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Debugging Visualizers, PDF Object Editing, Improved Stitching and OCR, and much more

Ein Thema von DP News-Robot · begonnen am 15. Nov 2023
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Debugging Visualizers, PDF Object Editing, Improved Stitching and OCR, and much more

  Alt 15. Nov 2023, 21:40
We have now released ImageEn, v13.0.0, the latest update to our image editing and display library for Delphi/BCB, and IEVision Advanced Tools Add-on 8.0.0. These updates are free if you purchased a license or extension after 15 November 2022:

Other users can extend their registration for 12 months at:

<h3 style="text-align: left;">Top Ten Enhancements in ImageEn v13.0.0</h3>

1. ImageEn now includes visualizers that allow you to preview bitmaps, multi-bitmaps, layers, colors and control properties while debugging

2. Fifteen helper methods that with single call allow you to perform advanced tasks with IEVision: Extract text with OCR, find content, detect faces, people and other objects, deskew images, remove backgrounds, stitch photos and documents and create searchable PDF files

3. Many improvements to PDF support to make it the most complete PDFium implementation for Delphi. With v13, objects in PDF pages (images, text or paths) can be parsed, edited and removed. PDF support is now available from Delphi 7

4. PDF pages can be imported as layers, so all objects become editable image, text or polyline layers

5. Enhanced TIERichEdit with new features to save the selected image, insert links, get/set the RTF formatting of a selection and new actions

6. Many new layer features including MoveTo and Closing breaks for TIEPolylineLayer to create more complex shapes, performance optimizations and memory handling improvements with large images, full rotation of formatted text layers, marking of grouped layers, and new vector shapes: Balloon, Link and "Delphi" Gladiator

7. AutoCrop now supports inner cropping to remove all border from rotated or stitched images

8. SVG and WebP are now automatically supported on Delphi 12 if Skia is enabled

9. Four new demos: Find Objects in Image, Screen Capturing, Custom User Interactions and PDF Object editing, plus thirty functions added to "Every Editing Method" demo

10. Zip plug-in also supports ZipX, 7z and Rar

+ Support for Delphi/BCB 12 Athens

Full Change History:

<h3 style="text-align: left;">Top Five Enhancements in IEVision 8.0.0</h3>

IEVision is our advanced features add-on for ImageEn. V8.0.0 improves OCR, image and photo stitching, and more:

1. OCR now built on Tesseract 5 for greater performance using less system memory, and improved accuracy, particularly with images of low resolution or contrast
2. OCR results can be returned in hOCR, ALTO (XML) and text-seperated value formats
3. Other new OCR features including support for Black and White lists, analysis constructor and confidence values
4. Many enhancements to stitching including new thresholding options and improved performance with documents

5. Other fixes and improvements

Full Change History:

Xequte Software

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