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Registriert seit: 24. Sep 2022 Ort: Planet Erde 356 Beiträge Delphi 11 Alexandria |
ich habe folgenden Code, aber irgendwo muss da noch ein Fehler sein (in Emulate):
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// File: copyTestScanner.pas // Author: (c) 2023 by Jens Kallup - paule32 // all rights reserved. // // only free for education, and non-profit ! // --------------------------------------------------------------------- unit Scanner; interface resourcestring ERR_SCANNER_UNEXPECTED_CHAR = 'Error: 0: Scnner: Unexpected char found in stream.'; ERR_PARSER_EXPECTED = 'Error 1: Parser: %s expected, %s found instead'; ERR_PARSER_UNALLOWED_STATEMENT = 'Error 2: Parser: unallowed Statement'; ERR_PARSER_WRONG_PROCEDURE_ENDED = 'Error 3: Parser: Procedure end %s expected, but %s found'; ERR_PARSER_UNKNOWN_IDENT = 'Error 4: Parser: Unknown Identifier'; ERR_PARSER_VAR_CONSTANT_EXPECTED = 'Error 5: Parser: Variable or Constant expected'; ERR_PARSER_VAR_EXPECTED = 'Error 6: Parser: Variable expected'; ERR_PARSER_PROCEDURE_EXPECTED = 'Error 7: Parser: Procedure expected'; ERR_PARSER_NO_CONST_ALLOWED = 'Error 8: Parser: No Constant allowed here'; procedure LexScanner(filename: String); (* Testscript.pas: unit test; var a; begin a := 42; write a; end test; *) implementation uses Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, System.SysUtils, Unit2; type TSymbol = ( sUnknown, sIdent, sInteger, sPlus, sMinus, sStar, sSlash, sEqual, sSmaller, sBigger, sBiggerEqual, sSmallerEqual, sUnEqual, sOpenBracket, sCloseBracket, sComma, sDot, sSemiColon, sBecomes, sVar, sConst, sProcedure, sBegin, sEnd, sIf, sThen, sElseIf, sElse, sWhile, sDo, sUnit, sWrite, sNone ); const cSymbols : Array[TSymbol] of String = ( '','','','+','-','*','/','=', '<','>','>=','<=','#', '(',')',',','.',';',':=', 'VAR','CONST','PROCEDURE','BEGIN','END','IF','THEN', 'ELSEIF','ELSE','WHILE','DO','UNIT','WRITE', '' ); type TIdentType = (itConstant, itVariable, itProcedure); TIdent = record name: String; case kind: TIdentType of itConstant: (val: Integer); itVariable, itProcedure: (level,adr,size: Integer); end; TIdentList = Array of TIdent; TOpCode = (lit,opr,lod,sto,cal,int,jmp,jpc,wri); Instruction = record f: TOpCode; // command l: Byte; // level a: Integer; // address end; TInstructions = Array of Instruction; PInstructions = ^TInstructions; var Table: TIdentList; Code: TInstructions; Instructions : TInstructions; cx: Integer; // code position ID: String; num: Integer; var ch: Char; str: String; Symbol: TSymbol; var inFile: File; bcFile: File of Byte; Line: Integer; procedure Error(ErrorText: String); var s: String; begin s := Format('%d: ' + ErrorText, [Line]); raise Exception.Create(s); end; procedure ErrorExpected(Expected: Array of TSymbol; Found: TSymbol); const eSymbols : Array[TSymbol] of String = ( 'Unknown','Identifier','Integer','+','-','*','/','=', '<','>','>=','<=','#', '(',')',',','.',';',':=', 'VAR','CONST','PROCEDURE','BEGIN','END','IF','THEN', 'ELSEIF','ELSE','WHILE','DO','UNIT','WRITE', '!none!' ); var ExpectedSymbol: String; i: Integer; s: String; begin ExpectedSymbol := eSymbols[Expected[Low(Expected)]]; for I := Low(Expected)+1 to High(Expected) do ExpectedSymbol := ExpectedSymbol + ', ' + eSymbols[Expected[i]]; s := System.SysUtils.Format('%d: ' + ERR_PARSER_EXPECTED,[Line,ExpectedSymbol,eSymbols[Found]]); raise Exception.Create(s); end; procedure Emulate; const StackSize = 1024; var p,b,t: Integer; i: TInstructions; s: Array[1..StackSize] of Integer; function Base(a: Integer): Integer; var b1: Integer; begin b1 := b; while a > 9 do begin b1 := s[b1]; dec(a); end; base := b1; end; begin Form2.FEditorFrame.Memo2.Lines.Add('Interpreting Code'); showmessage('size: ' + inttostr(sizeof(instructions))); SetLength(i,sizeof(TInstructions)*4); t := 0; b := 1; p := -1; s[1] := 0; s[2] := 0; s[3] := 0; repeat inc(p); with Instructions[p] do begin case f of lit: begin showmessage('11111'); inc(t); s[t] := a; end; lod: begin showmessage('2222'); inc(t); s[t] := s[base(l)+a]; end; sto: begin showmessage('3333'); s[base(l)+a] := s[t]; dec(t); end; cal: begin showmessage('444'); s[t + 1] := base(l); s[t + 2] := b; s[t + 3] := p; b := t + 1; p := a; end; int: t := t + a; jmp: p := a; jpc: begin if s[t] = 0 then p := a; dec(t); end; wri: begin showmessage('6666'); Form2.FEditorFrame.Memo2.Lines.Add( 'wri: ' + IntToStr(s[t])); dec(t); end; opr: begin case a of 0: begin t := b - 1; p := s[ t + 3]; b := s[ t + 2]; end; 1: begin s[t] := -s[t]; // negation end; 2: begin // addition dec(t); s[t] := s[t] + s[t + 1]; end; 3: begin // subtraction dec(t); s[t] := s[t] - s[t + 1]; end; 4: begin // multiplication dec(t); s[t] := s[t] * s[t + 1]; end; 5: begin // division dec(t); s[t] := s[t] div s[t + 1]; end; 8: begin // Equal dec(t); s[t] := Ord(s[t] = s[t + 1]); end; 9: begin // unequal dec(t); s[t] := Ord(s[t] <> s[t + 1]); end; 10: begin // smaller dec(t); s[t] := Ord(s[t] < s[t + 1]); end; 11: begin // bigger dec(t); s[t] := Ord(s[t] > s[t + 1]); end; 12: begin // biggerequal dec(t); s[t] := Ord(s[t] >= s[t + 1]); end; 13: begin // smallerequal dec(t); s[t] := Ord(s[t] <= s[t + 1]); end; else begin raise Exception.Create('Unknown Operand'); end; end; end; else begin raise Exception.Create('Unknown opcode'); end; end; end; until p = 0; end; procedure Expect(Expected: TSymbol); begin if Symbol <> Expected then ErrorExpected([Expected], Symbol); end; procedure GenCode(f: TOpCode; l,a: Integer); begin if cx > Length(Code) - 1 then SetLength(code, Length(code) + 64); Code[cx].f := f; Code[cx].a := a; Code[cx].l := l; inc (cx); end; procedure GetSym; procedure GetCh; begin if not Eof(inFile) then BlockRead(inFile, ch, 1) else ch := ' '; ch := UpCase(ch); // case in-sensitive if ch = #13 then inc(Line); if Ord(ch) < Ord(' ') then ch := ' '; end; var i: TSymbol; begin while true do begin str := ''; Symbol := sNone; while (ch = ' ') and not Eof(inFile) do GetCh; if Eof(inFile) then exit; case ch of // ident/reserved word 'A'..'Z', '_': begin while ch in ['A'..'Z','_','0'..'9'] do begin str := str + ch; GetCh; end; Symbol := sIdent; for i := sUnknown to sNone do begin if str = cSymbols[I] then begin Symbol := i; break; end; end; if Symbol = sIdent then ID := str; exit; end; // symbols that consists only of one char ';','+','-','=','#',',','.','*','/': begin str := ch; Symbol := sUnknown; for i := sUnknown to sNone do begin if str = cSymbols[i] then begin Symbol := i; break; end; end; GetCh; exit; end; // chars, that can contain forward chars (=) ':','<','>': begin str := ch; GetCh; if ch = '=' then str := str + ch; GetCh; Symbol := sUnknown; for i := sUnknown to sNone do begin if str = cSymbols[i] then begin Symbol := i; break; end; end; exit; end; // parens, and comas '(',')': begin str := ch; GetCh; if (str = '(') and (ch = '*') then begin // skip comment GetCh; while true do begin GetCh; if ch = '*' then begin GetCh; if ch = ')' then begin Getch; break; end; end else begin if Eof(inFile) then break; end; end; end else begin if str = '(' then begin Symbol := sOpenBracket; exit; end else if str = ')' then begin Symbol := sCloseBracket; exit; end; end; end; // digits '0'..'9','$': begin Symbol := sInteger; str := ch; GetCh; if str = '$' then // hex value begin while ch in ['0'..'9','A'..'F'] do begin str := str + ch; GetCh; end; exit; end else begin while ch in ['0'..'9'] do begin str := str + ch; GetCh; end; exit; end; end; else Error(ERR_SCANNER_UNEXPECTED_CHAR); end; Assert(Symbol <> sUnknown); end; end; procedure Module; function Position(ID: String; TablePosition: Integer): Integer; var i: Integer; begin Table[0].name := ID; I := TablePosition; while Table[I].name <> ID do dec(i); result := I; end; procedure StatementSequence(TablePosition, lev: Integer); procedure Statement; procedure Expression; procedure Term; procedure Factor; var identPos: Integer; begin if (Symbol in [sIdent]) then begin identPos := Position(ID,TablePosition); if identPos = 0 then Error(ERR_PARSER_UNKNOWN_IDENT); if Table[identPos].kind = itProcedure then Error(ERR_PARSER_VAR_CONSTANT_EXPECTED); case Table[identPos].kind of itConstant: GenCode(lit, 0, Table[identPos].val); itVariable: GenCode(lod, lev-Table[identPos].level,Table[identPos].val); end; GetSym; end else if (Symbol = sInteger) then begin GenCode(lit,0,num); GetSym; end else if (Symbol = sOpenBracket) then begin GetSym; Expression; Expect(sCloseBracket); GetSym; end else ErrorExpected([sIdent, sInteger, sOpenBracket],Symbol); end; var operation: TSymbol; begin Factor; while Symbol in [sStar, sSlash] do begin Operation := Symbol; GetSym; Factor; case Operation of sStar: GenCode(opr,0,4); sSlash: GenCode(opr,0,5); end; end; end; var Operation: TSymbol; begin if Symbol in [sPlus, sMinus] then begin Operation := Symbol; GetSym; Term; if Operation = sMinus then GenCode(opr,0,1); end else Term; while Symbol in [sPlus, sMinus] do begin Operation := Symbol; GetSym; Term; case Operation of sPlus: GenCode(opr,0,2); sMinus: GenCode(opr,0,3); end; end; end; procedure Condition; var Operation: TSymbol; begin Expression; Operation := Symbol; GetSym; Expression; case Operation of sEqual: GenCode(opr,0,8); sSmaller: GenCode(opr,0,10); sBigger: GenCode(opr,0,11); sBiggerEqual: GenCode(opr,0,12); sSmallerEqual: GenCode(opr,0,13); sUnEqual: GenCode(opr,0, 9); else ErrorExpected( [sEqual, sSmaller, sBigger, sBiggerEqual, sSmallerEqual, sUnequal], Symbol) end; end; var identPos: Integer; ident: String; CodePosition1, CodePosition2: Integer; begin case Symbol of sIdent: begin ident := id; identPos := Position(ID, TablePosition); if identPos = 0 then Error(ERR_PARSER_UNKNOWN_IDENT); if Table[identPos].kind = itProcedure then begin // procedure call GenCode(cal,lev-Table[identPos].level,Table[identPos].adr); GetSym; end else if Table[identPos].kind = itVariable then begin GetSym; Expect(sBecomes); GetSym; Expression; GenCode(sto,lev-Table[identPos].level,Table[identPos].adr); end else Error(ERR_PARSER_NO_CONST_ALLOWED); end; sWrite: begin GetSym; Expression; GenCode(wri,0,0); end; sIf: begin GetSym; Condition; Expect(sThen); GetSym; CodePosition1 := cx; GenCode(jpc,0,0); StatementSequence(TablePosition,lev); Expect(sEnd); GetSym; CodePosition2 := cx; GenCode(jmp,0,0); Code[CodePosition1].a := cx; while Symbol = sElseIf do begin GetSym; Condition; Expect(sThen); GetSym; CodePosition1 := cx; GenCode(jpc,0,0); StatementSequence(TablePosition,lev); Expect(sEnd); GetSym; Code[CodePosition2].a := cx; CodePosition2 := cx; GenCode(jmp,0,0); Code[CodePosition1].a := cx; end; if Symbol = sElse then begin GetSym; StatementSequence(TablePosition,lev); Expect(sEnd); GetSym; Code[CodePosition2].a := cx; end; end; sWhile: begin GetSym; CodePosition2 := cx; Condition; Expect(sDo); GetSym; CodePosition1 := cx; GenCode(jpc,0,0); StatementSequence(TablePosition,lev); Expect(sEnd); GenCode(jmp,0,0); GetSym; Code[CodePosition1].a := cx; end; sBegin: begin GetSym; StatementSequence(TablePosition,lev); Expect(sEnd); GetSym; end; else begin //dummy error end; end; end; begin Statement; while Symbol = SSemiColon do begin GetSym; Statement; end; end; function Declarations(TablePosition: Integer; lev: Integer): Integer; var DataPos: Integer; InitTablePos: Integer; InitCodePos: Integer; procedure Enter(Typ: TIdentType); begin inc(TablePosition); if TablePosition > Length(Table) - 1 then SetLength(Table, Length(Table) + 16); with Table[TablePosition] do begin name := ID; kind := Typ; case kind of itVariable: begin level := lev; adr := DataPos; inc(DataPos); end; itConstant : val := num; itProcedure: level := lev; end; end; end; procedure ProcedureDecl; var ProcedureName: String; ProcTablePos: Integer; begin Expect(sProcedure); GetSym; Expect(sIdent); Enter(itProcedure); ProcedureName := ID; GetSym; Expect(sSemiColon); GetSym; ProcTablePos := Declarations(TablePosition,lev+1); Expect(sBegin); GetSym; StatementSequence(ProcTablePos, lev+1); Expect(sEnd); GetSym; Expect(sIdent); if ProcedureName <> ID then begin Error(Format(ERR_PARSER_WRONG_PROCEDURE_ENDED, [ProcedureName, ID])); end; GetSym; Expect(sSemiColon); GenCode(opr,0,0); // return back to sub caller GetSym; end; procedure ConstDecl; begin Expect(sIdent); GetSym; Expect(sEqual); GetSym; Expect(sInteger); Enter(itConstant); GetSym; end; procedure VarDecl; begin Expect(sIdent); Enter(itVariable); GetSym; while Symbol = sComma do begin GetSym; Expect(sIdent); Enter(itVariable); GetSym; end; end; begin DataPos := 3; InitTablePos := TablePosition; InitCodePos := cx; Table[TablePosition].adr := cx; GenCode(jmp,0,0); while Symbol in [sVar, sConst, sProcedure] do case Symbol of sVar: begin GetSym; VarDecl; Expect(sSemiColon); GetSym; while Symbol = sIdent do begin VarDecl; Expect(sSemiColon); GetSym; end; end; sConst: begin GetSym; ConstDecl; Expect(sSemiColon); GetSym; while Symbol = sIdent do begin ConstDecl; Expect(sSemiColon); GetSym; end; end; sProcedure: begin ProcedureDecl; end; end; Code[Table[InitTablePos].adr].a := cx; with Table[InitTablePos] do begin adr := cx; size := DataPos; end; // allocate memory space GenCode(int,0,DataPos); result := TablePosition; end; var TablePosition: Integer; UnitName: String; begin Expect(sUnit); GetSym; Expect(sIdent); UnitName := id; showmessage(unitname); GetSym; Expect(sSemiColon); GetSym; TablePosition := Declarations(0,0); Expect(sBegin); GetSym; StatementSequence(TablePosition,0); Expect(sEnd); // the end GenCode(jmp,0,0); GetSym; Expect(sIdent); if UnitName <> ID then raise Exception.Create(Format( '%d: Warning: Module ID <> End ID. Code already generated.', [Line])); GetSym; Expect(sSemiColon); GetSym; if Symbol <> sNone then raise Exception.Create(Format( '%d: Code after unit END is ignored!', [Line])); end; procedure LexScanner(filename: String); var F: File of Instruction; i: Integer; FSize: Integer; s: String; buffer: Array of TInstructions; begin try try AssignFile(inFile, filename); Reset(inFile,1); ch := ' '; Line := 1; cx := 0; SetLength(Table,1); GetSym; Module; s := ChangeFileExt(filename,'.bin'); AssignFile(F,s); ReWrite(F); i := 0; while i < cx do begin Write(F,Code[i]); inc(i); end; with Form2.FEditorFrame.Memo2.Lines do begin Clear; Add('Done, no syntax errors detected... Code success'); Add(Format('# Instructions: %d',[cx])); Add(Format('# Code size : %d',[(cx) * sizeof(Instruction)])); end; Close(F); Close(inFile); AssignFile(bcFile,s); FileMode := 0; // read only Reset(bcFile); FSize := FileSize(bcFile); SetLength(Instructions,FSize div sizeof(Instruction)); BlockRead(bcFile,Instructions,FSize); Emulate; SetLength(Instructions,0); except on E: Exception do begin ShowMessage('Exception' + #13#10 + 'Message: ' + E.Message); end; end; finally CloseFile(bcFile); CloseFile(F); CloseFile(inFile); end; end; end.
Frag doch einfach
Alles was nicht programmiert werden kann, wird gelötet |
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Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2023 386 Beiträge |
Don't know about this file format, but you did ask a different question in different post, and you did a mistake in both of them.
This is wrong
And should be one of the following
buffer: Array of TInstructions;
The rest i can't say.
buffer: Array of TInstruction; // or
buffer: TInstructions;
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Registriert seit: 19. Jan 2009 Ort: Kirchlinteln (LK Verden) 1.106 Beiträge Delphi 2009 Professional |
"Hallo, ich habe irgendwas vor und habe hier knapp 1000 Zeilen Code. Irgendwo ist irgendein Fehler, wenn ich irgendwas mache."
2005 PE, 2009 PA, XE2 PA |
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Registriert seit: 24. Sep 2022 Ort: Planet Erde 356 Beiträge Delphi 11 Alexandria |
schon gut...
schreib ja nichts mehr dazu
Frag doch einfach
Alles was nicht programmiert werden kann, wird gelötet |
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Registriert seit: 28. Feb 2016 Ort: Nordost Baden-Württemberg 3.020 Beiträge Delphi 12 Athens |
Das bedeutet ja nicht, dass du nix mehr schreiben sollst, sondern uns nur etwas mehr Infos gebe.
Was für eine Art Fehler? Compiler meckert oder zur Laufzeit kommt was falsches raus? Falls ersteres welche Fehlermeldung, falls letzteres womit wurde das Programm gefüttert und welches Ergebnis wurde erwartet? Andere Frage: was macht das Programm eigentlich? Ich habe den Verdacht es soll irgendwie Delphi Code analysieren? |
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Registriert seit: 24. Sep 2022 Ort: Planet Erde 356 Beiträge Delphi 11 Alexandria |
mit analysieren gehts in die Richtung, ja.
Aber kein Compiler oder so. Mehr Skripting Lexer, ja. Beim kompilieren kommt kein Fehler. Beim lesen der Datei-Daten kommt auch kein Fehler. Nur beim ausführen - an den angeführten Stellen: Es scheint, ich reserviere den Speicher richtigerweise, Da ich bei: ShowMessage('buf: ' + inttostr(FSize)); den Wert 57 erhalte. und oberhalb der while Schleife in Emulate erhalte ich in den ersten 3 ShowMessage's Werte > 0 (8).
// hier erhalte ich jeweils: 8
ShowMessage('mem 1: ' + inttostr(sizeof(Instructions[p]))); ShowMessage('mem 2: ' + inttostr(sizeof(Instructions[p+1]))); // hier erhalte ich einen Crash: ShowMessage('opr: ' + inttostr(Instructions[p].a)); // und dann geht es in der Emulate Prozedure auch nicht weiter: with Instructions[p] do
unit Scanner;
interface resourcestring ERR_SCANNER_UNEXPECTED_CHAR = 'Error: 0: Scnner: Unexpected char found in stream.'; ERR_PARSER_EXPECTED = 'Error 1: Parser: %s expected, %s found instead'; ERR_PARSER_UNALLOWED_STATEMENT = 'Error 2: Parser: unallowed Statement'; ERR_PARSER_WRONG_PROCEDURE_ENDED = 'Error 3: Parser: Procedure end %s expected, but %s found'; ERR_PARSER_UNKNOWN_IDENT = 'Error 4: Parser: Unknown Identifier'; ERR_PARSER_VAR_CONSTANT_EXPECTED = 'Error 5: Parser: Variable or Constant expected'; ERR_PARSER_VAR_EXPECTED = 'Error 6: Parser: Variable expected'; ERR_PARSER_PROCEDURE_EXPECTED = 'Error 7: Parser: Procedure expected'; ERR_PARSER_NO_CONST_ALLOWED = 'Error 8: Parser: No Constant allowed here'; procedure LexScanner(filename: String); implementation uses Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, System.SysUtils, Unit2; type TSymbol = ( sUnknown, sIdent, sInteger, sPlus, sMinus, sStar, sSlash, sEqual, sSmaller, sBigger, sBiggerEqual, sSmallerEqual, sUnEqual, sOpenBracket, sCloseBracket, sComma, sDot, sSemiColon, sBecomes, sVar, sConst, sProcedure, sBegin, sEnd, sIf, sThen, sElseIf, sElse, sWhile, sDo, sUnit, sWrite, sNone ); const cSymbols : Array[TSymbol] of String = ( '','','','+','-','*','/','=', '<','>','>=','<=','#', '(',')',',','.',';',':=', 'VAR','CONST','PROCEDURE','BEGIN','END','IF','THEN', 'ELSEIF','ELSE','WHILE','DO','UNIT','WRITE', '' ); type TIdentType = (itConstant, itVariable, itProcedure); TIdent = record name: String; case kind: TIdentType of itConstant: (val: Integer); itVariable, itProcedure: (level,adr,size: Integer); end; TIdentList = Array of TIdent; TOpCode = (lit,opr,lod,sto,cal,int,jmp,jpc,wri); PInstruction = ^TInstruction; TInstruction = record f: TOpCode; // command l: Byte; // level a: Integer; // address end; var Table: TIdentList; Instructions: Array of TInstruction; cx: Integer; // code position ID: String; num: Integer; var ch: Char; str: String; Symbol: TSymbol; var inFile: File; bcFile: File of Byte; Line: Integer; procedure Error(ErrorText: String); var s: String; begin s := Format('%d: ' + ErrorText, [Line]); raise Exception.Create(s); end; procedure ErrorExpected(Expected: Array of TSymbol; Found: TSymbol); const eSymbols : Array[TSymbol] of String = ( 'Unknown','Identifier','Integer','+','-','*','/','=', '<','>','>=','<=','#', '(',')',',','.',';',':=', 'VAR','CONST','PROCEDURE','BEGIN','END','IF','THEN', 'ELSEIF','ELSE','WHILE','DO','UNIT','WRITE', '!none!' ); var ExpectedSymbol: String; i: Integer; s: String; begin ExpectedSymbol := eSymbols[Expected[Low(Expected)]]; for I := Low(Expected)+1 to High(Expected) do ExpectedSymbol := ExpectedSymbol + ', ' + eSymbols[Expected[i]]; s := System.SysUtils.Format('%d: ' + ERR_PARSER_EXPECTED,[Line,ExpectedSymbol,eSymbols[Found]]); raise Exception.Create(s); end; procedure Emulate; const StackSize = 1024; var p,b,t: Integer; s: Array[1..StackSize] of Integer; function Base(a: Integer): Integer; var b1: Integer; begin b1 := b; while a > 9 do begin b1 := s[b1]; dec(a); end; base := b1; end; begin Form2.FEditorFrame.Memo2.Lines.Add('Interpreting Code'); showmessage('size: ' + inttostr(sizeof(instructions))); t := 0; b := 1; p := -1; s[1] := 0; s[2] := 0; s[3] := 0; repeat inc(p); ShowMessage('len: ' + inttostr(sizeof(Instructions))); ShowMessage('mem 1: ' + inttostr(sizeof(Instructions[p]))); ShowMessage('mem 2: ' + inttostr(sizeof(Instructions[p+1]))); ShowMessage('opr: ' + inttostr(Instructions[p].a)); with Instructions[p] do begin showmessage('huhu'); case f of lit: begin showmessage('11111'); inc(t); s[t] := a; end; lod: begin showmessage('2222'); inc(t); s[t] := s[base(l)+a]; end; sto: begin showmessage('3333'); s[base(l)+a] := s[t]; dec(t); end; cal: begin showmessage('444'); s[t + 1] := base(l); s[t + 2] := b; s[t + 3] := p; b := t + 1; p := a; end; int: t := t + a; jmp: p := a; jpc: begin if s[t] = 0 then p := a; dec(t); end; wri: begin showmessage('6666'); Form2.FEditorFrame.Memo2.Lines.Add( 'wri: ' + IntToStr(s[t])); dec(t); end; opr: begin case a of 0: begin t := b - 1; p := s[ t + 3]; b := s[ t + 2]; end; 1: begin s[t] := -s[t]; // negation end; 2: begin // addition dec(t); s[t] := s[t] + s[t + 1]; end; 3: begin // subtraction dec(t); s[t] := s[t] - s[t + 1]; end; 4: begin // multiplication dec(t); s[t] := s[t] * s[t + 1]; end; 5: begin // division dec(t); s[t] := s[t] div s[t + 1]; end; 8: begin // Equal dec(t); s[t] := Ord(s[t] = s[t + 1]); end; 9: begin // unequal dec(t); s[t] := Ord(s[t] <> s[t + 1]); end; 10: begin // smaller dec(t); s[t] := Ord(s[t] < s[t + 1]); end; 11: begin // bigger dec(t); s[t] := Ord(s[t] > s[t + 1]); end; 12: begin // biggerequal dec(t); s[t] := Ord(s[t] >= s[t + 1]); end; 13: begin // smallerequal dec(t); s[t] := Ord(s[t] <= s[t + 1]); end; else begin raise Exception.Create('Unknown Operand'); end; end; end; else begin raise Exception.Create('Unknown opcode'); end; end; end; until p = 4; end; procedure Expect(Expected: TSymbol); begin if Symbol <> Expected then ErrorExpected([Expected], Symbol); end; procedure GenCode(f: TOpCode; l,a: Integer); begin if cx > Length(Instructions) - 1 then SetLength(Instructions, Length(Instructions) + 64); Instructions[cx].f := f; Instructions[cx].a := a; Instructions[cx].l := l; inc (cx); end; procedure GetSym; procedure GetCh; begin if not Eof(inFile) then BlockRead(inFile, ch, 1) else ch := ' '; ch := UpCase(ch); // case in-sensitive if ch = #13 then inc(Line); if Ord(ch) < Ord(' ') then ch := ' '; end; var i: TSymbol; begin while true do begin str := ''; Symbol := sNone; while (ch = ' ') and not Eof(inFile) do GetCh; if Eof(inFile) then exit; case ch of // ident/reserved word 'A'..'Z', '_': begin while ch in ['A'..'Z','_','0'..'9'] do begin str := str + ch; GetCh; end; Symbol := sIdent; for i := sUnknown to sNone do begin if str = cSymbols[I] then begin Symbol := i; break; end; end; if Symbol = sIdent then ID := str; exit; end; // symbols that consists only of one char ';','+','-','=','#',',','.','*','/': begin str := ch; Symbol := sUnknown; for i := sUnknown to sNone do begin if str = cSymbols[i] then begin Symbol := i; break; end; end; GetCh; exit; end; // chars, that can contain forward chars (=) ':','<','>': begin str := ch; GetCh; if ch = '=' then str := str + ch; GetCh; Symbol := sUnknown; for i := sUnknown to sNone do begin if str = cSymbols[i] then begin Symbol := i; break; end; end; exit; end; // parens, and comas '(',')': begin str := ch; GetCh; if (str = '(') and (ch = '*') then begin // skip comment GetCh; while true do begin GetCh; if ch = '*' then begin GetCh; if ch = ')' then begin Getch; break; end; end else begin if Eof(inFile) then break; end; end; end else begin if str = '(' then begin Symbol := sOpenBracket; exit; end else if str = ')' then begin Symbol := sCloseBracket; exit; end; end; end; // digits '0'..'9','$': begin Symbol := sInteger; str := ch; GetCh; if str = '$' then // hex value begin while ch in ['0'..'9','A'..'F'] do begin str := str + ch; GetCh; end; exit; end else begin while ch in ['0'..'9'] do begin str := str + ch; GetCh; end; exit; end; end; else Error(ERR_SCANNER_UNEXPECTED_CHAR); end; Assert(Symbol <> sUnknown); end; end; procedure Module; function Position(ID: String; TablePosition: Integer): Integer; var i: Integer; begin Table[0].name := ID; I := TablePosition; while Table[I].name <> ID do dec(i); result := I; end; procedure StatementSequence(TablePosition, lev: Integer); procedure Statement; procedure Expression; procedure Term; procedure Factor; var identPos: Integer; begin if (Symbol in [sIdent]) then begin identPos := Position(ID,TablePosition); if identPos = 0 then Error(ERR_PARSER_UNKNOWN_IDENT); if Table[identPos].kind = itProcedure then Error(ERR_PARSER_VAR_CONSTANT_EXPECTED); case Table[identPos].kind of itConstant: GenCode(lit, 0, Table[identPos].val); itVariable: GenCode(lod, lev-Table[identPos].level,Table[identPos].val); end; GetSym; end else if (Symbol = sInteger) then begin GenCode(lit,0,num); GetSym; end else if (Symbol = sOpenBracket) then begin GetSym; Expression; Expect(sCloseBracket); GetSym; end else ErrorExpected([sIdent, sInteger, sOpenBracket],Symbol); end; var operation: TSymbol; begin Factor; while Symbol in [sStar, sSlash] do begin Operation := Symbol; GetSym; Factor; case Operation of sStar: GenCode(opr,0,4); sSlash: GenCode(opr,0,5); end; end; end; var Operation: TSymbol; begin if Symbol in [sPlus, sMinus] then begin Operation := Symbol; GetSym; Term; if Operation = sMinus then GenCode(opr,0,1); end else Term; while Symbol in [sPlus, sMinus] do begin Operation := Symbol; GetSym; Term; case Operation of sPlus: GenCode(opr,0,2); sMinus: GenCode(opr,0,3); end; end; end; procedure Condition; var Operation: TSymbol; begin Expression; Operation := Symbol; GetSym; Expression; case Operation of sEqual: GenCode(opr,0,8); sSmaller: GenCode(opr,0,10); sBigger: GenCode(opr,0,11); sBiggerEqual: GenCode(opr,0,12); sSmallerEqual: GenCode(opr,0,13); sUnEqual: GenCode(opr,0, 9); else ErrorExpected( [sEqual, sSmaller, sBigger, sBiggerEqual, sSmallerEqual, sUnequal], Symbol) end; end; var identPos: Integer; ident: String; CodePosition1, CodePosition2: Integer; begin case Symbol of sIdent: begin ident := id; identPos := Position(ID, TablePosition); if identPos = 0 then Error(ERR_PARSER_UNKNOWN_IDENT); if Table[identPos].kind = itProcedure then begin // procedure call GenCode(cal,lev-Table[identPos].level,Table[identPos].adr); GetSym; end else if Table[identPos].kind = itVariable then begin GetSym; Expect(sBecomes); GetSym; Expression; GenCode(sto,lev-Table[identPos].level,Table[identPos].adr); end else Error(ERR_PARSER_NO_CONST_ALLOWED); end; sWrite: begin GetSym; Expression; GenCode(wri,0,0); end; sIf: begin GetSym; Condition; Expect(sThen); GetSym; CodePosition1 := cx; GenCode(jpc,0,0); StatementSequence(TablePosition,lev); Expect(sEnd); GetSym; CodePosition2 := cx; GenCode(jmp,0,0); Instructions[CodePosition1].a := cx; while Symbol = sElseIf do begin GetSym; Condition; Expect(sThen); GetSym; CodePosition1 := cx; GenCode(jpc,0,0); StatementSequence(TablePosition,lev); Expect(sEnd); GetSym; Instructions[CodePosition2].a := cx; CodePosition2 := cx; GenCode(jmp,0,0); Instructions[CodePosition1].a := cx; end; if Symbol = sElse then begin GetSym; StatementSequence(TablePosition,lev); Expect(sEnd); GetSym; Instructions[CodePosition2].a := cx; end; end; sWhile: begin GetSym; CodePosition2 := cx; Condition; Expect(sDo); GetSym; CodePosition1 := cx; GenCode(jpc,0,0); StatementSequence(TablePosition,lev); Expect(sEnd); GenCode(jmp,0,0); GetSym; Instructions[CodePosition1].a := cx; end; sBegin: begin GetSym; StatementSequence(TablePosition,lev); Expect(sEnd); GetSym; end; else begin //dummy error end; end; end; begin Statement; while Symbol = SSemiColon do begin GetSym; Statement; end; end; function Declarations(TablePosition: Integer; lev: Integer): Integer; var DataPos: Integer; InitTablePos: Integer; InitCodePos: Integer; procedure Enter(Typ: TIdentType); begin inc(TablePosition); if TablePosition > Length(Table) - 1 then SetLength(Table, Length(Table) + 16); with Table[TablePosition] do begin name := ID; kind := Typ; case kind of itVariable: begin level := lev; adr := DataPos; inc(DataPos); end; itConstant : val := num; itProcedure: level := lev; end; end; end; procedure ProcedureDecl; var ProcedureName: String; ProcTablePos: Integer; begin Expect(sProcedure); GetSym; Expect(sIdent); Enter(itProcedure); ProcedureName := ID; GetSym; Expect(sSemiColon); GetSym; ProcTablePos := Declarations(TablePosition,lev+1); Expect(sBegin); GetSym; StatementSequence(ProcTablePos, lev+1); Expect(sEnd); GetSym; Expect(sIdent); if ProcedureName <> ID then begin Error(Format(ERR_PARSER_WRONG_PROCEDURE_ENDED, [ProcedureName, ID])); end; GetSym; Expect(sSemiColon); GenCode(opr,0,0); // return back to sub caller GetSym; end; procedure ConstDecl; begin Expect(sIdent); GetSym; Expect(sEqual); GetSym; Expect(sInteger); Enter(itConstant); GetSym; end; procedure VarDecl; begin Expect(sIdent); Enter(itVariable); GetSym; while Symbol = sComma do begin GetSym; Expect(sIdent); Enter(itVariable); GetSym; end; end; begin DataPos := 3; InitTablePos := TablePosition; InitCodePos := cx; Table[TablePosition].adr := cx; GenCode(jmp,0,0); while Symbol in [sVar, sConst, sProcedure] do case Symbol of sVar: begin GetSym; VarDecl; Expect(sSemiColon); GetSym; while Symbol = sIdent do begin VarDecl; Expect(sSemiColon); GetSym; end; end; sConst: begin GetSym; ConstDecl; Expect(sSemiColon); GetSym; while Symbol = sIdent do begin ConstDecl; Expect(sSemiColon); GetSym; end; end; sProcedure: begin ProcedureDecl; end; end; Instructions[Table[InitTablePos].adr].a := cx; with Table[InitTablePos] do begin adr := cx; size := DataPos; end; // allocate memory space GenCode(int,0,DataPos); result := TablePosition; end; var TablePosition: Integer; UnitName: String; begin Expect(sUnit); GetSym; Expect(sIdent); UnitName := id; showmessage(unitname); GetSym; Expect(sSemiColon); GetSym; TablePosition := Declarations(0,0); Expect(sBegin); GetSym; StatementSequence(TablePosition,0); Expect(sEnd); // the end GenCode(jmp,0,0); GetSym; Expect(sIdent); if UnitName <> ID then raise Exception.Create(Format( '%d: Warning: Module ID <> End ID. Code already generated.', [Line])); GetSym; Expect(sSemiColon); GetSym; if Symbol <> sNone then raise Exception.Create(Format( '%d: Code after unit END is ignored!', [Line])); end; procedure LexScanner(filename: String); var F: File of TInstruction; i: Integer; FSize: Integer; s: String; begin try try AssignFile(inFile, filename); Reset(inFile,1); ch := ' '; Line := 1; cx := 0; SetLength(Table,1); GetSym; Module; s := ChangeFileExt(filename,'.bin'); AssignFile(F,s); ReWrite(F); i := 0; while i < cx do begin Write(F,Instructions[i]); inc(i); end; with Form2.FEditorFrame.Memo2.Lines do begin Clear; Add('Done, no syntax errors detected... Code success'); Add(Format('# Instructions: %d',[cx])); Add(Format('# Code size : %d',[(cx) * sizeof(Instructions)])); end; Close(F); Close(inFile); AssignFile(bcFile,s); FileMode := 0; // read only Reset(bcFile); FSize := FileSize(bcFile); SetLength(Instructions,FSize); BlockRead(bcFile,Instructions,FSize div sizeof(TInstruction)); ShowMessage('buf: ' + inttostr(FSize)); ShowMessage('---> ' + IntToStr(FSize div sizeof(TInstruction))); Emulate; // SetLength(Instructions,0); except on E: Exception do begin ShowMessage('Exception' + #13#10 + 'Message: ' + E.Message); end; end; finally CloseFile(bcFile); CloseFile(F); CloseFile(inFile); end; end; end.
Frag doch einfach
Alles was nicht programmiert werden kann, wird gelötet |
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Registriert seit: 3. Sep 2023 386 Beiträge |
I can't imagine the amount of time you are wasting of clicking enter on messages from ShowMessage, do yourself a favor and use some logging method.
The file you are loading, where did it come from ? What is its format ? If it is yours or not, check data aligning for that TInstruction record, you might need to declare that record as packed, just make sure it is the same size with the same padding. You have potential problem with "p" you are starting it with -1 then using p, p+1 so this an AV waiting for you when things will start work and you need more than 4. Not sure about your question to be honest, but sizeof(Instructions[p]) should never change and it is constant, so double checking it with p+1 is useless.
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Registriert seit: 30. Mai 2002 Ort: Hamburg 13.920 Beiträge Delphi 10.4 Sydney |
@paule: Bitte versuche, Deinen Themen aussagekräftige Titel zu geben. Und eingrenzen musst du den Fehler schon selbst – es ist nicht Sinn und Zweck dieses Forums, einfach einen Haufen Code kommentarlos rein zu werfen mit der Bitte, einen Fehler zu finden. Im Kern wirst du dich schon selbst damit befassen müssen.
Daniel R. Wolf
mit Grüßen aus Hamburg |
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Registriert seit: 24. Sep 2022 Ort: Planet Erde 356 Beiträge Delphi 11 Alexandria |
@Daniel, okay. Nächste mal will ich versuchen, besser zu werden.
Aber wie schon geschrieben: - das auslesen der Größe ist kein Problem - habe nun "packed record" und die Datei test.bin ist nur noch 42 Byte groß - im Designer wie auch zur Laufzeit bekomme ich eine AV, und der Debugger Stack im Designer zeigt mir nicht die richtigen Werte für: var op: TInstruction; op := Instruction[0].f; an. ich bekomme dann eine AV, und der Debugger springt dann an. Und dort ist dann auch die Stelle, wo ich festsitze - wie ich schon schrieb, bei: var op : TOpCode; op := Instruction[p].f; @kas ob: The file is created by the source code, you can see it in this Post. I called it 'test.source.bin' at: LexScanner('test.source.pas'); - test.source.pas is the script source file - in source code, i change the .pas Extension with .bin: s := ChangeFileExt(filename,'.bin'); where "filename" is: 'test.source.pas'.
Frag doch einfach
Alles was nicht programmiert werden kann, wird gelötet Geändert von paule32.jk (21. Okt 2023 um 19:33 Uhr) |
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Registriert seit: 8. Jan 2007 478 Beiträge |
ich bekomme dann eine AV, und der Debugger springt dann an.
Und dort ist dann auch die Stelle, wo ich festsitze - wie ich schon schrieb, bei: var op : TOpCode; op := Instruction[p].f;
Bis bald...
TOpCode = (ocLit, ocOpr, ocLod, ocSto, ocCal, ocInt, ocJmp, ocJpc, ocWri); TInstruction = record f: TOpCode; // command l: Byte; // level a: Integer; // address end; PInstruction = ^TInstruction; TInstructions = array of TInstruction; var ins: PInstruction; insArr: TInstructions; begin SetLength(insArr, 2); insArr[0].f := ocLit; insArr[1].f := ocJmp; for var i: Integer := Low(insArr) to High(insArr) do ShowMessage(Format('OpCode: %s', [System.TypInfo.GetEnumName(TypeInfo(TOpCode), Ord(insArr[i].f))])); for var i: Integer := 0 to Length(insArr) - 1 do begin ins := @insArr[i]; ShowMessage(Format('OpCode: %s', [System.TypInfo.GetEnumName(TypeInfo(TOpCode), Ord(ins.f))])); end; Thomas |
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