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Problem mit verschiedenen Typen im RGB-to-HSL-Range Procedur

Ein Thema von neumimnemecky · begonnen am 4. Jul 2022 · letzter Beitrag vom 5. Jul 2022
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Registriert seit: 21. Dez 2018
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Problem mit verschiedenen Typen im RGB-to-HSL-Range Procedur

  Alt 4. Jul 2022, 17:25
Guten tag,
can you help with this procedure derived from Color Lib v2.0.2? In original code in module RGBHSLUtils, there is similar procedure RGBtoHSLRange(RGB: TColor; var H1, S1, L1 : integer); using TColor as input parameter. Hence I wanted to create modified function in RGBHSVUtils for convertion to HSV. The HSV original procedure is RGB2HSV(R, G, B: integer; var H: Word; var S, V: byte); // passing Integer inputs(!). So I decided to pass TColor, but here is the problem. How to make it working now? There is the error : RGBHSVUtils.pas(232*): Incompatible types: 'Byte' and 'Extended'; *note: modified version is on my PC.

Verfahren abgeleitet von Color Lib v2.0.2.

procedure RGB2HSVRange(RGB: TColor; var H: Word;var S,V: byte);
 Delta, Min, H1, S1: real;
 R, G, B: byte;
 R := GetRValue (RGB) / 255;
 G := GetGValue (RGB) / 255;
 B := GetBValue (RGB) / 255;
 h1 := h;
 s1 := s;
 // Min := MinIntValue([R, G, B]);
 Min := R;
 if Min > G then
   Min := G;
 if Min > B then
   Min := B;
 // V := MaxIntValue([R, G, B]);
 V := R;
 if V < G then
   V := G;
 if V < B then
   V := B;
 Delta := V - Min;
 if V = 0.0 then S1 := 0 else S1 := Delta / V;
 if S1  = 0.0 then
  H1 := 0
   if R = V then
    H1 := 60.0 * (G - B) / Delta
    if G = V then
     H1 := 120.0 + 60.0 * (B - R) / Delta
     if B = V then
      H1 := 240.0 + 60.0 * (R - G) / Delta;
   if H1 < 0.0 then H1 := H1 + 360.0;
 h := round(h1);
 s := round(s1*255);

Geändert von neumimnemecky ( 4. Jul 2022 um 18:13 Uhr)
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Benutzerbild von himitsu

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AW: Problem mit verschiedenen Typen im RGB-to-HSL-Range Procedur

  Alt 4. Jul 2022, 23:29
 R := GetRValue (RGB) / 255;
 G := GetGValue (RGB) / 255;
 B := GetBValue (RGB) / 255;

^^^ Byte  :=         ^^^ Float
Doesn't the compiler tell you exactly what's wrong?

On the right you have a float (Extended) and you want to assign that to an integer (byte) on the left, which of course cannot work.
Why are you dividing there at all?

Also, the compiler should tell you that these lines are wrong (useless).
 h1 := h;
 s1 := s;
If you change a little thing, you will quickly realize that the value is only output, but not input (InOut).
//procedure RGB2HSVRange(RGB: TColor; var H: Word; var S, V: Byte);
  procedure RGB2HSVRange(RGB: TColor; out H: Word; out S, V: Byte);
Ein Therapeut entspricht 1024 Gigapeut.

Geändert von himitsu ( 5. Jul 2022 um 00:21 Uhr)
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Benutzerbild von KodeZwerg

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Delphi 11 Alexandria

AW: Problem mit verschiedenen Typen im RGB-to-HSL-Range Procedur

  Alt 5. Jul 2022, 06:20
Why not use RGBtoHSL from Delphi? What is wrong with it?
rgb - > hsv and hsv -> rgb
Gruß vom KodeZwerg

Geändert von KodeZwerg ( 5. Jul 2022 um 06:30 Uhr)
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Benutzerbild von Sinspin

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Delphi 10.3 Rio

AW: Problem mit verschiedenen Typen im RGB-to-HSL-Range Procedur

  Alt 5. Jul 2022, 08:16
I had a few month ago the same thoughts in my mind, why not using this implementation or why not that.
Result is, i use now a version which is as close as possible to the original, since i need to convert both way.

The Single/Float values are confusing at the beginning. But they have an nice advantage, you get much smoother values than you would get with integer!
So, you should keep Single values, if you need to display them, you need to quantize the values.
For example for S with 100, for percent style Saturation. Or at least 360 for the color angle H-Hue, but 360 is by far not enough values for perfect color representation!
Nur die Besten sterben jung
A constant is a constant until it change.
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Registriert seit: 21. Dez 2018
45 Beiträge

AW: Problem mit verschiedenen Typen im RGB-to-HSL-Range Procedur

  Alt 5. Jul 2022, 08:58
Thank you to all for replies. I am new to graphics topics, and I am on the very beginning. It is just my exploration. I am working on a program which should be able to locate text in image and possibly some easy objects like arrows/images. The program should work with images exported from video or GIF and try to correct some frames. As it is supposed there is just text or mostly the text alone and it is well visible to be recognizable, but I will detect only for such easy characters like T, I, J etc. Then I will move the images or parts of the images (copy from one image to another). So I will not do any image conversion. Now I prepare input params for the program, and the elements to be found are defined by H, S, L (or H, S, V) values + some tolerance or fuzzyness. In the image exported from AVI in very good quality, there is very good quality, but a small tolerance for hue needed.

I am not expert in math or programming, I just need to make program to correct some graphics in video captured during scrolling a website.

Geändert von neumimnemecky ( 5. Jul 2022 um 09:01 Uhr)
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