width := FImage.Width;
    Height := FImage.Height;
    Stretch := TRUE;
end; //TClock.SetPicture

destructor TClock.Destroy;
  inherited Destroy;
end; //TClock.Destroy
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