Thema: Delphi Frage zu Ordner kopieren

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Benutzerbild von Henry

Registriert seit: 7. Okt 2003
Ort: Berlin
120 Beiträge
Delphi 6 Professional

Re: Frage zu Ordner kopieren

  Alt 20. Okt 2004, 02:43

ich habe mir gerade mal in der SDK die möglichen Parameter für fFlags herausgesucht. Leider ist keiner dabei der mir so erscheint das er mein Problem lösen könnte.

Zitat von SDK for WindowsXP SP2:
Flags that control the file operation. This member can take a combination of the following flags.
Preserve undo information, if possible. Operations can be undone only from the same process that performed the original operation. If pFrom does not contain fully qualified path and file names, this flag is ignored.
Not used.
Perform the operation on files only if a wildcard file name (*.*) is specified.
The pTo member specifies multiple destination files (one for each source file) rather than one directory where all source files are to be deposited.
Respond with "Yes to All" for any dialog box that is displayed.
Do not confirm the creation of a new directory if the operation requires one to be created.
Version 5.0. Do not move connected files as a group. Only move the specified files.
Version 4.71. Do not copy the security attributes of the file.
Do not display a user interface if an error occurs.
Only operate in the local directory. Don't operate recursively into subdirectories.
Treat reparse points as objects, not containers. You must set _WIN32_WINNT to 5.01 or later to use this flag. See Shell and Common Controls Versions for further discussion of versioning.
Give the file being operated on a new name in a move, copy, or rename operation if a file with the target name already exists.
Do not display a progress dialog box.
Display a progress dialog box but do not show the file names.
If FOF_RENAMEONCOLLISION is specified and any files were renamed, assign a name mapping object containing their old and new names to the hNameMappings member.
Version 5.0. Send a warning if a file is being destroyed during a delete operation rather than recycled. This flag partially overrides FOF_NOCONFIRMATION.
Ich bräuchte aber unbedingt eine Möglichkeit ein Verzeichnis mit allen Unterordnern zu kopieren.
Gibt es noch eine Möglichkeit wie man Verzeichnisse kopieren kann?

Danke schon einmal
mfG Henry
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