Thema: Prism ServicePacks für .Net

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Ort: Unterhaching
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Delphi 12 Athens

Re: ServicePacks für .Net

  Alt 16. Nov 2004, 09:16
Hier mal kurz ein akutelles Statement von Allen Bauer zum Thema Update. Glücklicher macht es die Situation natürlich nicht, aber vielleicht verständlicher.

Allen Bauer, 15.11.2004; borland.public.delphi.non-technical, NET SP1 issue fixed?
There is a very good reason for this. During the development of D2005, the .NET 1.1 SP1 issue came up. We were in full swing development and that train was moving at a very good clip. It was determined that we would fix D2005 internally first since that was the focus of all our efforts at the time. This way we could get the full weight of our QA staff and field-testers to immediately test the fix in the D2005 codebase. We would then take that fix and "back-port" it to D8 and release it shortly after RTM'ing D2005. So, now we can be very sure that the fix to D8 will be stable and not potentially introduce other problems. This is happening now.

Daniel Lizbeth
Ich bin nicht zurück, ich tue nur so
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