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ImageEn v14.0.0 released with 64bit IDE support, code optimizations, SVG features and

Ein Thema von DP News-Robot · begonnen am 21. Mär 2025
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ImageEn v14.0.0 released with 64bit IDE support, code optimizations, SVG features and

  Alt 21. Mär 2025, 01:51
We have now released ImageEn, v14.0.0, the latest update to our image editing and display library for Delphi/C++Builder This update is free if you purchased a license or extension after 21 March 2024:

Other users can extend their registration for 12 months at:

Note: The installer now includes all plug-ins, you do not need to download them separately

<h3 style="text-align: left;">Top Fifteen Enhancements in ImageEn v14.0.0</h3>

1. ImageEn support for Delphi 12.3 64bit IDE

2. Significant code optimization, including TImageEnVect code no longer embedded when compiling (unless used), saving 450KB from all your EXEs

3. Layer objects can be used with the PDF Viewer and added to PDF pages

4. TImageEnProc.RemoveIsolatedPixels now allows you to clean up full color images

5. New zoom hover button for TImageEnView

6. Vectorizing of raster images (like PNG) to SVG

7. Many layer improvements including free rotation of Polyline layers with complex paths (e.g. bezier curves), GDI+ anti-aliasing for shape layers, and new end shapes for line layers

8. Many keyboard improvements for TImageEnView including a new KeyInteract property to handle all options, and new shortcuts: Zoom In, Zoom Out, Reset Zoom, Show Rulers, Undo and Redo

9. When multiple layers are scaled together, their positions are also scaled to maintain the overall look

10. TImageEnMView popup menu now includes a full-size image preview with navigation

11. Any ImageEn shape can now be used for layer and selection grips for TImageEnView and TIEColorCurve, e.g. stars and diamonds

12. Better memory handling for TIFF files with tiles or very large meta-data blocks. Also, ResetInfo() will now clear any large Photoshop meta-data blocks

13. New TIEAcquireParams properties: StandardSize, AcquireCount, AutoDeskew, XScaling and YScaling

14. Dynamic sizing of cached Layers for better performance at high zoom levels

15. Objects in PDF pages can now be arranged (i.e. change of z-order)

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