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Delphi Tip of the Day: The Delphi Magazine Total Collection

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Delphi Tip of the Day: The Delphi Magazine Total Collection

  Alt 14. Sep 2024, 19:00
I'm always looking for ways to improve my Delphi skills. Sometimes, this takes me down a rabbit hole. And each time, these little side trips never answer "Yes" to the question "Will this help me ship?"

Last week I went down the "global variables are bad" rabbit hole. ??

Global Variables Are Bad

I opened my copy of "The Delphi Magazine Total Collection" looking for some inspiration. And, I found a 6 Part series called "Effective Delphi Class Engineering" written by David Baer. I'm slowly working my way through these articles.

Issue: 57 Effective Delphi Class Engineering 1:
Crossing The Chasm

David Baer kicks off a new series of articles aimed at all of us who are reluctant, confused or ill-informed on what object-oriented development is all about. The goal is to demonstrate, clearly and without jargon-loaded obfuscation, how to design, create and use Delphi classes to make your development more productive. Issue: 59Effective Delphi Class Engineering 2:
Welcome To The Machine

David Baer continues his series on practical object orientation by putting Delphi’s object machinery under a magnifying glass. He examines topics such as memory management, method calling, protocols and other compiler- related issues. Issue: 60Effective Delphi Class Engineering 3:
Skyrocketing Property

David Baer thinks properties are wonderful and this month gives us insights and advice on how they can best be put to use in our classes. Issue: 62Effective Delphi Class Engineering Part 4:
The TObject Of My

David Baer focuses on inheritance in this part of his popular series on object oriented development in Delphi. Issue: 63Effective Delphi Class Engineering Part 5:
You Are TEgg Man... I AM TWalrus

David Baer has not gone mad (though he may have been listening to too many old Beatles albums!): this instalment of his series continues his practical real-world discussion of polymorphism and inheritance. Issue: 65Effective Delphi Class Engineering Part 6:
To Talk Of Many Things

David Baer concludes his series on developing Delphi classes with a miscellany of sound advice, ranging from events to exceptions, RTTI and message handling.

Part 1 of Baer's series of articles, refenced short paper written by Marco Cantu called "When RAD is bad", which I found it on the internet archive.,10463,00.html

But that's not all I found. I found a download link to the entire "The Delphi Magazine Total Collection Issues 1 - 139 (April 1995 to March 2007)" ?

Semper Fi
Gunny Mike

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