Registriert seit: 8. Jun 2009 Ort: Bayern 1.138 Beiträge Delphi 11 Alexandria |
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![]() Rechendauer für ein Demo Bild mit 400*400 pixel ca. 10 sec. jetzt habe ich eine Implementierung welche die Canvas.Pixels Zugriffe minimiert, nur leider hat sich in dieser Generic Implementierung die Rechnzeit auf 10 min erhöht. Hat jemand eine Idee wie ich hier auf eine Ausführungszeit < 10 sec komme ?? ( PS: vielleich probiert jemand den Code auch aus ![]()
// Define a centroid function that returns the TClusterData object with the average coordinates of all elements in the cluster
function Centroidfct(const A: TClusterDataREC): Cardinal; begin Result := Round((A.DrawingColor and $FF) + ((A.DrawingColor shr 8) and $FF) + ((A.DrawingColor shr 16) and $FF)) div 3; end; function DistanceMetric(const A, B: TClusterDataREC): Double; begin // Result := Sqrt(Sqr(A.x - B.x) + Sqr(A.y - B.y)); Result := ABS(Centroidfct(A) - Centroidfct(B)); end; procedure TForm1.Button_FullTestClick(Sender: TObject); var MyKMeans: TImageClusterKMeans; Stopwatch: TStopwatch; begin // Create a new TStopwatch instance // Stopwatch := TStopwatch.Create; DebugMemo.lines.Clear; Stopwatch.Reset; UpdateStatus('start kmean image segmentation ...'); try // Start the stopwatch Stopwatch.Start; MyKMeans := TImageClusterKMeans.Create(5, DistanceMetric, Centroidfct, 10, UpdateStatus); try MyKMeans.LoadData(FBitmap); MyKMeans.Execute; MyKMeans.SaveData(FOutBitmap); FOutBitmap.SaveToFile('c:\temp\outkmeans.bmp'); OutImage.Picture.Bitmap.Assign(FOutBitmap); finally MyKMeans.Free; UpdateStatus('kmean image segmentation done!'); end; Stopwatch.Stop; DebugMemo.lines.Add(Format('Elapsed time: %d ms', [Stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds])); finally // Free the TStopwatch instance // Stopwatch.Free; end; end;
unit Unit_TKmeans;
interface uses types, classes, SysUtils, Generics.Collections, {$IFDEF FrameWork_VCL} vcl.Graphics; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF FrameWork_FMX} System.UITypes, System.UIConsts, FMX.types, FMX.Utils, FMX.Graphics; {$ENDIF} const Infinity = 10000000; type TStatusCallback = reference to procedure(const Status: string); type TClusterDataREC = record {$IFDEF FrameWork_VCL} DrawingColor: TColor; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF FrameWork_FMX} DrawingColor: TAlphaColor; {$ENDIF} x, y: Integer; chrlabel: char; // ... // .. // . end; TClusterData = class DrawingColor: TColor; x, y: Integer; chrlabel: char; // ... // .. // . end; /// <summary> /// a bit different pixeldefinition /// </summary> TClusterDataREC2 = record BWColor: Byte; x, y: Integer; // tbd. // ... // .. // . end; /// <summary> /// here it can be just a simple pixel description, /// in general we store the complete orginal data inside this list /// </summary> TRawData<T> = class(TList<T>) end; /// <summary> /// store the data now inside a cluster with a Centroid /// </summary> TCluster<T> = record /// <summary> /// <para> /// as of today T, but in future some other data type , depending /// </para> /// <para> /// on future research :-) /// </para> /// </summary> Center: T; /// <summary> /// the selected elements from out complete raw data /// </summary> ClusterElements: TArray<T>; end; /// <summary> /// the cluster list /// </summary> TClusterList<T> = class(TList < TCluster < T >> ) private function GetItem(Aindex: Integer): TCluster<T>; procedure SetItem(Aindex: Integer; const Value: TCluster<T>); public property Items[Aindex: Integer]: TCluster<T> Read GetItem Write SetItem; end; type /// <summary> /// measure the distance according to this function /// </summary TDistanceMetricfunction < T >= reference to function(const A, B: T): Double; type /// <summary> /// result of this function could be the TColor value , but also /// coordinates my have some impact in future .... /// </summary TCentroidfunction < T >= reference to function(const A: T): Cardinal; type TKMeans<T> = class private private FClusteredData: TClusterList<T>; FRawData: TArray<T>; FNumClusters: Integer; FDistanceMetric: TDistanceMetricfunction<T>; FCentroidfct: TCentroidfunction<T>; FMaxIterations: Integer; FStatusCallback: TStatusCallback; public constructor Create(NumClusters: Integer; DistanceMetric: TDistanceMetricfunction<T>; Centroidfct: TCentroidfunction<T>; MaxIterations: Integer = 10; StatusCallback: TStatusCallback = nil); function FindNewClusterCentroids: Boolean; function InitClusters: Boolean; function Execute: Integer; function ClusterCentroidsToString: String; virtual; abstract; procedure GroupData2NearestCluster; property RawData: TArray<T> read FRawData write FRawData; end; type TImageClusterKMeans = class(TKMeans<TClusterDataREC>) private FBMPwidth: Integer; FBMPheight: Integer; public function ClusterCentroidsToString: String; procedure LoadData(SoureBitMap: TBitmap); procedure SaveData(OutBitMap: TBitmap); end; implementation constructor TKMeans<T>.Create(NumClusters: Integer; DistanceMetric: TDistanceMetricfunction<T>; Centroidfct: TCentroidfunction<T>; MaxIterations: Integer = 10; StatusCallback: TStatusCallback = nil); begin FNumClusters := NumClusters; FDistanceMetric := DistanceMetric; FMaxIterations := MaxIterations; FClusteredData := TClusterList<T>.Create; // FRawData := TRawData<T>.Create; FDistanceMetric := DistanceMetric; FCentroidfct := Centroidfct; FStatusCallback := StatusCallback; end; function TKMeans<T>.Execute: Integer; var i: Integer; Changed: Boolean; Status: String; begin i := 0; if (self.InitClusters) then begin repeat GroupData2NearestCluster; Changed := FindNewClusterCentroids; inc(i); if Assigned(FStatusCallback) then begin Status := Format('Clustering iteration %d of %d', [i, 10]); // FStatusCallback(Status + ClusterCentroidsToString); end; until ((i > FMaxIterations) or (NOT Changed)); end; result := i; end; function TKMeans<T>.FindNewClusterCentroids: Boolean; var i, j: Integer; SelectedCluster: TCluster<T>; OldCentroid: Cardinal; ElementCount: Cardinal; Centroid: Cardinal; begin for i := 0 to FClusteredData.Count - 1 do begin SelectedCluster := FClusteredData.Items[i]; ElementCount := length(SelectedCluster.ClusterElements); OldCentroid := FCentroidfct(SelectedCluster.Center); for j := low(SelectedCluster.ClusterElements) to High(SelectedCluster.ClusterElements) do begin Centroid := Centroid + FCentroidfct(SelectedCluster.ClusterElements[j]); end; if (ElementCount <> 0) then begin Centroid := Round(Centroid / ElementCount); end else begin // this should not happen ! end; end; result := true; end; procedure TKMeans<T>.GroupData2NearestCluster; var i, j: Integer; closestCluster: Integer; minDist: Double; Dist: Double; ReferenceClusterCenter: T; RawDataItem: T; UpdateCluster: TCluster<T>; begin /// loop all raw data elements for j := low(FRawData) to high(FRawData) do begin RawDataItem := FRawData[j]; closestCluster := -1; minDist := Infinity; // Find the nearest cluster for i := 0 to FClusteredData.Count - 1 do begin Dist := FDistanceMetric(RawDataItem, FClusteredData[i].Center); if Dist < minDist then begin closestCluster := i; minDist := Dist; end; end; // these lines are wrong and do not compile, fix the code here !!!! UpdateCluster := FClusteredData[closestCluster]; SetLength(UpdateCluster.ClusterElements, length(UpdateCluster.ClusterElements) + 1); UpdateCluster.ClusterElements[High(UpdateCluster.ClusterElements)] := FRawData[j]; FClusteredData[closestCluster] := UpdateCluster; end; end; function TKMeans<T>.InitClusters: Boolean; var OneCluster: TCluster<T>; i: Integer; DataSize: Integer; begin DataSize := length(FRawData); FClusteredData.Clear; // Initialize the clusters with randomly chosen centers for i := 1 to FNumClusters do begin OneCluster.Center := FRawData[Random(DataSize)]; SetLength(OneCluster.ClusterElements, 0); FClusteredData.Add(OneCluster); end; result := ((FClusteredData.Count = FNumClusters) and (DataSize > FNumClusters)); end; {$IFDEF FrameWork_VCL} procedure TImageClusterKMeans.SaveData(OutBitMap: TBitmap); var i, j: Integer; ClusterIndex: Integer; closestCluster: Integer; minDist: Double; Dist: Double; OneCluster: TCluster<TClusterDataREC>; ClusteredData: TClusterDataREC; begin // Loop through all the pixels in the output bitmap // Clear the old data OutBitMap.Height := FBMPheight; OutBitMap.Width := FBMPwidth; OutBitMap.PixelFormat := pf24bit; for i := 0 to FClusteredData.Count - 1 do begin OneCluster := FClusteredData[i]; for j := low(OneCluster.ClusterElements) to high(OneCluster.ClusterElements) do begin ClusteredData := OneCluster.ClusterElements[j]; OutBitMap.Canvas.Pixels[ClusteredData.x, ClusteredData.y] := OneCluster.Center.DrawingColor; end; end; // Save the output bitmap to a file or show it in a GUI component // For example, to save the bitmap to a file: OutBitMap.SaveToFile('c:\temp\output.bmp'); end; function TImageClusterKMeans.ClusterCentroidsToString: String; var i: Integer; OneCluster: TCluster<TClusterDataREC>; begin result := ''; for i := 0 to FClusteredData.Count - 1 do begin OneCluster := FClusteredData[i]; {$IFDEF FrameWork_VCL} result := result + ColorToString(OneCluster.Center.DrawingColor) + '|' + IntTostr(length(OneCluster.ClusterElements)) + '; '; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF FrameWork_FMX} result := result + AlphaColorToString(OneCluster.Center.DrawingColor) + '|' + IntTostr(length(OneCluster.ClusterElements)) + '; '; {$ENDIF} end; end; procedure TImageClusterKMeans.LoadData(SoureBitMap: TBitmap); var x, y: Integer; ClusterData: TClusterDataREC; begin // Clear the old data SetLength(FRawData, SoureBitMap.Height * SoureBitMap.Width); FBMPwidth := SoureBitMap.Width; FBMPheight := SoureBitMap.Height; // Loop through all the pixels in the bitmap for y := 0 to SoureBitMap.Height - 1 do begin for x := 0 to SoureBitMap.Width - 1 do begin // Create a TClusterData object for each pixel ClusterData.DrawingColor := SoureBitMap.Canvas.Pixels[x, y]; ClusterData.x := x; ClusterData.y := y; // Add the TClusterData object to the FRawData list FRawData[y * SoureBitMap.Width + x] := ClusterData; end; end; end; {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF FrameWork_FMX} procedure SetPixel(Color: TAlphaColor; i, j: Integer; bitdata: TBitmapData; PixelFormat: TPixelFormat); begin AlphaColorToPixel(Color, @PAlphaColorArray(bitdata.Data) [j * (bitdata.Pitch div PixelFormatBytes[PixelFormat]) + 1 * i], PixelFormat); end; function GetPixel(i, j: Integer; bitdata: TBitmapData; PixelFormat: TPixelFormat): TAlphaColor; begin result := PixelToAlphaColor(@PAlphaColorArray(bitdata.Data) [j * (bitdata.Pitch div PixelFormatBytes[PixelFormat]) + 1 * i], PixelFormat); end; procedure TImageClusterKMeans.SaveData(OutBitMap: TBitmap); var bitdata1: TBitmapData; i: Integer; j: Integer; Color: TAlphaColor; Cquer: Byte; OneCluster: TCluster<TClusterDataREC>; ClusteredData: TClusterDataREC; begin // Clear the old data OutBitMap.Height := FBMPheight; OutBitMap.Width := FBMPwidth; // Loop through all the pixels in the bitmap if (OutBitMap.Map(TMapAccess.ReadWrite, bitdata1)) then try for i := 0 to FClusteredData.Count - 1 do begin OneCluster := FClusteredData[i]; for j := low(OneCluster.ClusterElements) to high(OneCluster.ClusterElements) do begin ClusteredData := OneCluster.ClusterElements[j]; SetPixel(OneCluster.Center.DrawingColor, ClusteredData.x, ClusteredData.y, bitdata1, OutBitMap.PixelFormat) end; end; finally OutBitMap.Unmap(bitdata1); end; end; procedure TImageClusterKMeans.LoadData(SoureBitMap: TBitmap); var bitdata1: TBitmapData; i: Integer; j: Integer; Color: TAlphaColor; Cquer: Byte; ClusterData: TClusterDataREC; begin // Clear the old data SetLength(FRawData, SoureBitMap.Height * SoureBitMap.Width); FBMPwidth := SoureBitMap.Width; FBMPheight := SoureBitMap.Height; // Loop through all the pixels in the bitmap if (SoureBitMap.Map(TMapAccess.ReadWrite, bitdata1)) then try for i := 0 to SoureBitMap.Width - 1 do for j := 0 to SoureBitMap.Height - 1 do begin Color := GetPixel(i, j, bitdata1, SoureBitMap.PixelFormat); Cquer := Round(TAlphaColorRec(Color).B * 0.3 + TAlphaColorRec(Color).G * 0.59 + TAlphaColorRec(Color).R * 0.11); ClusterData.DrawingColor := Color; ClusterData.x := i; ClusterData.y := j; // Add the TClusterData object to the FRawData list FRawData[j * SoureBitMap.Width + i] := ClusterData; end; finally SoureBitMap.Unmap(bitdata1); end; end; {$ENDIF} { TClusterList<T> } function TClusterList<T>.GetItem(Aindex: Integer): TCluster<T>; begin result := inherited Items[Aindex]; end; procedure TClusterList<T>.SetItem(Aindex: Integer; const Value: TCluster<T>); begin inherited Items[Aindex] := Value; end; end. Geändert von bernhard_LA (15. Jan 2024 um 18:36 Uhr) |
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