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Benutzerbild von fiasko

Registriert seit: 10. Dez 2002
Ort: Dresden
506 Beiträge

Could not obtain topic information

  Alt 24. Okt 2004, 16:39

wollte mir gerade Seite 3 (von 3) der Beiträge in den letzten 24 Stunden anschauen, und bekomme einen allgemeinen Fehler:

Could not obtain topic information


SQL Error : 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax near ')) AND (f.forum_id = t.forum_id) AND (t.topic_first_post_id = pFirst.pos' at line 8

SELECT t.*, t.topic_poster as user_id, uFirst.username as uNameFirst, uFirst.user_id as uUserIDFirst, uLast.username as uNameLast, uLast.user_id as uUserIDLast, pFirst.post_username AS pNameFirst, pFirst.poster_id AS pUserIDFirst, pLast.post_username AS pNameLast, pLast.poster_id AS pUserIDLast, pLast.post_time as pLastPostTime, f.forum_id, f.forum_name, f.forum_opentopic_allowed FROM phpbb_delphitopics t, phpbb_delphiforums f, phpbb_delphiposts pFirst, phpbb_delphiposts pLast, phpbb_delphiusers uFirst, phpbb_delphiusers uLast WHERE (t.topic_id IN ()) AND (f.forum_id = t.forum_id) AND (t.topic_first_post_id = pFirst.post_id) AND (t.topic_last_post_id = pLast.post_id) AND (pFirst.poster_id = uFirst.user_id) AND (pLast.poster_id = uLast.user_id) ORDER BY t.topic_last_post_id DESC

Line : 239
File : /www/htdocs/dpnethq/latest.php
der Fehler liegt soweit ich das sehe bei der leeren Menge (t.topic_id IN ()).
Thomas Liske
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