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Delphi 12: Fehler mit Action := caFree

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Kas Ob.

Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2023
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AW: Delphi 12: Fehler mit Action := caFree

  Alt 4. Dez 2023, 07:51
Meanwhile somebody else has reported the original issue:
Good to hear.

Still the question, is there a bug in the debugger walking the stack ?
The bug is reliably reproducible, and that stack is reliably reproducible, this is the perfect chance to track this and solve for good.

And the question still there, could you (anyone with Delphi 12) track it and confirm the bug in the debugger, you could use Madshi or EurekaLog and compare the stack, also a breakpoint on TApplication.ProcessMessage and capture the stack at that point, another right before the exception, then after (it will break on its own), compare them and confirm if there is a failure in stack walking.

Again, i am just saying this is very lucky situation to get things fixed.
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AW: Delphi 12: Fehler mit Action := caFree

  Alt 4. Dez 2023, 12:39
ich hab inzwischen auch das Beispiel-Projekt bei RSP-43547 hochgeladen, da der ursprüngliche Poster nichts weiter hochgeladen hatte und vielleicht auch die Zusatzbedingung mit der Speichergröße des Formularobjekts nicht erkannt hat.

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Registriert seit: 12. Jan 2019
Ort: Hessen
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Delphi 12 Athens

AW: Delphi 12: Fehler mit Action := caFree

  Alt 4. Dez 2023, 14:02
I am sorry, may be didn't explain this clearly.

The debugger is reporting only 9 calls and stopped at TApplication.ProcessMessage , this call explicitly means there is more to it and it could be helpful or it could be not, but that is not up to the debugger to decide, it should go deeper, you already pasted two stacks report, so why one is over 50 walked and the real needed one with an exception is stopped/cut at 9 ?
You seem to have a serious misunderstanding of how the call stack works. In a VCl app practically all code in the main thread is executed in response to a posted message, so the base of the call stack is TApplication.ProcessMessage, at least all the code flow interesting for debugging starts from there. There are a few instruction below that point, which get executed during program startup. but the flow never returns to them until the program is terminated. In the case of the exception stack the path from ProcessMessages to the exception was short, so the call stack shown has few entries. In the case of the breakpoint in OnClose the path was much longer from ProcessMessages to the breakpoint.
Peter Below
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Kas Ob.

Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2023
353 Beiträge

AW: Delphi 12: Fehler mit Action := caFree

  Alt 4. Dez 2023, 15:14
You seem to have a serious misunderstanding of how the call stack works.
Well, i am half down and the other half is slow, so will not challenge that.

In a VCl app practically all code in the main thread is executed in response to a posted message, so the base of the call stack is TApplication.ProcessMessage, at least all the code flow interesting for debugging starts from there.
Can you please confirm if a button click go though TApllication.ProcessMessage ? or an event triggered like TForm.OnShow went through that ? because it doesn't,
ProcessMessage in TApllication ..
Well, as you said i am lacking understanding of stack working and VCL design, who knows may be there are, i must simply don't know.

So please forgive me for wasting your time.
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Registriert seit: 28. Feb 2016
Ort: Nordost Baden-Württemberg
2.960 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

AW: Delphi 12: Fehler mit Action := caFree

  Alt 4. Dez 2023, 20:12
ich hab inzwischen auch das Beispiel-Projekt bei RSP-43547 hochgeladen, da der ursprüngliche Poster nichts weiter hochgeladen hatte und vielleicht auch die Zusatzbedingung mit der Speichergröße des Formularobjekts nicht erkannt hat.

Prima! Danke dafür!
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Registriert seit: 28. Feb 2016
Ort: Nordost Baden-Württemberg
2.960 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

AW: Delphi 12: Fehler mit Action := caFree

  Alt 4. Dez 2023, 20:17

in the VCL somewhere there is sort of a message processing loop.
It calls GetMessage from Windows API.

If you use a control which internally directly uses a Windows own
control that will fire its events on receiving the apropriate messages.

If you block the main thread it cannot process this message loop pointed above
and thus the GUI looks non responsive, as messages like WM_PAINT are not handled.

That's the base. More details can be found in Petzold's "Programming Windows"
book. At least in the old versions.


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Registriert seit: 12. Jan 2019
Ort: Hessen
704 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

AW: Delphi 12: Fehler mit Action := caFree

  Alt 5. Dez 2023, 13:53
Can you please confirm if a button click go though TApllication.ProcessMessage ? or an event triggered like TForm.OnShow went through that ? because it doesn't,
ProcessMessage in TApllication ..
Well, as you said i am lacking understanding of stack working and VCL design, who knows may be there are, i must simply don't know.

So please forgive me for wasting your time.
The mouse button down and up messages are posted messages (by the OS), are retrieved (GetMessage/PeekMessage API) and processed (DispatchMessage API) by ProcessMessage. TButton is a wrapper aound the Windows BUTTON control and that reacts to the dispatched mouse messages by sending (not posting) a BN_CLICKED notification to its parent. The VCL reflects that back to the TButton control and there it fires the OnClick event. So if you examine the call stack from a breakpoint in the OnClick event handler you do not see ProcessMessage on it since there is a heap of OS stuff in between. It is similar for a form's OnShow, the message triggering it is send (by the OS), not posted, so it does not go through ProcessMessage.

Most posted messages are created by user action (mouse, keyboard), timers, or OS activities that do not require immediate response, e.g. paint requests. Those are retrieved and distributed by ProcessMessage. But there are a lot of other messages that are directly send to the window/control they are for, and those do not go through ProcessMessage.

Messages are the fuel that drives the Windows UI layer and a lot of other parts of the OS. To get a basic understanding of this stuff you need to work your way through one of the older "Programming Windows" books by Charles Petzold (not the newer ones targeted at .NET/C# programmers). If you survive you will have a much deeper appreciation for what the VCL shields us from.

To get a feeling for the message processing in the VCL you may want to read an old article on key processing I wrote an eon ago: A Key's Odyssey.
Peter Below
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Kas Ob.

Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2023
353 Beiträge

AW: Delphi 12: Fehler mit Action := caFree

  Alt 5. Dez 2023, 18:43
To get a feeling for the message processing in the VCL you may want to read an old article on key processing I wrote an eon ago: A Key's Odyssey.
Thank you for the details, and definitely will read that article if that page decided to load on the browser.

Sorry again, we miss targeting the subject, as this wasn't my point, my point is the Call Stack reporting by debugger is either faulty or wrong, you assumed the the code before ProcessMessage is short and irrelevant, in my opinion that is false assumption based on simple fact or situation, as example, if the application called Application.ProcessMessages then ProcessMessage could be called again hence we end up with two on the stack, comes the debugger and cuts the for the latest one, and send us into goose chase.

We can't call Delphi debugger smart or AI powered to decide for us when and where to cut the stack list, as it is dumb as an ash tray.

I can list the main problems or shortcoming with debugger Call Stack :
1) it is wrong to cut or stop reporting on addresses as it wish (predefined on based on what ?), who decide this, and why it is not limited by a settings in case it will hinder the speed, (like it has space shuttle speed).
2) more than 2 decades with the same debugger that only resolve Delphi address symbols and yet there is no resolving for the OS libraries like User32 or the Kernel, the Debug Library Helper (DbgHelp.dll) is shipped with every Windows OS for eons and it does in fact resolve them, this also could be a setting to switch (so we can reach Mars a little sooner).
3) the debugger is skipping addresses on his own, again without justification, this will leads to hindering the debugging process itself, and wrongly reporting logic flow.

Here an example from EurekaLog Call Stack, it is nice and detailed
Call Stack Information:
|Methods |Details|Stack  |Address |Module     |Offset |Source                               |Unit         |Class        |Procedure/Method                                 |Line                                             |
|*Exception Thread: ID=1332; Parent=0; Priority=0                                                                                                                                                                                   |
|Class=; Name=MAIN                                                                                                                                                                                                                 |
|DeadLock=0; Wait Chain=                                                                                                                                                                                                           |
|Comment=                                                                                                                                                                                                                          |
|7FFFFFFE|04     |00000000|00789469|Project5.exe|00389469|Unit10.pas                           |Unit10        |TForm10       |Button1Click                                     |28[1]                                            |
|00000060|04     |0019F3CC|00697D73|Project5.exe|00297D73|Vcl.Controls.pas                     |Vcl.Controls |TControl     |Click                                            |7361[9]                                          |
|00000020|04     |0019F3D8|006AEF2E|Project5.exe|002AEF2E|Vcl.StdCtrls.pas                     |Vcl.StdCtrls |TCustomButton |Click                                            |5327[3]                                          |
|00000020|04     |0019F3E0|006AFA3C|Project5.exe|002AFA3C|Vcl.StdCtrls.pas                     |Vcl.StdCtrls |TCustomButton |CNCommand                                        |5788[1]                                          |
|00000020|04     |0019F3E8|00697805|Project5.exe|00297805|Vcl.Controls.pas                     |Vcl.Controls |TControl     |WndProc                                          |7245[91]                                         |
|00000020|03     |0019F400|73789581|comctl32.dll|00049581|comctl32.dll                         |comctl32      |              | (possible InitCommonControlsEx+4449)            |                                                  |
|00000020|03     |0019F404|7451ED71|user32.dll |0001ED71|USER32.dll                           |USER32        |              |NotifyWinEvent                                   |                                                  |
|00000020|03     |0019F410|77172857|ntdll.dll  |00042857|ntdll.dll                            |ntdll        |              |RtlDeactivateActivationContextUnsafeFast         |                                                  |
|00000020|03     |0019F424|7716FA8B|ntdll.dll  |0003FA8B|ntdll.dll                            |ntdll        |              |RtlActivateActivationContextUnsafeFast           |                                                  |
|00000020|03     |0019F428|73789581|comctl32.dll|00049581|comctl32.dll                         |comctl32      |              | (possible InitCommonControlsEx+4449)            |                                                  |
|00000020|03     |0019F438|77172857|ntdll.dll  |00042857|ntdll.dll                            |ntdll        |              |RtlDeactivateActivationContextUnsafeFast         |                                                  |
|00000020|03     |0019F444|7453BF19|user32.dll |0003BF19|USER32.dll                           |USER32        |              | (possible AddClipboardFormatListener+1177)      |                                                  |
|00008020|03     |0019F494|74538436|a          |00038436|{38E0C963-48A9-4649-A681-F4F0B4371047}|recursive    |area         |removed                                          |4[0]                                             |
|00000020|03     |0019F498|745383E5|user32.dll |000383E5|USER32.dll                           |USER32        |              | (possible DispatchMessageW+2421)                |                                                  |
|00000020|03     |0019F4A8|745386A6|user32.dll |000386A6|USER32.dll                           |USER32        |              | (possible DispatchMessageW+3126)                |                                                  |
|00000020|03     |0019F4AC|74538409|user32.dll |00038409|USER32.dll                           |USER32        |              | (possible DispatchMessageW+2457)                |                                                  |
|00000020|03     |0019F4BC|74538436|user32.dll |00038436|USER32.dll                           |USER32        |              | (possible DispatchMessageW+2502)                |                                                  |
|00000020|03     |0019F4F0|74538239|user32.dll |00038239|USER32.dll                           |USER32        |              | (possible DispatchMessageW+1993)                |                                                  |
|00000020|03     |0019F4F4|745386A6|user32.dll |000386A6|USER32.dll                           |USER32        |              | (possible DispatchMessageW+3126)                |                                                  |
|00000060|04     |0019F514|0069C3AD|Project5.exe|0029C3AD|Vcl.Controls.pas                     |Vcl.Controls |TWinControl  |WndProc                                          |10079[158]                                       |
|00000020|03     |0019F520|758F3411|kernel32.dll|00043411|KERNEL32.DLL                         |KERNEL32      |              | (possible GetAtomNameW+705)                     |                                                  |
|00000060|04     |0019F560|006AEBD8|Project5.exe|002AEBD8|Vcl.StdCtrls.pas                     |Vcl.StdCtrls |TButtonControl|WndProc                                          |5164[13]                                         |
|00000020|04     |0019F570|00697440|Project5.exe|00297440|Vcl.Controls.pas                     |Vcl.Controls |TControl     |Perform                                          |7023[10]                                         |
|00000060|04     |0019F58C|0069C513|Project5.exe|0029C513|Vcl.Controls.pas                     |Vcl.Controls |              |DoControlMsg                                     |10148[12]                                        |
|00000020|04     |0019F5A0|0069CF9B|Project5.exe|0029CF9B|Vcl.Controls.pas                     |Vcl.Controls |TWinControl  |WMCommand                                        |10423[1]                                         |
|00000020|04     |0019F5AC|00736C99|Project5.exe|00336C99|Vcl.Forms.pas                        |Vcl.Forms    |TCustomForm  |WMCommand                                        |6204[6]                                          |
|00000020|04     |0019F5B8|00697805|Project5.exe|00297805|Vcl.Controls.pas                     |Vcl.Controls |TControl     |WndProc                                          |7245[91]                                         |
|00000060|04     |0019F6E4|0069C3AD|Project5.exe|0029C3AD|Vcl.Controls.pas                     |Vcl.Controls |TWinControl  |WndProc                                          |10079[158]                                       |
|00000020|04     |0019F700|00409478|Project5.exe|00009478|System.pas                           |System       |TMonitor     |TryEnter                                         |17939[10]                                        |
|00000020|04     |0019F708|00409000|Project5.exe|00009000|System.pas                           |System       |TMonitor     |Enter                                            |17632[4]                                         |
|00000020|04     |0019F710|0069C3AD|Project5.exe|0029C3AD|Vcl.Controls.pas                     |Vcl.Controls |TWinControl  |WndProc                                          |10079[158]                                       |
|00000020|04     |0019F718|00408EA0|Project5.exe|00008EA0|System.pas                           |System       |TMonitor     |CheckOwningThread                                |17550[2]                                         |
|00000020|04     |0019F720|0040918E|Project5.exe|0000918E|System.pas                           |System       |TMonitor     |Exit                                             |17736[1]                                         |
|00000060|04     |0019F730|00733AEC|Project5.exe|00333AEC|Vcl.Forms.pas                        |Vcl.Forms    |TCustomForm  |WndProc                                          |4427[206]                                        |
|00000020|04     |0019F744|0069B9CC|Project5.exe|0029B9CC|Vcl.Controls.pas                     |Vcl.Controls |TWinControl  |MainWndProc                                      |9786[3]                                          |
|00000020|04     |0019F74C|0069B9E1|Project5.exe|0029B9E1|Vcl.Controls.pas                     |Vcl.Controls |TWinControl  |MainWndProc                                      |9789[6]                                          |
|00000060|04     |0019F75C|0069B9CC|Project5.exe|0029B9CC|Vcl.Controls.pas                     |Vcl.Controls |TWinControl  |MainWndProc                                      |9786[3]                                          |
|00000020|04     |0019F770|0069B9F6|Project5.exe|0029B9F6|Vcl.Controls.pas                     |Vcl.Controls |TWinControl  |MainWndProc                                      |9789[6]                                          |
|00000060|04     |0019F78C|0051F93C|Project5.exe|0011F93C|System.Classes.pas                   |System.Classes|              |StdWndProc                                       |16882[8]                                         |
|00000060|03     |0019F7A4|7453BF19|user32.dll |0003BF19|USER32.dll                           |USER32        |              | (possible AddClipboardFormatListener+1177)      |                                                  |
|00000060|03     |0019F7D0|745383E5|user32.dll |000383E5|USER32.dll                           |USER32        |              | (possible DispatchMessageW+2421)                |                                                  |
|00000020|03     |0019F804|74538436|user32.dll |00038436|USER32.dll                           |USER32        |              | (possible DispatchMessageW+2502)                |                                                  |
|00000020|03     |0019F850|74538239|user32.dll |00038239|USER32.dll                           |USER32        |              | (possible DispatchMessageW+1993)                |                                                  |
|00000020|03     |0019F8A0|74537F85|user32.dll |00037F85|USER32.dll                           |USER32        |              | (possible DispatchMessageW+1301)                |                                                  |
|00000060|03     |0019F8B8|7451BEC5|user32.dll |0001BEC5|USER32.dll                           |USER32        |              | (possible SendMessageW+933)                     |                                                  |
|00000020|03     |0019F910|7453A6EB|user32.dll |0003A6EB|USER32.dll                           |USER32        |              | (possible SystemParametersInfoW+1211)           |                                                  |
|00000060|03     |0019F924|7451BC52|user32.dll |0001BC52|USER32.dll                           |USER32        |              |SendMessageW                                     |                                                  |
|00000060|03     |0019F99C|737897EC|comctl32.dll|000497EC|comctl32.dll                         |comctl32      |              | (possible InitCommonControlsEx+5068)            |                                                  |
|00000020|03     |0019F9CC|7716FA8B|ntdll.dll  |0003FA8B|ntdll.dll                            |ntdll        |              |RtlActivateActivationContextUnsafeFast           |                                                  |
|00000060|03     |0019F9EC|7453BF19|user32.dll |0003BF19|USER32.dll                           |USER32        |              | (possible AddClipboardFormatListener+1177)      |                                                  |
|00000060|03     |0019FA18|745383E5|user32.dll |000383E5|USER32.dll                           |USER32        |              | (possible DispatchMessageW+2421)                |                                                  |
|00000020|03     |0019FA98|74538239|user32.dll |00038239|USER32.dll                           |USER32        |              | (possible DispatchMessageW+1993)                |                                                  |
|00000060|03     |0019FB00|74517AF8|user32.dll |00017AF8|USER32.dll                           |USER32        |              |CallWindowProcW                                  |                                                  |
|00000060|04     |0019FB3C|0069C4BE|Project5.exe|0029C4BE|Vcl.Controls.pas                     |Vcl.Controls |TWinControl  |DefaultHandler                                   |10120[30]                                        |
|00000020|04     |0019FB64|006981C8|Project5.exe|002981C8|Vcl.Controls.pas                     |Vcl.Controls |TControl     |WMLButtonUp                                      |7494[1]                                          |
|00000020|04     |0019FB90|00697805|Project5.exe|00297805|Vcl.Controls.pas                     |Vcl.Controls |TControl     |WndProc                                          |7245[91]                                         |
|00000020|03     |0019FBD8|771B03B7|ntdll.dll  |000803B7|ntdll.dll                            |ntdll        |              | (possible RtlCaptureStackContext+3687)          |                                                  |
|00000020|03     |0019FBF0|77201C64|ntdll.dll  |000D1C64|ntdll.dll                            |ntdll        |              | (possible RtlZeroHeap+1268)                     |                                                  |
|00000020|03     |0019FC4C|74377EF1|msctf.dll  |00057EF1|MSCTF.dll                            |MSCTF        |              | (possible CtfImeCreateInputContext+849)         |                                                  |
|00000020|03     |0019FC60|7437F19E|msctf.dll  |0005F19E|MSCTF.dll                            |MSCTF        |              | (possible TF_SetDefaultRemoteKeyboardLayout+9086)|                                                  |
|00000020|03     |0019FC78|771B03B7|ntdll.dll  |000803B7|ntdll.dll                            |ntdll        |              | (possible RtlCaptureStackContext+3687)          |                                                  |
|00000020|03     |0019FC84|74852ADA|win32u.dll |00002ADA|win32u.dll                           |win32u       |              |NtUserGetThreadState                             |                                                  |
|00000020|03     |0019FC88|7452A170|user32.dll |0002A170|USER32.dll                           |USER32        |              |GetCapture                                       |                                                  |
|00000020|04     |0019FC90|0069BBBB|Project5.exe|0029BBBB|Vcl.Controls.pas                     |Vcl.Controls |TWinControl  |IsControlMouseMsg                                |9842[1]                                          |
|00000020|03     |0019FC94|74F5FB95|combase.dll |0010FB95|combase.dll                          |combase      |              | (possible CoGetApartmentType+309)               |                                                  |
|00000020|03     |0019FCA8|741304BF|oleaut32.dll|000204BF|OLEAUT32.dll                         |OLEAUT32      |              | (possible SysFreeString+239)                    |                                                  |
|00000060|04     |0019FCBC|0069C3AD|Project5.exe|0029C3AD|Vcl.Controls.pas                     |Vcl.Controls |TWinControl  |WndProc                                          |10079[158]                                       |
|00000020|03     |0019FCD0|74130418|oleaut32.dll|00020418|OLEAUT32.dll                         |OLEAUT32      |              |SysFreeString                                    |                                                  |
|00000020|03     |0019FCEC|74377EF1|msctf.dll  |00057EF1|MSCTF.dll                            |MSCTF        |              | (possible CtfImeCreateInputContext+849)         |                                                  |
|00000020|03     |0019FCF4|74377EF9|msctf.dll  |00057EF9|MSCTF.dll                            |MSCTF        |              | (possible CtfImeCreateInputContext+857)         |                                                  |
|00000060|04     |0019FD08|006AEBD8|Project5.exe|002AEBD8|Vcl.StdCtrls.pas                     |Vcl.StdCtrls |TButtonControl|WndProc                                          |5164[13]                                         |
|00000020|04     |0019FD18|0069B9CC|Project5.exe|0029B9CC|Vcl.Controls.pas                     |Vcl.Controls |TWinControl  |MainWndProc                                      |9786[3]                                          |
|00000020|04     |0019FD2C|0069B9F6|Project5.exe|0029B9F6|Vcl.Controls.pas                     |Vcl.Controls |TWinControl  |MainWndProc                                      |9789[6]                                          |
|00000060|04     |0019FD48|0051F93C|Project5.exe|0011F93C|System.Classes.pas                   |System.Classes|              |StdWndProc                                       |16882[8]                                         |
|00000060|03     |0019FD60|7453BF19|user32.dll |0003BF19|USER32.dll                           |USER32        |              | (possible AddClipboardFormatListener+1177)      |                                                  |
|00000060|03     |0019FD8C|745383E5|user32.dll |000383E5|USER32.dll                           |USER32        |              | (possible DispatchMessageW+2421)                |                                                  |
|00000020|03     |0019FDBC|7453FB21|user32.dll |0003FB21|USER32.dll                           |USER32        |              | (possible EndTask+6065)                         |                                                  |
|00000020|03     |0019FDC0|7453A67E|user32.dll |0003A67E|USER32.dll                           |USER32        |              | (possible SystemParametersInfoW+1102)           |                                                  |
|00000020|03     |0019FE0C|74538239|user32.dll |00038239|USER32.dll                           |USER32        |              | (possible DispatchMessageW+1993)                |                                                  |
|00000060|03     |0019FE74|74537C99|user32.dll |00037C99|USER32.dll                           |USER32        |              | (possible DispatchMessageW+553)                 |                                                  |
|00000020|04     |0019FED8|0073E321|Project5.exe|0033E321|Vcl.Forms.pas                        |Vcl.Forms    |TApplication |CancelHint                                       |11181[6]                                         |
|00000060|03     |0019FEF0|74537A7B|user32.dll |00037A7B|USER32.dll                           |USER32        |              |DispatchMessageW                                 |                                                  |
|00000020|04     |0019FEFC|0073CFB3|Project5.exe|0033CFB3|Vcl.Forms.pas                        |Vcl.Forms    |TApplication |ProcessMessage                                   |10352[23]                                        |
|00000020|04     |0019FF18|0073CFF6|Project5.exe|0033CFF6|Vcl.Forms.pas                        |Vcl.Forms    |TApplication |HandleMessage                                    |10382[1]                                         |
|00004020|04     |0019FF3C|0073D329|Project5.exe|0033D329|Vcl.Forms.pas                        |Vcl.Forms    |TApplication |Run                                              |10520[26]                                        |
|00004020|04     |0019FF44|0073D336|Project5.exe|0033D336|Vcl.Forms.pas                        |Vcl.Forms    |TApplication |Run                                              |10520[26]                                        |
|00000030|04     |0019FF50|0073D371|Project5.exe|0033D371|Vcl.Forms.pas                        |Vcl.Forms    |TApplication |Run                                              |10527[33]                                        |
|00004020|04     |0019FF6C|00795049|Project5.exe|00395049|Project5.dpr                         |Project5      |              |Initialization                                   |26[4]                                            |
|7FFF7FFE|03     |0019FF84|758C8492|kernel32.dll|00018492|KERNEL32.DLL                         |KERNEL32      |              |BaseThreadInitThunk                              |                                                  |
While this is what we got in the Delphi XE8 debugger,
Vcl.Controls.TControl.WndProc((48401, 2158, 657518, 0, 2158, 0, (), 2158, 10, (), 0, 0, ()))
Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc((48401, 2158, 657518, 0, 2158, 0, (), 2158, 10, (), 0, 0, ()))
Vcl.StdCtrls.TButtonControl.WndProc((48401, 2158, 657518, 0, 2158, 0, (), 2158, 10, (), 0, 0, ()))
Vcl.Controls.DoControlMsg(???,(no value))
Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WMCommand((273, (), 2158, 0, (), 657518, 0))
Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.WMCommand((273, (), 2158, 0, (), 657518, 0))
Vcl.Controls.TControl.WndProc((273, 2158, 657518, 0, 2158, 0, (), 2158, 10, (), 0, 0, ()))
Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc((273, 2158, 657518, 0, 2158, 0, (), 2158, 10, (), 0, 0, ()))
Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.WndProc((273, 2158, 657518, 0, 2158, 0, (), 2158, 10, (), 0, 0, ()))
:7453bf1b ; C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\USER32.dll
:745383ea ; C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\USER32.dll
:7451beca ; C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\USER32.dll
:7451bc57 ; C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\USER32.dll
:7375e97f ; C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\\comctl32.dll
:737897f1 ; C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\\comctl32.dll
:7453bf1b ; C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\USER32.dll
:745383ea ; C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\USER32.dll
:74517afd USER32.CallWindowProcW + 0x8d
:0069c4c3 TWinControl.DefaultHandler + $EB
:0069c3b2 TWinControl.WndProc + $5EE
:006aebdd TButtonControl.WndProc + $71
:0051f93e StdWndProc + $16
:7453bf1b ; C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\USER32.dll
:745383ea ; C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\USER32.dll
:74537c9e ; C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\USER32.dll
:74537a80 USER32.DispatchMessageW + 0x10
and that is it, cut at DispatchMessageW which it could be recursive, caused by SendMessage form the application itself, (yes i know it might be was one but i am talking about a second from the message/event)

Hope that clear my point at last, and again sorry for your time.
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