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Registriert seit: 7. Okt 2008 Ort: CH-Baar 56 Beiträge Delphi 11 Alexandria |
I propose now to introduce a new class abstract class TPadding and a derived class TPKCS7Padding with the following 3 methods:
These classes will be implemented in the DECCipherBase unit and can also be used in the future for asymmetric encryption algorithms, if someone is able to implement a modern algorithm post quantum allgorithm.
class function AddPadding(const Data: TBytes; BlockSize: integer): TBytes; override;
class function HasValidPadding(const Data: TBytes; BlockSize: integer): boolean; override; class function RemovePadding(const Data: TBytes; BlockSize: integer): TBytes; override;
Christoph Schneider
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Registriert seit: 28. Feb 2016 Ort: Nordost Baden-Württemberg 3.020 Beiträge Delphi 12 Athens |
happy new year to all! The proposed abstract class has been implemented meanwhile and our little joint venture refactored it out into a separate unit now, to help keeping a good overview. This also means everybody is invited to add further padding algorithms, especially if they're standardized ![]() I hope this is as requested now and the only things missing are the documentation and some unit tests. The former is already being worked on btw. ![]() Cheers TurboMagic
TurboMagic |
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Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2023 386 Beiträge |
Well, here my thought on how this can be, and sorry again it is here.
@TurboMagic , you are the maintainer so it is up to you for naming and length limiting, the limit i mentioned in earlier posts, for me the whole padding scheme is critical, well when it is critical, see the point of using padding is to protect the data integrity, and the code below does that, only it is relaxed for its usage (a little) also from ![]() ![]() If used in an unauthenticated scheme, the bytes should be checked for correctness, since some attacker advantage could be achieved through their manipulation. Verification is done with bitwise OR against those bytes, which then must either equal 0x00 for ANSI or the length byte for PKCS#7 padding.
Both only support up to 255 bytes of padding.
Simple Project to use with that
The DEC team (see file NOTICE.txt) licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of this licence is found in the root directory of this project in the file LICENCE.txt or alternatively at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. *****************************************************************************} unit DECCipherPaddings; {$INCLUDE DECOptions.inc} interface uses {$IFDEF FPC} SysUtils, {$ELSE} System.SysUtils, {$ENDIF} DECRandom, DECTypes; type /// <summary> /// Base class for implementing block padding algorithms. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// Padding algorithms are used to fill data to a specific block size when the /// data length is not an integer multiple of the block size. /// This abstract class defines the basic interfaces for adding, validating, /// and removing padding. /// </remarks> TDECPadding = class abstract protected class procedure DoPadding(var Data : TBytes; Start : Integer); virtual; abstract; public /// <summary> /// Adds padding to the specified data to align it with the given block size. /// </summary> /// <param name="Data"> /// The data to be padded. /// </param> /// <param name="BlockSize"> /// The block size to align the data with. /// </param> /// <returns> /// The padded data. /// </returns> /// <remarks> /// The specific method of padding depends on the implementation of the subclass. /// </remarks> class function AddPadding(const Data : TBytes; BlockSize : Integer; MinLength : Integer = 0): TBytes; overload; virtual; abstract; // <summary> /// Adds PKCS#7 padding to a string. /// </summary> /// <param name="data"> /// The string to which padding should be added. /// </param> /// <param name="BlockSize"> /// The block size in byte to align the data with. /// </param> /// <returns> /// A new byte string with PKCS#7 padding applied. /// </returns> /// <remarks> /// PKCS#7 padding, as defined in RFC 5652 (which updates RFC 2315), adds /// bytes to the end of the data so that the total length is a multiple of /// the block size. Each padding byte contains the number of padding bytes /// added. For example, if 5 bytes of padding are needed, each of the 5 /// padding bytes will have the value $5. /// <para> /// Call this method before starting encryption. // </para> /// </remarks> class function AddPadding(const Data : string; BlockSize : Integer; MinLength : Integer = 0): string; overload; virtual; abstract; // <summary> /// Adds PKCS#7 padding to a raw byte string. /// </summary> /// <param name="data"> /// The raw byte string to which padding should be added. /// </param> /// <param name="BlockSize"> /// The block size in byte to align the data with. /// </param> /// <returns> /// A new byte raw byte string with PKCS#7 padding applied. /// </returns> /// <remarks> /// PKCS#7 padding, as defined in RFC 5652 (which updates RFC 2315), adds /// bytes to the end of the data so that the total length is a multiple of /// the block size. Each padding byte contains the number of padding bytes /// added. For example, if 5 bytes of padding are needed, each of the 5 /// padding bytes will have the value $5. /// <para> /// Call this method before starting encryption. /// </para> /// </remarks> class function AddPadding(const Data : RawByteString; BlockSize : Integer; MinLength : Integer = 0): RawByteString; overload; virtual; abstract; /// <summary> /// Checks if the specified data contains valid padding. /// </summary> /// <param name="Data"> /// The data to be checked. /// </param> /// <param name="BlockSize"> /// The expected block size. /// </param> /// <returns> /// True if the padding is valid; otherwise, False. /// </returns> /// <remarks> /// This method is used to ensure the integrity and consistency of the padding. /// </remarks> class function HasValidPadding(const Data : TBytes; BlockSize : Integer = 0): Boolean; virtual; abstract; /// <summary> /// Removes padding from the specified data. /// </summary> /// <param name="Data"> /// The data from which padding will be removed. /// </param> /// <param name="BlockSize"> /// The block size in bytes used for padding. /// </param> /// <returns> /// The original data without padding. /// </returns> /// <remarks> /// This method assumes that the padding has already been validated. /// </remarks> class function RemovePadding(const Data : TBytes; BlockSize : Integer = 0): TBytes; overload; virtual; abstract; // <summary> /// Removes PKCS#7 padding from a raw byte string. /// </summary> /// <param name="data"> /// The padded byte raw byte string. /// </param> /// <param name="BlockSize"> /// The block size in bytes used for padding. /// </param> /// <returns> /// A new raw byte string with the padding removed. Raises an exception /// if the padding is invalid. /// </returns> /// <exception cref="EDECCipherException"> /// Raised if the padding is invalid or missing. /// </exception> /// <remarks> /// This function checks for valid PKCS#7 padding and raises an /// `EDECCipherException` exception if the padding is incorrect. This /// includes cases where the final bytes do not match the pad count or if /// the pad count is greater than the block size. /// <para> /// Call this method after decryption. /// </para> /// </remarks> class function RemovePadding(const Data : RawByteString; BlockSize : Integer = 0): RawByteString; overload; virtual; abstract; // <summary> /// Removes PKCS#7 padding from a string. /// </summary> /// <param name="data"> /// The padded byte raw byte string. /// </param> /// <param name="BlockSize"> /// The block size in bytes used for padding. /// </param> /// <returns> /// A new raw byte string with the padding removed. Raises an exception /// if the padding is invalid. /// </returns> /// <exception cref="EDECCipherException"> /// Raised if the padding is invalid or missing. /// </exception> /// <remarks> /// This function checks for valid PKCS#7 padding and raises an /// `EDECCipherException` exception if the padding is incorrect. This /// includes cases where the final bytes do not match the pad count or if /// the pad count is greater than the block size. /// <para> /// Call this method after decryption. /// </para> /// </remarks> class function RemovePadding(const Data : string; BlockSize : Integer = 0): string; overload; virtual; abstract; end; TDECPaddingCommon = class(TDECPadding) protected class function CalculatePaddingLength(DataLength : Integer ; BlockSize: Integer; MinLength: Integer = 0): Integer; public class function AddPadding(const Data: string; BlockSize: Integer; MinLength : Integer = 0): string; override; class function AddPadding(const Data : RawByteString; BlockSize : Integer; MinLength : Integer = 0): RawByteString; override; class function RemovePadding(const Data : string; BlockSize : Integer = 0): string; override; class function RemovePadding(const Data : RawByteString; BlockSize : Integer = 0): RawByteString; override; end; /// <summary> /// Implementation of the PKCS7 padding algorithm. /// </summary> /// <remarks> /// PKCS7 padding is a standard algorithm used in symmetric cryptosystems like AES. /// It appends the number of padding bytes as the value of the padding itself. /// </remarks> TDECPKCS7Padding = class(TDECPaddingCommon) protected class procedure DoPadding(var Data : TBytes; Start : Integer); reintroduce; virtual; public /// <summary> /// Adds PKCS7 padding to the specified data. /// </summary> /// <param name="Data"> /// The data to be padded. /// </param> /// <param name="BlockSize"> /// The block size in byte to align the data with. /// </param> /// <returns> /// The padded data following the PKCS7 algorithm. /// </returns> class function AddPadding(const Data: TBytes; BlockSize: Integer; MinLength: Integer = 0): TBytes; override; /// <summary> /// Checks if the specified data contains valid padding. /// </summary> /// <param name="Data"> /// The data to be checked. /// </param> /// <param name="BlockSize"> /// The expected block size. /// </param> /// <returns> /// True if the padding is valid; otherwise, False. /// </returns> /// <remarks> /// This method is used to ensure the integrity and consistency of the padding. /// </remarks> class function HasValidPadding(const Data : TBytes; BlockSize : Integer = 0): Boolean; override; /// <summary> /// Removes PKCS7 padding from the specified data. /// </summary> /// <param name="Data"> /// The data from which padding will be removed. /// </param> /// <param name="BlockSize"> /// The block size used for padding. /// </param> /// <exception cref="EDECCipherException"> /// Raised if the padding is invalid or missing. /// </exception> /// <returns> /// The original data without padding. /// </returns> class function RemovePadding(const Data : TBytes; BlockSize : Integer = 0): TBytes; override; end; TDECPKCS5Padding = class(TDECPaddingCommon) protected class procedure DoPadding(var Data : TBytes; Start : Integer); reintroduce; virtual; public class function AddPadding(const Data: TBytes; BlockSize: Integer; MinLength: Integer = 0): TBytes; override; class function HasValidPadding(const Data : TBytes; BlockSize : Integer = 0): Boolean; override; class function RemovePadding(const Data : TBytes; BlockSize : Integer = 0): TBytes; override; end; // https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/linux-on-systems?topic=processes-ansi-x923-cipher-block-chaining // https://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/61689/what-is-ansi-x-923-padding-standard // Doesn't need specific fill for padding (like random, 0, or soecific value) but limited to block size of 8 TDECANSIX923Padding = class(TDECPaddingCommon) protected class procedure DoPadding(var Data : TBytes; Start : Integer); reintroduce; virtual; public class function AddPadding(const Data: TBytes; BlockSize: Integer; MinLength: Integer = 0): TBytes; override; class function HasValidPadding(const Data : TBytes; BlockSize : Integer = 0): Boolean; override; class function RemovePadding(const Data : TBytes; BlockSize : Integer = 0): TBytes; override; end; // both are limited to 8 bytes in their original references so both should not be used with AES or any modern standard // but many modern uses and implementation remove this limitiation // for Ansi X9.23 random fill used here, but in many implmentation it is zero, while ISO 10126 is random fill TDECISO10126Padding = class(TDECPaddingCommon) protected class procedure DoPadding(var Data : TBytes; Start : Integer); reintroduce; virtual; public class function AddPadding(const Data: TBytes; BlockSize: Integer; MinLength: Integer = 0): TBytes; override; class function HasValidPadding(const Data : TBytes; BlockSize : Integer = 0): Boolean; override; class function RemovePadding(const Data : TBytes; BlockSize : Integer = 0): TBytes; override; end; TDECISO7816Padding = class(TDECPaddingCommon) protected class procedure DoPadding(var Data : TBytes; Start : Integer); reintroduce; virtual; public class function AddPadding(const Data: TBytes; BlockSize: Integer; MinLength: Integer = 0): TBytes; override; class function HasValidPadding(const Data : TBytes; BlockSize : Integer = 0): Boolean; override; class function RemovePadding(const Data : TBytes; BlockSize : Integer = 0): TBytes; override; end; TDECOneZeroesPadding = TDECISO7816Padding; // W3C padding mainly used in XML encryption // https://www.w3.org/TR/xmlenc-core1/#sec-Padding // It require arbitrary fill (can be random), so we can use our ISO 10126 TDECW3CPadding = TDECISO10126Padding; // additional resources // https://www.cryptosys.net/pki/manpki/pki_paddingschemes.html // https://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/31372/what-are-the-relative-merits-of-padding-algorithms-pkcs7-iso7816-and-x923 implementation uses DECUtil; { TPaddingCommon } class function TDECPaddingCommon.CalculatePaddingLength(DataLength, BlockSize, MinLength: Integer): Integer; begin if (MinLength < 0) or (DataLength < 0) or (BlockSize < 0) or (MinLength or BlockSize = 0) then begin Result := -1; end else if MinLength <= DataLength then begin Result := DataLength + BlockSize - (DataLength mod BlockSize); end else begin Result := MinLength; if BlockSize > 0 then Result := Result + BlockSize - ((MinLength - 1) mod BlockSize) - 1; end; end; class function TDECPaddingCommon.AddPadding(const Data: RawByteString; BlockSize, MinLength: Integer): RawByteString; var Buf: TBytes; begin Buf := AddPadding(RawStringToBytes(Data), BlockSize); Result := BytesToRawString(Buf); ProtectBytes(Buf); end; class function TDECPaddingCommon.AddPadding(const Data: string; BlockSize, MinLength: Integer): string; var Buf: TBytes; begin Buf := AddPadding(StringToBytes(Data), BlockSize); Result := BytesToString(Buf); ProtectBytes(Buf); end; class function TDECPaddingCommon.RemovePadding(const Data: RawByteString; BlockSize: Integer = 0): RawByteString; var Buf: TBytes; begin Buf := RemovePadding(RawStringToBytes(Data), BlockSize); Result := BytesToRawString(Buf); ProtectBytes(Buf); end; class function TDECPaddingCommon.RemovePadding(const Data: string; BlockSize: Integer = 0): string; var Buf: TBytes; begin Buf := RemovePadding(StringToBytes(Data), BlockSize); Result := BytesToString(Buf); ProtectBytes(Buf); end; { TPKCS7Padding } class procedure TDECPKCS7Padding.DoPadding(var Data: TBytes; Start: Integer); var I: Integer; PadByte: Byte; begin PadByte := Length(Data) - Start; if PadByte < 1 then raise EDECCipherException.Create('Invalid PKCS#7 Padding operation'); for I := Start to High(Data) do Data[I] := PadByte; end; class function TDECPKCS7Padding.AddPadding(const Data: TBytes; BlockSize: Integer; MinLength: Integer = 0): TBytes; var ResLength: Integer; begin ResLength := CalculatePaddingLength(Length(Data), BlockSize, MinLength); if (ResLength < 0) or (ResLength - Length(Data) > 255) then raise EDECCipherException.Create('Invalid PKCS#7 Padding operation'); SetLength(Result, ResLength); if Length(Data) > 0 then Move(Data[0], Result[0], Length(Data)); DoPadding(Result, Length(Data)); end; class function TDECPKCS7Padding.HasValidPadding(const Data: TBytes; BlockSize: integer = 0): boolean; var PadLength: Integer; I: Integer; begin Result := False; if (Length(Data) = 0) or ((BlockSize > 0) and (Length(Data) mod BlockSize <> 0)) then exit; PadLength := Data[High(Data)]; for I := Length(Data) - PadLength to High(Data) do if Data[I] <> PadLength then exit; Result := True; end; class function TDECPKCS7Padding.RemovePadding(const Data: TBytes; BlockSize: integer = 0): TBytes; var PadLength: Integer; begin if not HasValidPadding(Data, BlockSize) then raise EDECCipherException.Create('Invalid PKCS#7 padding'); PadLength := Data[High(Data)]; SetLength(Result, Length(Data) - PadLength); if length(Result) > 0 then Move(Data[0], Result[0], Length(Result)); end; { TDECPKCS5Padding } class procedure TDECPKCS5Padding.DoPadding(var Data: TBytes; Start: Integer); var I: Integer; PadByte: Byte; begin PadByte := Length(Data) - Start; // limiting PadByte to less 8 is the correct form , but its usage is really outdated, by removing this // but by removing the limit we almost have the PKCS7, which should be used instead if (PadByte < 1) {or (PadByte>8)} then raise EDECCipherException.Create('Invalid PKCS#5 Padding operation'); for I := Start to High(Data) do Data[I] := PadByte; end; class function TDECPKCS5Padding.AddPadding(const Data: TBytes; BlockSize, MinLength: Integer): TBytes; var ResLength: Integer; begin ResLength := CalculatePaddingLength(Length(Data), BlockSize, MinLength); if (ResLength < 0) or (ResLength - Length(Data) > 255) then raise EDECCipherException.Create('Invalid PKCS#5 Padding operation'); SetLength(Result, ResLength); if Length(Data) > 0 then Move(Data[0], Result[0], Length(Data)); DoPadding(Result, Length(Data)); end; class function TDECPKCS5Padding.HasValidPadding(const Data: TBytes; BlockSize: Integer): Boolean; var PadLength: Integer; I: Integer; begin Result := False; if (Length(Data) = 0) or ((BlockSize > 0) and (Length(Data) mod BlockSize <> 0)) then exit; PadLength := Data[High(Data)]; if PadLength > 8 then // PKCS5 is outdated and limited to 8 bytes Exit; for I := Length(Data) - PadLength to High(Data) do if Data[I] <> PadLength then exit; Result := True; end; class function TDECPKCS5Padding.RemovePadding(const Data: TBytes; BlockSize: Integer): TBytes; var PadLength: Integer; begin if not HasValidPadding(Data, BlockSize) then raise EDECCipherException.Create('Invalid PKCS#5 padding'); PadLength := Data[High(Data)]; SetLength(Result, Length(Data) - PadLength); if length(Result) > 0 then Move(Data[0], Result[0], Length(Result)); end; { TANSIX923Padding } class procedure TDECANSIX923Padding.DoPadding(var Data: TBytes; Start: Integer); var PadByte: Byte; begin PadByte := Length(Data) - Start; if PadByte < 1 then raise EDECCipherException.Create('Invalid ANSI X9.23 Padding operation'); //RandomBuffer(Data[Start], PadByte); // comment for zero fill Data[High(Data)] := PadByte; end; class function TDECANSIX923Padding.AddPadding(const Data: TBytes; BlockSize, MinLength: Integer): TBytes; var ResLength: Integer; begin {if (BlockSize <> 8) and (MinLength mod 8 <> 0)and ((Length(Data)-MinLength) >= 8) then // for limiting the length to one block of 8 bytes raise EDECCipherException.Create('Invalid ANSI X9.23 Padding operation'); } ResLength := CalculatePaddingLength(Length(Data), BlockSize, MinLength); if (ResLength < 0) or (ResLength - Length(Data) > 255) then raise EDECCipherException.Create('Invalid ANSI X9.23 Padding operation'); SetLength(Result, ResLength); if Length(Data) > 0 then Move(Data[0], Result[0], Length(Data)); DoPadding(Result, Length(Data)); end; class function TDECANSIX923Padding.HasValidPadding(const Data: TBytes; BlockSize: Integer): Boolean; var PadLength: Integer; begin Result := False; {if (Length(Data) = 0) or ((BlockSize <> 8)and (BlockSize<>0) and (Length(Data) mod BlockSize <> 0)) then // for limiting the length to one block of 8 bytes exit; } if (Length(Data) = 0) or ((BlockSize > 0) and (Length(Data) mod BlockSize <> 0)) then exit; PadLength := Data[High(Data)]; {if PadLength > 8 then // for limiting the length to one block of 8 bytes Exit;} if PadLength > Length(Data) then Exit; Result := True; end; class function TDECANSIX923Padding.RemovePadding(const Data: TBytes; BlockSize: Integer): TBytes; var PadLength: Integer; begin if not HasValidPadding(Data, BlockSize) then raise EDECCipherException.Create('Invalid ANSI X9.23 padding'); PadLength := Data[High(Data)]; SetLength(Result, Length(Data) - PadLength); if length(Result) > 0 then Move(Data[0], Result[0], Length(Result)); end; { TDECISO10126Padding } class procedure TDECISO10126Padding.DoPadding(var Data: TBytes; Start: Integer); var PadByte: Byte; begin PadByte := Length(Data) - Start; if PadByte < 1 then raise EDECCipherException.Create('Invalid ISO 10126 Padding operation'); RandomBuffer(Data[Start], PadByte); Data[High(Data)] := PadByte; end; class function TDECISO10126Padding.AddPadding(const Data: TBytes; BlockSize, MinLength: Integer): TBytes; var ResLength: Integer; begin ResLength := CalculatePaddingLength(Length(Data), BlockSize, MinLength); if (ResLength < 0) or (ResLength - Length(Data) > 255) then raise EDECCipherException.Create('Invalid ISO 10126 Padding operation'); SetLength(Result, ResLength); if Length(Data) > 0 then Move(Data[0], Result[0], Length(Data)); DoPadding(Result, Length(Data)); end; class function TDECISO10126Padding.HasValidPadding(const Data: TBytes; BlockSize: Integer): Boolean; var PadLength: Integer; begin Result := False; if (Length(Data) = 0) or ((BlockSize > 0) and (Length(Data) mod BlockSize <> 0)) then exit; PadLength := Data[High(Data)]; if PadLength > Length(Data) then Exit; Result := True; end; class function TDECISO10126Padding.RemovePadding(const Data: TBytes; BlockSize: Integer): TBytes; var PadLength: Integer; begin if not HasValidPadding(Data, BlockSize) then raise EDECCipherException.Create('Invalid ISO 10126 padding'); PadLength := Data[High(Data)]; SetLength(Result, Length(Data) - PadLength); if length(Result) > 0 then Move(Data[0], Result[0], Length(Result)); end; { TDECISO7816Padding } class procedure TDECISO7816Padding.DoPadding(var Data: TBytes; Start: Integer); begin Data[Start] := $80; // first bit is one followed by zeros; end; class function TDECISO7816Padding.AddPadding(const Data: TBytes; BlockSize, MinLength: Integer): TBytes; var ResLength: Integer; begin ResLength := CalculatePaddingLength(Length(Data), BlockSize, MinLength); if (ResLength < 0) then raise EDECCipherException.Create('Invalid ISO 7816 Padding operation'); SetLength(Result, ResLength); if Length(Data) > 0 then Move(Data[0], Result[0], Length(Data)); DoPadding(Result, Length(Data)); end; class function TDECISO7816Padding.HasValidPadding(const Data: TBytes; BlockSize: Integer): Boolean; var I: Integer; begin Result := False; if (Length(Data) = 0) or ((BlockSize > 0) and (Length(Data) mod BlockSize <> 0)) then exit; I := High(Data); while I > 0 do if Data[I] <> 00 then Break else Dec(I); if Data[I] <> $80 then Exit; Result := True; end; class function TDECISO7816Padding.RemovePadding(const Data: TBytes; BlockSize: Integer): TBytes; var I: Integer; begin if (Length(Data) = 0) or ((BlockSize > 0) and (Length(Data) mod BlockSize <> 0)) then raise EDECCipherException.Create('Invalid ISO 7816 padding'); I := High(Data); while I > 0 do if Data[I] <> 00 then Break else Dec(I); if (Data[I] <> $80) then raise EDECCipherException.Create('Invalid ISO 7816 padding'); SetLength(Result, I); if length(Result) > 0 then Move(Data[0], Result[0], Length(Result)); end; end.
Some parts of the output
program DECPadding;
{$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {$R *.res} uses System.SysUtils, DECCipherPaddings, DECFormat, DECUtil; type TLocalPadding = type of TDECPadding; procedure TestPadding(PaddingClass: TLocalPadding; const Data: TBytes; BlockSize: Integer; MinLength: Integer = 0); var Padded, UnPadded: TBytes; begin Padded := PaddingClass.AddPadding(Data, BlockSize, MinLength); Writeln('Data: '#9 + IntToStr(Length(Data)) + #9' _ ' + StringOf(TFormat_HEX.Encode(Data))); Write('Padded:'#9 + IntToStr(Length(Padded)) + #9' _ ' + StringOf(TFormat_HEX.Encode(Padded))); //if not PaddingClass.HasValidPadding(Padded,16) then // some values should fail for TPKCS7Padding .... if not PaddingClass.HasValidPadding(Padded) then begin Writeln(' _ Couldn''t validate !!!!'); Exit; end; //UnPadded := PaddingClass.RemovePadding(Padded, 7); // should raise exception for TPKCS7Padding .. //UnPadded := PaddingClass.RemovePadding(Padded, 16); // should raise exception for TPKCS7Padding .. UnPadded := PaddingClass.RemovePadding(Padded); if not IsEqual(Data, UnPadded) then Writeln(' _ Wrong Padding !!!!') else Writeln(' _ OK'); end; procedure TestMultiPadding(PaddingClass: TLocalPadding); var Data: TBytes; I, J: Integer; begin Writeln(#13#10 + PaddingClass.ClassName); for I := 0 to 35 do begin SetLength(Data, I); for J := Low(Data) to High(Data) do Data[J] := J + 55; TestPadding(PaddingClass, Data, 8); end; for I := 0 to 67 do begin SetLength(Data, I); for J := Low(Data) to High(Data) do Data[J] := 255 - J; //J + 55; TestPadding(PaddingClass, Data, 8, 64); end; Data := BytesOf('Test!'); TestPadding(PaddingClass, Data, 16); TestPadding(PaddingClass, Data, 0, 23); Data := BytesOf('Longer Test !_1234567890'); TestPadding(PaddingClass, Data, 16, 48); TestPadding(PaddingClass, Data, 0, 128); end; procedure TestPKCS7Padding; begin TestPadding(TDECANSIX923Padding, BytesOf('Test!'), 16, 48); TestPadding(TDECISO7816Padding, BytesOf('Test!'), 0, 512); TestMultiPadding(TDECPKCS7Padding); TestMultiPadding(TDECPKCS5Padding); TestMultiPadding(TDECANSIX923Padding); TestMultiPadding(TDECISO10126Padding); TestMultiPadding(TDECISO7816Padding); //TestMultiPadding(TDECW3CPadding); end; begin try TestPKCS7Padding; except on E: Exception do Writeln(#13#10'Exception: ' + E.Message); end; Writeln('Done!'); Readln; end.
Notes : i added TPaddingCommon as middle layer and i am not fan of it, yet i don't want to break your own abstraction or roles, so it is up to you to keep it or expand it into the inherited or move it to the base.
Data: 5 _ 5465737421
Padded: 48 _ 54657374210000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002B _ OK Data: 5 _ 5465737421 Padded: 512 _ 54657374218000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000...... ... TDECPKCS7Padding Data: 0 _ Padded: 8 _ 0808080808080808 _ OK Data: 1 _ 37 Padded: 8 _ 3707070707070707 _ OK Data: 2 _ 3738 Padded: 8 _ 3738060606060606 _ OK Data: 3 _ 373839 Padded: 8 _ 3738390505050505 _ OK Data: 4 _ 3738393A Padded: 8 _ 3738393A04040404 _ OK Data: 5 _ 3738393A3B Padded: 8 _ 3738393A3B030303 _ OK Data: 6 _ 3738393A3B3C Padded: 8 _ 3738393A3B3C0202 _ OK Data: 7 _ 3738393A3B3C3D Padded: 8 _ 3738393A3B3C3D01 _ OK Data: 8 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E Padded: 16 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E0808080808080808 _ OK Data: 9 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E3F Padded: 16 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E3F07070707070707 _ OK Data: 10 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E3F40 Padded: 16 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E3F40060606060606 _ OK Data: 11 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E3F4041 Padded: 16 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E3F40410505050505 _ OK Data: 12 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E3F404142 Padded: 16 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E3F40414204040404 _ OK Data: 13 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E3F40414243 Padded: 16 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E3F40414243030303 _ OK Data: 14 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E3F4041424344 Padded: 16 _ 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FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEEDECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDDDCDBDAD9D8D7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0CFCECDCCCBCAC9C8C7C6C5C404040404 _ OK Data: 61 _ FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEEDECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDDDCDBDAD9D8D7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0CFCECDCCCBCAC9C8C7C6C5C4C3 Padded: 64 _ FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEEDECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDDDCDBDAD9D8D7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0CFCECDCCCBCAC9C8C7C6C5C4C3030303 _ OK Data: 62 _ FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEEDECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDDDCDBDAD9D8D7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0CFCECDCCCBCAC9C8C7C6C5C4C3C2 Padded: 64 _ FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEEDECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDDDCDBDAD9D8D7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0CFCECDCCCBCAC9C8C7C6C5C4C3C20202 _ OK Data: 63 _ FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEEDECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDDDCDBDAD9D8D7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0CFCECDCCCBCAC9C8C7C6C5C4C3C2C1 Padded: 64 _ FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEEDECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDDDCDBDAD9D8D7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0CFCECDCCCBCAC9C8C7C6C5C4C3C2C101 _ OK Data: 64 _ 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FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEEDECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDDDCDBDAD9D8D7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0CFCECDCCCBCAC9C8C7C6C5C4C3C2C1C0BFBEBD Padded: 72 _ FFFEFDFCFBFAF9F8F7F6F5F4F3F2F1F0EFEEEDECEBEAE9E8E7E6E5E4E3E2E1E0DFDEDDDCDBDAD9D8D7D6D5D4D3D2D1D0CFCECDCCCBCAC9C8C7C6C5C4C3C2C1C0BFBEBD0505050505 _ OK TDECANSIX923Padding Data: 0 _ Padded: 8 _ 0000000000000008 _ OK Data: 1 _ 37 Padded: 8 _ 3700000000000007 _ OK Data: 2 _ 3738 Padded: 8 _ 3738000000000006 _ OK Data: 3 _ 373839 Padded: 8 _ 3738390000000005 _ OK Data: 4 _ 3738393A Padded: 8 _ 3738393A00000004 _ OK Data: 5 _ 3738393A3B Padded: 8 _ 3738393A3B000003 _ OK Data: 6 _ 3738393A3B3C Padded: 8 _ 3738393A3B3C0002 _ OK Data: 7 _ 3738393A3B3C3D Padded: 8 _ 3738393A3B3C3D01 _ OK Data: 8 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E Padded: 16 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E0000000000000008 _ OK Data: 9 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E3F Padded: 16 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E3F00000000000007 _ OK Data: 10 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E3F40 Padded: 16 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E3F40000000000006 _ OK Data: 11 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E3F4041 Padded: 16 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E3F40410000000005 _ OK TDECISO10126Padding Data: 0 _ Padded: 8 _ 4284CDE2A1FCA908 _ OK Data: 1 _ 37 Padded: 8 _ 37F28EE75CE38507 _ OK Data: 2 _ 3738 Padded: 8 _ 3738266443C00406 _ OK Data: 3 _ 373839 Padded: 8 _ 3738392DF1BDEE05 _ OK Data: 4 _ 3738393A Padded: 8 _ 3738393A51EA4C04 _ OK Data: 5 _ 3738393A3B Padded: 8 _ 3738393A3BE17703 _ OK Data: 6 _ 3738393A3B3C Padded: 8 _ 3738393A3B3C9D02 _ OK Data: 7 _ 3738393A3B3C3D Padded: 8 _ 3738393A3B3C3D01 _ OK Data: 8 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E Padded: 16 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E7322A43A816EFE08 _ OK Data: 9 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E3F Padded: 16 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E3F0DD18B7CFC4707 _ OK Data: 10 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E3F40 Padded: 16 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E3F402A8368130E06 _ OK Data: 11 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E3F4041 Padded: 16 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E3F40414185976A05 _ OK TDECISO7816Padding Data: 0 _ Padded: 8 _ 8000000000000000 _ OK Data: 1 _ 37 Padded: 8 _ 3780000000000000 _ OK Data: 2 _ 3738 Padded: 8 _ 3738800000000000 _ OK Data: 3 _ 373839 Padded: 8 _ 3738398000000000 _ OK Data: 4 _ 3738393A Padded: 8 _ 3738393A80000000 _ OK Data: 5 _ 3738393A3B Padded: 8 _ 3738393A3B800000 _ OK Data: 6 _ 3738393A3B3C Padded: 8 _ 3738393A3B3C8000 _ OK Data: 7 _ 3738393A3B3C3D Padded: 8 _ 3738393A3B3C3D80 _ OK Data: 8 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E Padded: 16 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E8000000000000000 _ OK Data: 9 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E3F Padded: 16 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E3F80000000000000 _ OK Data: 10 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E3F40 Padded: 16 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E3F40800000000000 _ OK Data: 11 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E3F4041 Padded: 16 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E3F40418000000000 _ OK Data: 12 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E3F404142 Padded: 16 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E3F40414280000000 _ OK Data: 13 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E3F40414243 Padded: 16 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E3F40414243800000 _ OK Data: 14 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E3F4041424344 Padded: 16 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E3F40414243448000 _ OK Data: 15 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E3F404142434445 Padded: 16 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E3F40414243444580 _ OK Data: 16 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E3F40414243444546 Padded: 24 _ 3738393A3B3C3D3E3F404142434445468000000000000000 _ OK Sorry again for running your code and your help, that help need to be rewritten in case you used the suggested schemes/code. Happy and peaceful new year to everyone !
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Registriert seit: 28. Feb 2016 Ort: Nordost Baden-Württemberg 3.020 Beiträge Delphi 12 Athens |
Phew! Quite a lot! I still need to understand parts of it, but I'm gratefull for
your donation of other paddings! We (Christoph and me) need to have a look at your stuff and try to understand it, then we can make up or minds about whether to take it 1:1 or in a modified variant. This will take a little bit of time. About the test data used in your sample run: do you have any URLs for the srouce of those? I'm asking because I had already learned years ago that some of the test data in DEC (a project which I inherited btw.) was not 100% correct and thus masked 1 or 2 bugs in DEC. I tried to find the original/official test data for the hash algorithms then at least and was only partially successfull. But I "implemented" what I found as original test data.
TurboMagic |
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Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2023 386 Beiträge |
About the test data used in your sample run: do you have any URLs for the srouce
of those? I'm asking because I had already learned years ago that some of the test data in DEC (a project which I inherited btw.) was not 100% correct and thus masked 1 or 2 bugs in DEC. I tried to find the original/official test data for the hash algorithms then at least and was only partially successfull. But I "implemented" what I found as original test data. As for the implementation, it is in the scattered few links in the sources above, well.. along with this too ![]() ISO(s) standards are strictly to paid access, but the description for padding is easy enough to implement. As for test vectors, i have similar when i implement Gimli cipher block ![]() and ended up with 3 versions, one published by the author, and another submitted to NIST competition LightWeight Cryptography ![]() but in second round there was different version of these vectors Here an answer from one of the authors ![]() And the reason was the permutation is the same as it should not be changed, but the difference and the confliction in the last step after perform the rounds and on padding and bit locking, the original was locking different bit, while NIST prefer their own bit locking and here how it look like
So i think your problem is something similar to this bit locking, SHA1 and SHA256 doesn't have these and this is great weakness for them.
procedure Gimli_PadThenSqueeze(GimliContext: PlcGimliState; Last: Integer); //inline;
begin // enable one of these padding schemes // 1) padding with xor'ing $1F at last byte and $80 at the end of block {GimliContext^.Bytes[Last] := GimliContext^.Bytes[Last] xor $1F; GimliContext^.Bytes[GIMLI_RATE - 1] := GimliContext^.Bytes[GIMLI_RATE - 1] xor $80;} // 2) padding with xor'ing 1 at the last of text with 1 at the last byte of the state GimliContext^.Bytes[Last] := GimliContext^.Bytes[Last] xor $1; GimliContext^.Bytes[GIMLI_STATE_LAST_BYTE] := GimliContext^.Bytes[GIMLI_STATE_LAST_BYTE] xor $1; // 3) //// removed and should not be used GimliPermute(GimliContext^); end;
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Registriert seit: 15. Mär 2007 4.155 Beiträge Delphi 12 Athens |
What just jump into my eye is this, cant this be written more efficient?
like so
class function TDECPaddingCommon.CalculatePaddingLength(DataLength, BlockSize, MinLength: Integer): Integer;
begin if (MinLength < 0) or (DataLength < 0) or (BlockSize < 0) or (MinLength or BlockSize = 0) then begin ...
Not sure is there is any hidden math trick behind that logic, have not thought too deep into it ...
class function TDECPaddingCommon.CalculatePaddingLength(DataLength, BlockSize, MinLength: Integer): Integer;
begin if (MinLength <= 0) or (DataLength <= 0) or (BlockSize <= 0) then begin ... |
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Registriert seit: 28. Feb 2016 Ort: Nordost Baden-Württemberg 3.020 Beiträge Delphi 12 Athens |
thanks for all these contributions! 1. I'm currently changing the code a bit so it will have PKCS#7 and ANSI X9.23. As they are quite similar I'll introduce another abstract class from which these two will inherit. 2. I already had some conversation with Christoph about the submission and he rates it as high quality but will only have time to look at it somewhen next week. So don't be disappointed when you don't hear much (except for my implementation I'll finish and push tonight) from us. We value that! Oh and I'll add the necessary calls in TDECCipherFormats so somewhen tonight we at least can choose between PKCS#7 and ANSI X9.23. The other one will follow as soon as we find the time (unfortunately there are some other things in other projects to do as well...) 3. About the more efficient code: yep, we have to think this through and if there's no math catch somewhere we'll implement it that way. 4. And later on I need to update the documentation once again. ![]()
TurboMagic |
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Registriert seit: 28. Feb 2016 Ort: Nordost Baden-Württemberg 3.020 Beiträge Delphi 12 Athens |
according to this stack exckange discussion you linked: ![]() ANSI X9.23 uses 0 as filler bytes instead of the padding length PKCS#7 uses. If that is correct I wonder why your validity check method doesn't check for the #0 like the one for PKCS#7 checks for that specific padding byte. I also wonder why you have a separate PKCS#5 implementation. As far as I understood so far (correct me if I'm wrong) is PKCS#7 a superset of PKCS#5.
TurboMagic |
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Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2023 386 Beiträge |
What just jump into my eye is this, cant this be written more efficient?
like so
class function TDECPaddingCommon.CalculatePaddingLength(DataLength, BlockSize, MinLength: Integer): Integer;
begin if (MinLength < 0) or (DataLength < 0) or (BlockSize < 0) or (MinLength or BlockSize = 0) then begin ...
Not sure is there is any hidden math trick behind that logic, have not thought too deep into it ...
class function TDECPaddingCommon.CalculatePaddingLength(DataLength, BlockSize, MinLength: Integer): Integer;
begin if (MinLength <= 0) or (DataLength <= 0) or (BlockSize <= 0) then begin ...
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Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2023 386 Beiträge |
according to this stack exckange discussion you linked: ![]() ANSI X9.23 uses 0 as filler bytes instead of the padding length PKCS#7 uses. If that is correct I wonder why your validity check method doesn't check for the #0 like the one for PKCS#7 checks for that specific padding byte. I also wonder why you have a separate PKCS#5 implementation. As far as I understood so far (correct me if I'm wrong) is PKCS#7 a superset of PKCS#5. Lets look at the most accurate original definition of ANSI X9.23, from ![]() ![]() The ANSI X9.23 method always appends from 1 - 8 bytes to the plaintext before encipherment. The last appended byte is the count of the added bytes and is in the range of X'01' - X'08'. The standard defines that any other added bytes, or pad characters, be random.
![]() ![]() In ANSI X9.23, between 1 and 8 bytes are always added as padding. The block is padded with random bytes (although many implementations use 00) and the last byte of the block is set to the number of bytes added.[6]
on other hand random fill can't be validated, also this padding schemes is old, very old and used many in many cases with both 0 fill and random, this exactly what rendered it unreliable to be used widely in securing traffic over wire, in fact it is not used and not recommended, these days as de facto is zero fill but yet not quit, as many php libraries (old and some are new) still use it as both zero fill and random fill, this what made me let remove the zero checking, and that is it just for legacy compatibility with older libraries from different platform, Also as suggestion per best practice only 2 padding schemes are currently recommended, PKCS#7 and the unlimited length scheme "ISO/IEC 7816-4", both are validated and checked right. As for PKCS#7 and PKCS#5 padding, you are right, and it is there for cosmetic, see PKCS#5 is old and was fixed at 8 bytes block size, so it even can't and shouldn't be used with AES !!, it designed for DES and 3DES... i left it in case users of this library needed to be sure when they are in doubt and needed the name to be exist, again it is your call, also i relaxed the length checking as many libraries extended the length for it making it %100 copy of PKCS#7 padding without changing the name.
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