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Use ChatGPT to Convert Other Language Source Code to Delphi

Ein Thema von DP News-Robot · begonnen am 12. Feb 2023
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Use ChatGPT to Convert Other Language Source Code to Delphi

  Alt 12. Feb 2023, 23:40
If you've read some of my previous posts you know how much I've struggled to make the paradigm shift from being a top-down, procedural programmer to an OOP programmer. I've purchased several books on OOP. And one book series I thought would hold some promise are "The Object-Oriented Thought Process" books written by Matt Weisfeld. I have four different editions on my book shelf.
I struggle with OOP for several reasons. One very frustrating reason is the lack of Delphi/Pascal examples used by authors. Most of the code examples are written in Java, or C, or C# or some language other than Delphi/Pascal.

The last bullet point on page 3 of Weisfled's fourth edition, listed under the heading of "What's New in the Fourth Edition", states:

  • Expanded code examples, for certain chapters, in Java, C# .NET, VB .NET, and Objective-C available online on the publisher's website

No Object Pascal or Delphi examples!

No Object Pascal or Delphi examples. I reached out to Weisfeld asking if he might include Object Pascal examples and received a negative response.

I love Pascal. It's elegant. It's easy to read and understand. I've been using Pascal/Delphi since 1985. (2023-1985=38 years). Besides SQL, it's my main programming language. Ok, I confess, I did Active Server Pages (APS) and VB Script for about 10 years.

I've tried loading Java onto my machine so I could follow along and learn the OOP concepts but I just can't wrap my head around the Java syntax.

Today, I discovered the answer that works for me. ChatGPT!

I asked ChatGPT to convert the following code from page 24 of "The Object-Oriented Thought Process" to Delphi and the results were very hopeful.

public class IntSquare {

// private attribute
private int squareValue;

//public interface
public in getSquare (int value) {

squareValue = calculateSquare(value);
return SquareValue


//private implementation
private int calculation (int value) {
return Math.pow(value,2);
} Here are the results returned from ChatGPT:

TIntSquare = class
FSquareValue: Integer;
function CalculateSquare(value: Integer): Integer;
function GetSquare(value: Integer): Integer;


function TIntSquare.CalculateSquare(value: Integer): Integer;
Result := value * value;

function TIntSquare.GetSquare(value: Integer): Integer;
FSquareValue := CalculateSquare(value);
Result := FSquareValue;

end. I know the results are not the indented and formatted code you would get from inside the IDE. This was my first attempt at using ChatGPT. I took several screen shots of my interaction with ChatGPT so I can show you what happened.

Here is my entire ChatGPT session:

Here is the final output from ChatGPT.


TIntSquare = class
FSquareValue: Integer;
function GetSquareValue: Integer;
procedure SetSquareValue(const Value: Integer);
function CalculateSquare(value: Integer): Integer;
property SquareValue: Integer read GetSquareValue write SetSquareValue;
function GetSquare(value: Integer): Integer;


function TIntSquare.CalculateSquare(value: Integer): Integer;
Result := Round(Power(value, 2));

function TIntSquare.GetSquare(value: Integer): Integer;
SquareValue := CalculateSquare(value);
Result := SquareValue;

function TIntSquare.GetSquareValue: Integer;
Result := FSquareValue;

procedure TIntSquare.SetSquareValue(const Value: Integer);
FSquareValue := Value;

end.This looks very promising! Give ChatGPT a try converting code.

Semper Fi
Gunny Mike

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