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Non Tech: Tour du Mont Blanc

Ein Thema von DP News-Robot · begonnen am 29. Aug 2023
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Non Tech: Tour du Mont Blanc

  Alt 29. Aug 2023, 14:30
I spend a week mid August doing something I've been looking forward for a long time, walking the Tour du Mont Blanc (TMB) a classic hike around the Mont Blanc massive, with portions in Italy, Switzerland and France.

Because of time constraints (it takes 10 days, I had only 7) we cut the Italian portion and took a bus in Switzerland... but we still manged to walk over 130 km of mountain tracks in 8 days, with a total uphill of 7,000 meters and similar downhill. You end up meeting a lot of people in the mountain huts and along the road, from literally all over the world.

Here is a link to a Google map with our walked tracks (exported to Google Maps from a hike tracking app). Below is a snapshot, but of course navigating the map will let you explore further.


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