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Registriert seit: 13. Jan 2004 Ort: Hamm(Westf) 1.944 Beiträge Delphi 12 Athens |
TPath aus FMX.Objects kann
von folgenden SVG Path commands
Quelle: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/...#path_commands
MoveTo: M, m
LineTo: L, l, H, h, V, v Cubic Bézier Curve: C, c, S, s Quadratic Bézier Curve: Q, q, T, t Elliptical Arc Curve: A, a ClosePath: Z, z QqTt nicht. Ich denke die Ursache ist, dass FMX.Graphics.TPathData.SetPathString alle PathCommands rendert außer eben QqTt... 'C' wird wie folgt gerendert:
wäre es dann richtig 'Q' ebenso zu rendern nur eben eben mit Curvepoint2 := Curvepoint1 ?
begin CurvePoint1 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); CurvePoint2 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); CurveTo(CurvePoint1, CurvePoint2, GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); while HasRelativeOffset(PathString, Pos) do begin CurvePoint1 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); CurvePoint2 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); CurveTo(CurvePoint1, CurvePoint2, GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); end; end;
Muss noch eine andere Stelle gepatched werden?
begin CurvePoint1 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); CurvePoint2 := CurvePoint1; CurveTo(CurvePoint1, CurvePoint2, GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); while HasRelativeOffset(PathString, Pos) do begin CurvePoint1 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); CurvePoint2 := CurvePoint1; CurveTo(CurvePoint1, CurvePoint2, GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); end; end;
Monads? Wtf are Monads? |
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Registriert seit: 19. Jan 2009 Ort: Kirchlinteln (LK Verden) 1.081 Beiträge Delphi 2009 Professional |
Siehe hier.
Ansonsten siehe Quelltext verschiedener SVG-Renderer für Delphi, z.B. meinen (RedeemerSVG).
2005 PE, 2009 PA, XE2 PA Geändert von Redeemer (14. Mär 2023 um 09:12 Uhr) |
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Registriert seit: 13. Jan 2004 Ort: Hamm(Westf) 1.944 Beiträge Delphi 12 Athens |
Es gibt FMX.Graphics.TPathData.QuadCurveTo(const ControlPoint, EndPoint: TPointF);
Wird irgendwie nur nicht verwendet. Die sieht so aus für 'Q':
Ich habe dann mal darauf aufbauend folgende weitere methoden "abgeleitet":
procedure TPathData.QuadCurveTo(const ControlPoint, EndPoint: TPointF);
const OneThird = 1 / 3; TwoThirds = 2 / 3; var LP, CP1, CP2: TPointF; begin LP := LastPoint; CP1.X := OneThird * LP.X + TwoThirds * ControlPoint.X; CP1.Y := OneThird * LP.Y + TwoThirds * ControlPoint.Y; CP2.X := TwoThirds * ControlPoint.X + OneThird * EndPoint.X; CP2.Y := TwoThirds * ControlPoint.Y + OneThird * EndPoint.Y; CurveTo(CP1, CP2, EndPoint); end; Für 'q':
für 'T':
procedure TPathData.QuadCurveToRel(const ControlPoint, EndPoint: TPointF);
var LP: TPointF; begin LP := LastPoint; QuadCurveTo(LP+ControlPoint,LP+EndPoint); end;
für 't':
procedure TPathData.SmoothQuadCurveTo(const EndPoint: TPointF);
var ControlPoint1: TPointF; begin if Count > 2 then ControlPoint1 := LastPoint + (LastPoint - FPathData[FPathData.Count - 2].Point) else ControlPoint1 := LastPoint; QuadCurveTo(ControlPoint1, EndPoint); end;
procedure TPathData.SmoothQuadCurveToRel(const EndPoint: TPointF);
var ControlPoint1: TPointF; begin if Count > 2 then ControlPoint1 := LastPoint + (LastPoint - FPathData[FPathData.Count - 2].Point) else ControlPoint1 := LastPoint; QuadCurveToRel(ControlPoint1, EndPoint); end; Und dann entsprechend TPathData.SetPathString gepatcht
Dann geht das hier
procedure TPathData.SetPathString(const Value: string);
var Builder, TokenBuilder: TStringBuilder; PathString, Tokens: string; Radius, CurvePoint1, CurvePoint2, TempPoint: TPointF; Large, Sweet: Boolean; Pos, I, LastLength: Integer; Angle: Single; Token: Char; begin Builder := TStringBuilder.Create; TokenBuilder := TStringBuilder.Create; try for I := 0 to Value.Length - 1 do begin if Value.Chars[I].IsInArray([#9, #10, #13]) then Builder.Append(' ') else Builder.Append(Value.Chars[I]); end; PathString := Builder.ToString; FPathData.Clear; Pos := 0; LastLength := -1; while (Builder.Length > Pos) and (LastLength <> Pos) do begin LastLength := Pos; Tokens := GetTokensFromString(PathString, Pos); TokenBuilder.Clear; TokenBuilder.Append(Tokens); while TokenBuilder.Length > 0 do begin Token := TokenBuilder.Chars[0]; TokenBuilder.Remove(0, 1); case Token of 'z', 'Z': ClosePath; 'M': begin MoveTo(GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); while HasRelativeOffset(PathString, Pos) do LineTo(GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); end; 'm': begin MoveToRel(GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); while HasRelativeOffset(PathString, Pos) do LineToRel(GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); end; 'L': begin LineTo(GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); while HasRelativeOffset(PathString, Pos) do LineTo(GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); end; 'l': begin LineToRel(GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); while HasRelativeOffset(PathString, Pos) do LineToRel(GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); end; 'C': begin CurvePoint1 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); CurvePoint2 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); CurveTo(CurvePoint1, CurvePoint2, GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); while HasRelativeOffset(PathString, Pos) do begin CurvePoint1 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); CurvePoint2 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); CurveTo(CurvePoint1, CurvePoint2, GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); end; end; 'c': begin CurvePoint1 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); CurvePoint2 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); CurveToRel(CurvePoint1, CurvePoint2, GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); while HasRelativeOffset(PathString, Pos) do begin CurvePoint1 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); CurvePoint2 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); CurveToRel(CurvePoint1, CurvePoint2, GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); end; end; 'S': begin CurvePoint2 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); SmoothCurveTo(CurvePoint2, GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); while HasRelativeOffset(PathString, Pos) do begin CurvePoint2 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); SmoothCurveTo(CurvePoint2, GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); end; end; 's': begin CurvePoint2 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); SmoothCurveToRel(CurvePoint2, GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); while HasRelativeOffset(PathString, Pos) do begin CurvePoint2 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); SmoothCurveToRel(CurvePoint2, GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); end; end; 'H': HLineTo(StrToFloat(GetNumberFromString(PathString, Pos), USFormatSettings)); 'h': HLineToRel(StrToFloat(GetNumberFromString(PathString, Pos), USFormatSettings)); 'V': VLineTo(StrToFloat(GetNumberFromString(PathString, Pos), USFormatSettings)); 'v': VLineToRel(StrToFloat(GetNumberFromString(PathString, Pos), USFormatSettings)); 'Q': //A.R. //Quadratic Bezier Curve Begin CurvePoint1 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); QuadCurveTo(CurvePoint1, GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); while HasRelativeOffset(PathString, Pos) do begin CurvePoint1 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); QuadCurveTo(CurvePoint1, GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); end; End; 'q': //A.R. //Quadratic Bezier Curve begin CurvePoint1 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); QuadCurveToRel(CurvePoint1, GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); while HasRelativeOffset(PathString, Pos) do begin CurvePoint1 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); QuadCurveToRel(CurvePoint1, GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); end; end; 'T': //A.R. //Smooth Quadratic Bezier Curve begin SmoothQuadCurveTo(GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); while HasRelativeOffset(PathString, Pos) do SmoothQuadCurveTo(GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos)); end; 't': //A.R. //Smooth Quadratic Bezier Curve Begin CurvePoint2 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); SmoothCurveToRel(CurvePoint2, CurvePoint2); while HasRelativeOffset(PathString, Pos) do begin CurvePoint2 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); SmoothCurveToRel(CurvePoint2, CurvePoint2); end; End; 'A', 'a': begin if Count > 0 then CurvePoint1 := FPathData[FPathData.Count - 1].Point else CurvePoint1 := TPointF.Zero; Radius := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); Angle := StrToFloat(GetNumberFromString(PathString, Pos), USFormatSettings); TempPoint := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); Large := TempPoint.X = 1; Sweet := TempPoint.Y = 1; CurvePoint2 := GetPointFromString(PathString, Pos); if Token = 'a' then CurvePoint2 := CurvePoint1 + CurvePoint2; AddArcSvg(CurvePoint1, Radius, Angle, Large, Sweet, CurvePoint2); end; end; end; end; DoChanged; finally TokenBuilder.Free; Builder.Free; end; end;
Keine Ahnung wie man macht das es im Objekt Inspector oder zur designzeit schon funktioniert.
Path2.Data.Data := 'M24,40'+
'Q23,40 22.3,39.3'+ 'Q21.6,38.6 21.6,37.6'+ 'Q21.6,36.6 22.3,35.9'+ 'Q23,35.2 24,35.2'+ 'Q25,35.2 25.7,35.9'+ 'Q26.4,36.6 26.4,37.6'+ 'Q26.4,38.6 25.7,39.3'+ 'Q25,40 24,40'+ 'Z'+ 'M24,26.4'+ 'Q23,26.4 22.3,25.7'+ 'Q21.6,25 21.6,24'+ 'Q21.6,23 22.3,22.3'+ 'Q23,21.6 24,21.6'+ 'Q25,21.6 25.7,22.3'+ 'Q26.4,23 26.4,24'+ 'Q26.4,25 25.7,25.7'+ 'Q25,26.4 24,26.4'+ 'Z'+ 'M24,12.8'+ 'Q23,12.8 22.3,12.1'+ 'Q21.6,11.4 21.6,10.4'+ 'Q21.6,9.4 22.3,8.7'+ 'Q23,8 24,8'+ 'Q25,8 25.7,8.7'+ 'Q26.4,9.4 26.4,10.4'+ 'Q26.4,11.4 25.7,12.1'+ 'Q25,12.8 24,12.8'+ 'Z'; Probiert es aus , bitte. Und feedback oder direkt Verbesserungen!
Monads? Wtf are Monads? Geändert von QuickAndDirty (14. Mär 2023 um 10:59 Uhr) |
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