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Delphi Tip of the Day - Environment Variables used only by the Delphi IDE

Ein Thema von DP News-Robot · begonnen am 11. Jul 2022
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Delphi Tip of the Day - Environment Variables used only by the Delphi IDE

  Alt 11. Jul 2022, 13:50
I wanted a quick, down-and-dirty, reference to only those variables used by the Delphi IDE. Inside the IDE you can navigate to Tool > Options > IDE > Environment Variables. This will list all the Environment Variable currently in use. Those belonging to Delph and those outside of Delphi. However, that is not what I was looking for. I just wanted the Environment Variables specific to the Delphi IDE.

Generating this list was a three step process which involved some code I found here.

Step 1. I entered and ran the code from the above link. I then copied and pasted the contents of the memo to a separate text file called EnVars-Delphi-IDE.txt.

Step 2. I closed Delphi and ran the program again from the saved location. I then copied and pasted the contents of the memo to a file called EnVars-Without-Delphi-IDE.txt.

Step 3. I then navigated to the Delphi BDSBIN location and ran the Beyond Compare utility BCompareLite.exe. I did a text compare of EnVars-Delphi-IDE.txt and EnVars-Without-Delphi-IDE.txt looking only for the differences.

I simply copied all the text from the left-had side and saved it as EnVars-Delphi-IDE-Only.txt. And know I have my quick down and dirty list of Delphi IDE Environment Variables.

Beyond Compare is a fantastic tool written with Delphi. The lite version is included with you purchase of Delphi. For more information about Beyond Compare visit their website:

Gunny Mike

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