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Special End of September Offer for Delphi

Ein Thema von DP News-Robot · begonnen am 29. Sep 2022
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Special End of September Offer for Delphi

  Alt 29. Sep 2022, 17:30
There is an active offer for RAD Studio, Delphi, and C++Builder that lasts until September 30th. It includes additional Idera tools, including the fantastic UltraEdit editor -- it is becoming my favoring editor for anything outside of Delphi code. Additionally, you can get a server license for InterBase in the bundle.

The company has indicated a coming price increase to compensate for recent currency fluctuations and costs increases. With the price going up in the* near future, the current offer with the old price becomes even nicer!

Below is the main ad you might ahve received voer email, with the summary of the information. Contact a sales representattive, buy online, contact a parnter, buy online from a partner in your region... it is always good, and also good to send to friends in need of the latest version of Delphi ;-)

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