@AJ_Oldendorf, there is so much can be written about this, yet don't know where to start, so i will start with what thoughts come to mind (logically ordered or not)
1) You said a lot of data between 20 and 80 packet, ( assuming packet and telegram are the same with in the translation !), see i wrote many servers and they are tested and running in real production, working with more than 400k packet per second saturating almost %50 of the 2.5Gbps connection, yet the CPU never goes above %6, some of traffic is done on
MySQL, simple insert and delete but mostly update,
so can
TCP solve you need ?, absolutely yes.
2) In older thread you tried to get the MTU and its 1500b effect on the speed, before you go that way, i suggest lets fix you problem by understanding it, which i will try below, but going after low level is white rabbit hole, as yes it is 1500 most the time, yet it will never be like that as this is isolated by the network adapter/driver, and every
OS has many option/setting that will affect this behavior, yet it will stay 1500, but you user mode software will
handle it differently, i suggest to not care about these deep and low level for now, as they are not your problem, forget about tweaking low level stuff for now, don't waste your time while you problem is in different place.
Indy is not slow or slower of any other, all other are exactly like that, the same, all of them will serve you at the same speed, the difference will manifested in aspects you will not need, not in this case/scenario, so no matter what you will use it will serve you well.
4) Once i saw ReadLn and WriteLn, i know for sure this can't perform s***, the server will send line by line and the client will read line by line, this is a huge bottleneck in the code.
5) I see this code
if not IdTCPClient1.IOHandler.InputBufferIsEmpty then
InData := IdTCPClient1.IOHandler.ReadLn(' #~#* ' + EOL, 100, -1, IndyTextEncoding_UTF8);
if InData <> '' then
//do something with it
end ;
end ;
and i know for sure this can't be perform (like 4), mixing lines with process in place, you can do this only if you send data very rarely, here you combined most worse approaches in one loop.
What is happening here ? let me give you an example how these act as sticks in wheel:
1) Server send line after line, here Nagle (if enabled) will matter, but in not much as will see below.
2) Client notified to receive
3) Client Read One Single Line, in most and slowest possible way, that
handle char by char.
4) Client proceed to process One Single Line.
5) When client extracted one line from the received buffer .. well this part is important, the extraction happened in a buffer in user space owned by you own process because you received it, it could be one line or more than one, it could be one or more MTU splitting many lines, well this fact is not important as the important part is what is happening on the network at this exact moment, when you application issued read line for the first time, read all what it could from the network using
API like recv,
Indy with ReadLn will only process and grab from the network new recv if there is no new lines in the already received and memory loaded buffers, so in other words and shorter way...
When you are handling line by line the network buffers could be filled from the peer (server here) and this will trigger stop sending ACK, so the server will stop sending lines/buffers, your application
handle more and more lines and then request one buffer no matter how much in size, it will read from the network driver/provider..., triggering sending an ACK to server server will send one and wait new ACK, and you client server now locked in very slow recv-process-request, extremely slow.
1) start with removing WriteLn/ReadLn with something useful and performant, in fact, any other method is faster.
2) Send the data in bulk as much as you can.
3) Read as much as you can on each and every read from the socket, provide a buffer lets say 16kb buffer perform read for 16kb or 64kb, even 8kb will be fast enough as it is default for most applications, the point is when read is needed read what you can and as much as you can, not as much you need.
4) Try ICS may be you will like it, there is an obsession with old and outdated practices like this case with readln/writeln, heck.. i was shocked that TFile is still used by many, it is slow as turtle, use modern practices.
5) I saw another code above like this one by mjustin
while not Terminated do
if Send then
// send request to server and receive response
Send := False;
Request := ' REQ: ' + FClientRequestHolder.Text;
Response := TCPClient.IOHandler.ReadLn(IndyTextEncoding_UTF8);
until Response <> '';
LogInMainThread(Request, Response);
// receive request from server and send response
Request := TCPClient.IOHandler.ReadLn(IndyTextEncoding_UTF8);
if StartsStr(' REQ: ', Request) then
Response := ' from client ' + ReverseString(Request);
end ;
end ;
end ;
Will comment on that one line "LogInMainThread(Request, Response);" what do you think the network stream behavior will be while the application is synchronizing with main thread, i explained above, it trigger full stop send on server, depleted socket window for this socket and many others, lost the sending momentum that build up with
TCP between peers(unlike UDP which start with maximum), this behavior you see when downloading huge files, the first few seconds the speed is low then gradually build up to saturate the allowed bandwidth, as the server start to send more and more without waiting for ACK.
Hope that helps.