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Einzelnes StatusPanel neu zeichnen

Ein Thema von Amateurprofi · begonnen am 19. Sep 2024 · letzter Beitrag vom 19. Sep 2024
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Registriert seit: 17. Nov 2005
Ort: Hamburg
1.087 Beiträge
Delphi XE2 Professional

Einzelnes StatusPanel neu zeichnen

  Alt 19. Sep 2024, 01:12
Wie kann ich bewirken, dass ein einzelnes Panel einer StatusBar neu gezeichnet wird.
Eine Möglichkeit, die ich sehe ist:
PROCEDURE RepaintPanel(StatusBar:TStatusBar; Index:Integer);
var Rect:TRect; Panel:TStatusPanel;
   SendGetStructMessage(StatusBar.Handle, SB_GETRECT,Index,Rect);
   case Panel.Bevel of
      pbLowered : Frame3D(StatusBar.Canvas,Rect,clGray,clWhite,1);
      pbRaised : Frame3D(StatusBar.Canvas,Rect,clWhite,clGray,1);
Ich kann mir aber vorstellen, dass es eine simplere Möglichkeit gibt, z.B.
Gruß, Klaus
Die Titanic wurde von Profis gebaut,
die Arche Noah von einem Amateur.
... Und dieser Beitrag vom Amateurprofi....
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Kas Ob.

Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2023
386 Beiträge

AW: Einzelnes StatusPanel neu zeichnen

  Alt 19. Sep 2024, 09:55
Very interesting question, and i liked it !

From what i see, you have two option either
1) WM_DRAWITEM as it sound strange but many of these are not documented or the documentation is not clear,
But that page doesn't mention Status Bars, with this older version documentation
a detail explain on how to use it, notice that SB_XXX message are not supported on older Windows, but WM_DRAWITEM will work with them all Windows versions.

2) InvalidateRect , This one is my best choice, yet i have no idea if it is still working as intended on latest Windows with Status Bars (as for other (1) it is working and will work forever),
InvalidateRect is different, as it schedule the paint of the rectangle instead forcing an immediate draw, meaning it is fast and and the draw will happen on the next WM_PAINT, so you can over-call it with much less performance consequences, as the OS will handle the intersections as it see fit, while next WM_PAINT will do the perfect job.
yet again, you need to understand how fast it in signaling repaint and when it will happen, so it might or might-not fit your need, also InvalidateRect is the best companion for double buffering, to reduce flickering.

These what comes to mind as i recall them working, there is other approaches though, but need a recall and tests.
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Registriert seit: 17. Nov 2005
Ort: Hamburg
1.087 Beiträge
Delphi XE2 Professional

AW: Einzelnes StatusPanel neu zeichnen

  Alt 19. Sep 2024, 15:49
Thank you Kas Op.

is not applicable for my purposes because I need the repainting immediately.

However the part with the DRAWITEMSTRUCT sounds a bit complex (for me) (Pic1.jpg).
Seems that needs comparable efforts as my Procedure.
Just for Info:
In my StatusBar I can drag a panel to certain other positions, and I draw the dragged panel with different colors compared to other panels (Pic2.jpg).
Miniaturansicht angehängter Grafiken
pic1.jpg   pic2.jpg  
Gruß, Klaus
Die Titanic wurde von Profis gebaut,
die Arche Noah von einem Amateur.
... Und dieser Beitrag vom Amateurprofi....
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Kas Ob.

Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2023
386 Beiträge

AW: Einzelnes StatusPanel neu zeichnen

  Alt 19. Sep 2024, 18:55
Thank you Kas Op.

is not applicable for my purposes because I need the repainting immediately.

However the part with the DRAWITEMSTRUCT sounds a bit complex (for me) (Pic1.jpg).
Seems that needs comparable efforts as my Procedure.
Just for Info:
In my StatusBar I can drag a panel to certain other positions, and I draw the dragged panel with different colors compared to other panels (Pic2.jpg).
I don't see theming or skinning involved in the Pic2, and that means you have an advantage of using the timer at 20ms which most likely will be between 20ms-31ms, if you send WM_PAINT to the status bar by timer with InvalidateRect, you will not see any noticeable CPU usage.
My reason here is that you have many parts and combining them all in one draw is the best, and also the timer will ensure the update close to 60hz and will be smooth without affecting the overall performance, and that of course if you are not doing heavy processing/logic when custom draw is invoked.
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Registriert seit: 17. Nov 2005
Ort: Hamburg
1.087 Beiträge
Delphi XE2 Professional

AW: Einzelnes StatusPanel neu zeichnen

  Alt 19. Sep 2024, 23:04
Again thank you Kas OP.
Works perfectly.
Gruß, Klaus
Die Titanic wurde von Profis gebaut,
die Arche Noah von einem Amateur.
... Und dieser Beitrag vom Amateurprofi....
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