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Registriert seit: 13. Jan 2004 Ort: Hamm(Westf) 1.992 Beiträge Delphi 12 Athens |
TPath aus FMX.Objects kann
von folgenden SVG Path commands
MoveTo: M, m
LineTo: L, l, H, h, V, v Cubic Bézier Curve: C, c, S, s Quadratic Bézier Curve: Q, q, T, t Elliptical Arc Curve: A, a ClosePath: Z, z ![]() QqTt nicht. Ich denke die Ursache ist, dass FMX.Graphics.TPathData.SetPathString alle PathCommands rendert außer eben QqTt... 'C' wird wie folgt gerendert:
wäre es dann richtig 'Q' ebenso zu rendern nur eben eben mit Curvepoint2 := Curvepoint1 ?
begin CurvePoint1 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); CurvePoint2 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); CurveTo(CurvePoint1, CurvePoint2, GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); while HasRelativeOffset(PathString, Pos) do begin CurvePoint1 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); CurvePoint2 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); CurveTo(CurvePoint1, CurvePoint2, GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); end; end;
Muss noch eine andere Stelle gepatched werden?
begin CurvePoint1 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); CurvePoint2 := CurvePoint1; CurveTo(CurvePoint1, CurvePoint2, GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); while HasRelativeOffset(PathString, Pos) do begin CurvePoint1 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); CurvePoint2 := CurvePoint1; CurveTo(CurvePoint1, CurvePoint2, GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); end; end;
Monads? Wtf are Monads? |
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Registriert seit: 19. Jan 2009 Ort: Kirchlinteln (LK Verden) 1.114 Beiträge Delphi 2009 Professional |
![]() Ansonsten siehe Quelltext verschiedener SVG-Renderer für Delphi, z.B. meinen (RedeemerSVG).
2005 PE, 2009 PA, XE2 PA Geändert von Redeemer (14. Mär 2023 um 09:12 Uhr) |
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Registriert seit: 13. Jan 2004 Ort: Hamm(Westf) 1.992 Beiträge Delphi 12 Athens |
Es gibt FMX.Graphics.TPathData.QuadCurveTo(const ControlPoint, EndPoint: TPointF);
Wird irgendwie nur nicht verwendet. Die sieht so aus für 'Q':
Ich habe dann mal darauf aufbauend folgende weitere methoden "abgeleitet":
procedure TPathData.QuadCurveTo(const ControlPoint, EndPoint: TPointF);
const OneThird = 1 / 3; TwoThirds = 2 / 3; var LP, CP1, CP2: TPointF; begin LP := LastPoint; CP1.X := OneThird * LP.X + TwoThirds * ControlPoint.X; CP1.Y := OneThird * LP.Y + TwoThirds * ControlPoint.Y; CP2.X := TwoThirds * ControlPoint.X + OneThird * EndPoint.X; CP2.Y := TwoThirds * ControlPoint.Y + OneThird * EndPoint.Y; CurveTo(CP1, CP2, EndPoint); end; Für 'q':
für 'T':
procedure TPathData.QuadCurveToRel(const ControlPoint, EndPoint: TPointF);
var LP: TPointF; begin LP := LastPoint; QuadCurveTo(LP+ControlPoint,LP+EndPoint); end;
für 't':
procedure TPathData.SmoothQuadCurveTo(const EndPoint: TPointF);
var ControlPoint1: TPointF; begin if Count > 2 then ControlPoint1 := LastPoint + (LastPoint - FPathData[FPathData.Count - 2].Point) else ControlPoint1 := LastPoint; QuadCurveTo(ControlPoint1, EndPoint); end;
procedure TPathData.SmoothQuadCurveToRel(const EndPoint: TPointF);
var ControlPoint1: TPointF; begin if Count > 2 then ControlPoint1 := LastPoint + (LastPoint - FPathData[FPathData.Count - 2].Point) else ControlPoint1 := LastPoint; QuadCurveToRel(ControlPoint1, EndPoint); end; Und dann entsprechend TPathData.SetPathString gepatcht
Dann geht das hier
procedure TPathData.SetPathString(const Value: string);
var Builder, TokenBuilder: TStringBuilder; PathString, Tokens: string; Radius, CurvePoint1, CurvePoint2, TempPoint: TPointF; Large, Sweet: Boolean; Pos, I, LastLength: Integer; Angle: Single; Token: Char; begin Builder := TStringBuilder.Create; TokenBuilder := TStringBuilder.Create; try for I := 0 to Value.Length - 1 do begin if Value.Chars[I].IsInArray([#9, #10, #13]) then Builder.Append(' ') else Builder.Append(Value.Chars[I]); end; PathString := Builder.ToString; FPathData.Clear; Pos := 0; LastLength := -1; while (Builder.Length > Pos) and (LastLength <> Pos) do begin LastLength := Pos; Tokens := GetTokensFromString(PathString, Pos); TokenBuilder.Clear; TokenBuilder.Append(Tokens); while TokenBuilder.Length > 0 do begin Token := TokenBuilder.Chars[0]; TokenBuilder.Remove(0, 1); case Token of 'z', 'Z': ClosePath; 'M': begin MoveTo(GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); while HasRelativeOffset(PathString, Pos) do LineTo(GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); end; 'm': begin MoveToRel(GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); while HasRelativeOffset(PathString, Pos) do LineToRel(GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); end; 'L': begin LineTo(GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); while HasRelativeOffset(PathString, Pos) do LineTo(GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); end; 'l': begin LineToRel(GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); while HasRelativeOffset(PathString, Pos) do LineToRel(GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); end; 'C': begin CurvePoint1 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); CurvePoint2 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); CurveTo(CurvePoint1, CurvePoint2, GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); while HasRelativeOffset(PathString, Pos) do begin CurvePoint1 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); CurvePoint2 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); CurveTo(CurvePoint1, CurvePoint2, GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); end; end; 'c': begin CurvePoint1 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); CurvePoint2 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); CurveToRel(CurvePoint1, CurvePoint2, GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); while HasRelativeOffset(PathString, Pos) do begin CurvePoint1 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); CurvePoint2 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); CurveToRel(CurvePoint1, CurvePoint2, GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); end; end; 'S': begin CurvePoint2 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); SmoothCurveTo(CurvePoint2, GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); while HasRelativeOffset(PathString, Pos) do begin CurvePoint2 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); SmoothCurveTo(CurvePoint2, GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); end; end; 's': begin CurvePoint2 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); SmoothCurveToRel(CurvePoint2, GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); while HasRelativeOffset(PathString, Pos) do begin CurvePoint2 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); SmoothCurveToRel(CurvePoint2, GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); end; end; 'H': HLineTo(StrToFloat(GetNumberFromString(PathString, Pos), USFormatSettings)); 'h': HLineToRel(StrToFloat(GetNumberFromString(PathString, Pos), USFormatSettings)); 'V': VLineTo(StrToFloat(GetNumberFromString(PathString, Pos), USFormatSettings)); 'v': VLineToRel(StrToFloat(GetNumberFromString(PathString, Pos), USFormatSettings)); 'Q': //A.R. //Quadratic Bezier Curve Begin CurvePoint1 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); QuadCurveTo(CurvePoint1, GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); while HasRelativeOffset(PathString, Pos) do begin CurvePoint1 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); QuadCurveTo(CurvePoint1, GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); end; End; 'q': //A.R. //Quadratic Bezier Curve begin CurvePoint1 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); QuadCurveToRel(CurvePoint1, GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); while HasRelativeOffset(PathString, Pos) do begin CurvePoint1 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); QuadCurveToRel(CurvePoint1, GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); end; end; 'T': //A.R. //Smooth Quadratic Bezier Curve begin SmoothQuadCurveTo(GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); while HasRelativeOffset(PathString, Pos) do SmoothQuadCurveTo(GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); end; 't': //A.R. //Smooth Quadratic Bezier Curve Begin CurvePoint2 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); SmoothCurveToRel(CurvePoint2, CurvePoint2); while HasRelativeOffset(PathString, Pos) do begin CurvePoint2 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); SmoothCurveToRel(CurvePoint2, CurvePoint2); end; End; 'A', 'a': begin if Count > 0 then CurvePoint1 := FPathData[FPathData.Count - 1].Point else CurvePoint1 := TPointF.Zero; Radius := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); Angle := StrToFloat(GetNumberFromString(PathString, Pos), USFormatSettings); TempPoint := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); Large := TempPoint.X = 1; Sweet := TempPoint.Y = 1; CurvePoint2 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); if Token = 'a' then CurvePoint2 := CurvePoint1 + CurvePoint2; AddArcSvg(CurvePoint1, Radius, Angle, Large, Sweet, CurvePoint2); end; end; end; end; DoChanged; finally TokenBuilder.Free; Builder.Free; end; end;
Keine Ahnung wie man macht das es im Objekt Inspector oder zur designzeit schon funktioniert.
Path2.Data.Data := 'M24,40'+
'Q23,40 22.3,39.3'+ 'Q21.6,38.6 21.6,37.6'+ 'Q21.6,36.6 22.3,35.9'+ 'Q23,35.2 24,35.2'+ 'Q25,35.2 25.7,35.9'+ 'Q26.4,36.6 26.4,37.6'+ 'Q26.4,38.6 25.7,39.3'+ 'Q25,40 24,40'+ 'Z'+ 'M24,26.4'+ 'Q23,26.4 22.3,25.7'+ 'Q21.6,25 21.6,24'+ 'Q21.6,23 22.3,22.3'+ 'Q23,21.6 24,21.6'+ 'Q25,21.6 25.7,22.3'+ 'Q26.4,23 26.4,24'+ 'Q26.4,25 25.7,25.7'+ 'Q25,26.4 24,26.4'+ 'Z'+ 'M24,12.8'+ 'Q23,12.8 22.3,12.1'+ 'Q21.6,11.4 21.6,10.4'+ 'Q21.6,9.4 22.3,8.7'+ 'Q23,8 24,8'+ 'Q25,8 25.7,8.7'+ 'Q26.4,9.4 26.4,10.4'+ 'Q26.4,11.4 25.7,12.1'+ 'Q25,12.8 24,12.8'+ 'Z'; Probiert es aus , bitte. Und feedback oder direkt Verbesserungen!
Monads? Wtf are Monads? Geändert von QuickAndDirty (14. Mär 2023 um 10:59 Uhr) |
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Dieser Beitrag wurde von TBx gelöscht. - Grund: Verdacht auf SPAM und den damit verbundenen verschwenderischen Umgang von wertvollen Bits und Bytes | |
Registriert seit: 15. Mär 2007 4.164 Beiträge Delphi 12 Athens |
Ich hatte mich auch schon gefragt, warum Embarcadero das wundervolle TPath nur halb implementiert hat.
Wo kommt denn das "GetPointFromString" her ? Als Anregung habe ich mal versucht das etwas umzustellen und vieleicht etwas zu optimieren, ohne Gewähr. Habe es nicht kompiliert und getestet, kannst Du ja vielleicht schnell mal probieren, wenn Du schon dabei bist. Ich denke da sollte man noch einiges an Performance optimieren, gerade bei so einer wichtigen, zentralen Funktion.
Zur Integration in den Designer, vielleicht reicht ein Interposer so oder ähnlich dazu aus, glaube ich aber nicht wirklich:
function TPathData.LastPoint: TPointF;
begin if Count > 0 then Result := FPathData[FPathData.Count - 1].Point else Result := TPointF.Zero; end; procedure TPathData.QuadCurveTo(const ControlPoint, EndPoint: TPointF); const OneThird = 1 / 3; TwoThirds = 2 / 3; var LP: TPointF; begin // Cache LastPoint as it might be computationally expensive if accessed frequently LP := LastPoint; CurveTo( TPointF.Create(OneThird * LP.X + TwoThirds * ControlPoint.X, OneThird * LP.Y + TwoThirds * ControlPoint.Y), TPointF.Create(TwoThirds * ControlPoint.X + OneThird * EndPoint.X, TwoThirds * ControlPoint.Y + OneThird * EndPoint.Y), EndPoint ); end; procedure TPathData.QuadCurveToRel(const ControlPoint, EndPoint: TPointF); var LP: TPointF; begin // Cache LastPoint for efficiency LP := LastPoint; QuadCurveTo(LP + ControlPoint, LP + EndPoint); end; procedure TPathData.SmoothQuadCurveTo(const EndPoint: TPointF); var ControlPoint1: TPointF; begin // Count > 2 ensures enough data for a reflected control point. // This maintains path continuity. if Count > 2 then ControlPoint1 := LastPoint + (LastPoint - FPathData[FPathData.Count - 2].Point) else ControlPoint1 := LastPoint; QuadCurveTo(ControlPoint1, EndPoint); end; procedure TPathData.SmoothQuadCurveToRel(const EndPoint: TPointF); var ControlPoint1: TPointF; begin // Same logic as SmoothQuadCurveTo, but uses relative coordinates. if Count > 2 then ControlPoint1 := LastPoint + (LastPoint - FPathData[FPathData.Count - 2].Point) else ControlPoint1 := LastPoint; QuadCurveToRel(ControlPoint1, EndPoint); end; // Utility to simulate GetTokensFromString functionality function GetTokensFromString(const S: string; var Pos: Integer): string; var StartPos: Integer; begin // Extract tokens starting from Pos StartPos := Pos; while (Pos <= Length(S)) and not S[Pos].IsWhiteSpace do Inc(Pos); Result := S.Substring(StartPos - 1, Pos - StartPos); while (Pos <= Length(S)) and S[Pos].IsWhiteSpace do Inc(Pos); end; procedure TPathData.SetPathString(const Value: string); var PathString, Tokens: string; Radius, CurvePoint1, CurvePoint2, TempPoint: TPointF; Large, Sweet: Boolean; Pos, LastLength, Index: Integer; Angle: Single; Token: Char; begin try // Replace unwanted characters efficiently using StringReplace PathString := StringReplace(StringReplace(StringReplace(Value, #9, ' ', [rfReplaceAll]), #10, ' ', [rfReplaceAll]), #13, ' ', [rfReplaceAll]); FPathData.Clear; Pos := 1; LastLength := -1; while (Length(PathString) >= Pos) and (LastLength <> Pos) do begin LastLength := Pos; //An index based operation is probably faster Tokens := GetTokensFromString(PathString, Pos); // Extract tokens Index := 1; while Index <= Length(Tokens) do begin Token := Tokens[Index]; Inc(Index); case Token of 'z', 'Z': ClosePath; 'M', 'm', 'L', 'l', 'C', 'c', 'Q', 'q', 'T', 't': begin repeat case Token of 'M': MoveTo(GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); 'm': MoveToRel(GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); 'L': LineTo(GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); 'l': LineToRel(GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); 'C': begin CurvePoint1 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); CurvePoint2 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); CurveTo(CurvePoint1, CurvePoint2, GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); end; 'c': begin CurvePoint1 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); CurvePoint2 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); CurveToRel(CurvePoint1, CurvePoint2, GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); end; 'Q': begin CurvePoint1 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); QuadCurveTo(CurvePoint1, GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); end; 'q': begin CurvePoint1 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); QuadCurveToRel(CurvePoint1, GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); end; 'T': SmoothQuadCurveTo(GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); 't': SmoothQuadCurveToRel(GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); end; until not HasRelativeOffset(PathString, Pos); end; end; end; end; DoChanged; except on E: Exception do begin raise; end; end; end;
Vielleicht funktioniert Obiges, oer zusammen mit einen eigenen Property Editor:
TPathData = class(Vcl.Graphics.TPathData) // Interposer-Klasse private FPathString: string; procedure SetPathString(const Value: string); function GetPathString: string; published property PathString: string read GetPathString write SetPathString; end; procedure TPathData.SetPathString(const Value: string); begin FPathString := Value; inherited SetPathString(Value); // Originalmethode verwenden end; function TPathData.GetPathString: string; begin Result := FPathString; end;
Ich meine aber, das TPath müsste zu tief verwurzelt sein, das könnte an zig Stellen krachen.
TPathStringProperty = class(TStringProperty) public procedure Edit; override; function GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; override; end; procedure TPathStringProperty.Edit; begin // Hier könnte ein eigener Dialog zur Bearbeitung geöffnet werden end; function TPathStringProperty.GetAttributes: TPropertyAttributes; begin Result := [paDialog, paRevertable]; end; // procedure Register; begin RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(string), TPathData, 'PathString', TPathStringProperty); end; |
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Registriert seit: 28. Feb 2016 Ort: Nordost Baden-Württemberg 3.034 Beiträge Delphi 12 Athens |
Es gibt FMX.Graphics.TPathData.QuadCurveTo(const ControlPoint, EndPoint: TPointF);
Wird irgendwie nur nicht verwendet. Evtl. haben wir die Chance das direkt ins Produkt zu bekommen...
TurboMagic |
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Registriert seit: 28. Feb 2016 Ort: Nordost Baden-Württemberg 3.034 Beiträge Delphi 12 Athens |
da ich eine Erweiterung des SVG SUpports von TPath als sinnvoll erachte und bisher noch keinen Feature Request im System gesehen habe, habe ich einenh angelegt und auf diese Diskussion verwiesen. Hier die Anforderung: ![]()
TurboMagic |
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Ansicht |
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