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Glaube mir, unter .Net willst du kein Delphi benutzen.

Ich will das nicht weiter dokumentieren, aber auf "Nicht-Wissen", oder "Nicht Verstanden haben" basierende Gerüchte und Behauptungen und nicht technische Mängel, waren schon immer das, was Delphi gegenüber anderen Tools ungerechtfertigterweise zurückgeworfen hat. Hören wir mal, wie andere das beurteilen:

Zitat von
Peter Morris of Air Software Ltd, Delphi 2005 beta tester:
"After writing apps with Bold for a couple of years I couldn't ever see myself writing a Windows app without it. Now ECO2 has come along and it's a ... cracking tool, I can see myself giving up
Win32 development altogether and going 100% .NET. Imagine if I ever had to start using Visual Studio...I can tell you, writing the app in 3 tiers manually is a lot of repetitive work, and it is boring too. It takes ages, and then has nowhere near the features you have with ECO2. After getting used to the speed + power of ECO2 I
couldn't see anyone wanting to move to Visual Studio"

Zitat von
Mark Driver, vice president of research at Gartner, Inc., IBM, Borland Upgrade Developer Tools, Computerworld:
"Companies that find themselves supporting application development efforts in both camps [Java and .NET] may find value in Borland's suite for consistency, consolidation and integration where they would not find this from either Microsoft or IBM Rational. Borland is one of the very few pure tools vendors of any serious size left in the industry, (and) they have to play both sides of the fence. Borland is more aggressive than either Microsoft or IBM in providing connectivity solutions from one platform to the other."

Zitat von
Mark Driver, vice president of research at Gartner, Inc.:
"Development teams are looking for tools and platforms that will not only make their lives easier, but are also robust and flexible enough to accommodate changing business requirements. The ability to accelerate development, improve communication and productivity and provide control over the application lifecycle offers great benefits, whether you're a 1000-person development organization or a small five-person team."
Microsoft .NET Awards for Borland Products
Together Edition for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET was voted by users as the best “Modeling Tool” by MSD2D.com in the Third Annual People’s Choice Awards, a yearly award recognizing the best products and companies in the .NET industry.
A MSD2D People’s Choice Award was also given to
Borland Delphi® as the “
Best IDE/Editor.”
Delphi was voted “Best of Show” in the Developer Tools category at this year’s annual TechEd Europe.
Damit klar ist, um wen es da geht:
Delphi was also recognized by readers of Web Services Journal as a finalist for the
“Best GUI for a Web Services Product” competition. The product was nominated for its
intuitive interface and rapid creation of industry standard Web services.
Visual Studio Magazine awarded Borland C#Builder™ (now a personality within Borland Delphi 2005) as “Best Development Tool” earlier this year.
Und das ist nur die Spitze des Eisbergs.
Noch Fragen?
Vielleicht ist das ja auch eine Antwort zum Thread:
Ist Delphi alltagstauglich