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Delphi 11.2 Release Yesterday

Ein Thema von DP News-Robot · begonnen am 8. Sep 2022
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Delphi 11.2 Release Yesterday

  Alt 8. Sep 2022, 19:40
September 7th was not only the day of the preview webinar, but also the day of the release of RAD Studio 11.1 Alexandria.

In short the big new features for Delphi are the support for the iOS Simulator on ARM64 Macs and the IDE improvements around Markdown, HTML, the XSLT-based Help Insight, the disabled view of IFDEFed out code, and many more IDE small, nice features.

Some links below:

The official blog post announcement:*

The Embarcadero Web Site 11.2 page:*

The press release:*

The more detailed What’s New page in the DocWiki:*

The list of publicly reported bugs fixed (also in DocWiki):*

The RAD Studio feature matrix PDF:*

Existing customers can download the web and the ISO installers at*

Hope you like the new release...

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