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Lokale Kopie von System.Variants.pas einbinden und nutzen, geht das?

Ein Thema von Rollo62 · begonnen am 22. Nov 2023 · letzter Beitrag vom 24. Nov 2023
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Benutzerbild von Uwe Raabe
Uwe Raabe

Registriert seit: 20. Jan 2006
Ort: Lübbecke
11.609 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

AW: Lokale Kopie von System.Variants.pas einbinden und nutzen, geht das?

  Alt 24. Nov 2023, 13:41
In deinem originalen Post ging es aber nicht um System.Variants, sondern um System.VarUtils.

Bei System.Variants bekomme ich auch den gleichen Fehler.
Uwe Raabe
Certified Delphi Master Developer
Embarcadero MVP
Blog: The Art of Delphi Programming
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Kas Ob.

Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2023
386 Beiträge

AW: Lokale Kopie von System.Variants.pas einbinden und nutzen, geht das?

  Alt 24. Nov 2023, 13:48
Immer mit dem Fehler
"[dcc32 Fatal Error] System.Variants.pas(1271): E2158 System.Variants unit out of date or corrupted: missing '@VarCast'"
VarCast is declared as _VarCast, so in theory to make it work you need to strip all the functions in System.Variants.pas from these and adjust the whole unit to call them stripped code, though there might be something hidden to surprise you, which need to adjust system.pas itself, that most likely impossible with Delphi compiler.

If rebuilding the whole RTL (after making changes) is possible then that is the right way, in my opinion.
In case you succeeded in rebuilding the RTL, then i suggest to add global hooks with minimum interaction with the current code and declarations, these hooks and callback can be used for logging, and the RTL might still be compatible with default RTL, just food for thought.
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Registriert seit: 15. Mär 2007
4.164 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

AW: Lokale Kopie von System.Variants.pas einbinden und nutzen, geht das?

  Alt 24. Nov 2023, 18:25
In deinem originalen Post ging es aber nicht um System.Variants, sondern um System.VarUtils.
Ja sorry, ich hatte beide probiert um die fehlende Referenzen reinzubekommen, hilft aber nichts.

Immer mit dem Fehler
"[dcc32 Fatal Error] System.Variants.pas(1271): E2158 System.Variants unit out of date or corrupted: missing '@VarCast'"
VarCast is declared as _VarCast, so in theory to make it work you need to strip all the functions in System.Variants.pas from these and adjust the whole unit to call them stripped code, though there might be something hidden to surprise you, which need to adjust system.pas itself, that most likely impossible with Delphi compiler.

If rebuilding the whole RTL (after making changes) is possible then that is the right way, in my opinion.
In case you succeeded in rebuilding the RTL, then i suggest to add global hooks with minimum interaction with the current code and declarations, these hooks and callback can be used for logging, and the RTL might still be compatible with default RTL, just food for thought.
Yes, I had seen the C-like notations, but that made me stop there.
To make such huge RTL change is not worth it, especially because I found the root cause meanwhile also without logging into this.

Thanks anyway, for the help here.
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Kas Ob.

Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2023
386 Beiträge

AW: Lokale Kopie von System.Variants.pas einbinden und nutzen, geht das?

  Alt 24. Nov 2023, 19:25
Yes, I had seen the C-like notations, but that made me stop there.
To make such huge RTL change is not worth it, especially because I found the root cause meanwhile also without logging into this.

Thanks anyway, for the help here.
I was referring to recompiling the shipped DCU's hence the RTL, from
This is a very old question/answer, but I can confirm that this is still a working solution in Delphi 10.3. Thanks – 
Johann Burgess
 Mar 30, 2021 at 3:39
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