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Post in der englischen Schwester:
Idera sucht einen deutschsprachigen Vertriebsingenieur, der mit C++Builder und Delphi arbeiten würde. Die ideale Person würde sich vermutlich mit Delphi/CB auskennen, eine kontaktfreudige und tatkräftiger Verkaufskraft sein, etc. Details sind der verlinkten Stellenanzeige zu entnehmen.

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David Millington im englischen Forum:
Idera is looking for a German-speaking sales engineer, who would work with C++Builder and Delphi. I suspect the ideal person would know Delphi/CB, be a dynamic outgoing energetic salesperson, etc. The job post has the description. This isn't an official forum post from me; I just want to share the ad so as many people see it as possible. If someone could translate it to German and post on the main forum I'd really appreciate it!
This is the job link -- know anyone who'd like to work for the German sales team?