Yes, indeed my German is not that good. If you read the source above you can even discover where I'm coming from... Beside this, I see the power of these kind of Forums (where you don't have to pay!) and I think a lot of (Delphi) people all over the world will find on delphipraxis.net the answer on their questions (be Google
Delphi Lover Outlook friendly!) Especially if the database will grow and grow the coming years. I think they will be very happy if the language is in English. Also all my sources I write are in English. I forced myself to do so, because the IT world is very international and for other programmers it is very difficult to read if sources (variables/comments) are in not English language. Also if you are a professional developer then a lot of other programmers have to work with your sources and companies nowadays take employees from all over the world.
Greets and keep this GREAT
Formum alive!
Delphi Lover.