Google has announced that it’s disabling the
Less Secure Apps feature on some Google accounts from May 30th, 2022.
To help keep your account secure, starting May 30, 2022, Google will no longer support the use of third-party apps or devices which ask you to sign in to your Google Account using only your username and password.
Google Workspace and Google Cloud Identity users won’t be affected right away, but support for Less Secure Apps will still be phased out for those users at a later date.
- This change will affect you if you are using EurekaLog to send bug reports via GMail while using your GMail password. This method is considered unsecure and will no longer work on most accounts starting May 30, 2022.
- This change will not affect you if you are using EurekaLog to send bug reports via GMail while using application-specific passwords.
While we’ve
recommended using application-specific passwords instead of your GMail passwords for quite some time, but some customers have chosen to use the "Less Secure Apps" feature since it’s a little more straightforward.
In other words:
- If you don't already have 2-Step Verification (also known as two-factor authentication) enabled for your account - you must
turn it on. (Application-specific passwords can only be used with accounts that have 2-Step Verification turned on.) Once enabled - you will have to confirm each sign in using your GMail password via a promt on already signed device, a physical security key, a code from a verification app, a phone call/SMS, or a backup code.
- (Optional) Turn off/disable the "Less secure app access" feature.
- You should
create an application-specific password for your application with EurekaLog. An App Password is a 16-digit (random) passcode that gives your app permission to access your Google Account. 

Basically, you can use App Password instead of your (main/primary) GMail password. Most of the time, you’ll only have to enter an App Password once (per application), so don’t worry about memorizing it. You can always create a new/additional one.
Please note that we also recommend to use web-based bug tracker instead of e-mails for many reasons:
P.S. There are
two other alternative methods:
- SMTP relay service
- Restricted Gmail SMTP server
