Sowas habsch mir auch schonmal überlegt, aber wozu das
Rad neu erfinden:
XP Powertoys,
Virtual Desktop Manager (Teil der XP Powertoys, 550 KB)
Ist halt nur für XP
Aber letztendlich läuft das
imho so, dass kein neuer Desktop erzeugt wird, sondern lediglich die Fenster in verschiedenen virtuellen Desktops angezeigt werden können und jeder virt. Desktop ein anderes Hintergrundbild haben kann.

Zitat von
MSDVM Helpfile:
Virtual Desktop Manager overview
Use the Virtual Desktop Manager to organize a busy desktop. If you usually have many Windows open at a time, you can now organize them on four different desktops. Using shortcut keys or the Quick Switch buttons on the taskbar, you can switch between the desktops.
For example, you can open your e-mail program on one desktop, an Internet chess game on the second, several Internet sessions on the third, and multiple database sessions on the fourth.
The highlighted Quick Switch button on the taskbar indicates the current active desktop. You can also assign different backgrounds to each desktop to make it easy to identify which desktop is active.
To move a program from one desktop to another, click the program's button on the taskbar, or press ALT+TAB. To prevent the movement of programs between desktops, turn off Shared Desktops. To view all the desktops at once, use Preview mode.
edit: Teppfihler
Stephan B.
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