Threads is a read-only TThreadList property that acts as a container for TIdPeerThread items created in the listener thread.
Sagt die Hilfe...
Aber ich kann dadurch auf kein Thread zugeifen und schon gar nicht ihm einen Befehl geben...
So dann weiteres laut
Specifies that the server is running and listening for connections.
property Active: Boolean;
Active is a
Boolean property that indicates the current state of the
When Active is
True, the server will
listen for client connections, allocate threads and
socket handles for connections, and respond to thread execution in the manner prescribed by the
TIdTCPServer or descendant. When Active is
False, connections and
socket handles will be closed, peer threads will be terminated and freed, the thread manager will be released, and the listener thread will be terminated and freed.
Active uses the protected write procedure SetActive to implement changes in the value of the property.
Und warum gibts dann Probleme wenn der das alles macht, wenn ich es auf False setze?
Ich versteh das net...
Hat jemand Rat?