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FMX Problem bei Textausgabe auf Bitmap

Ein Thema von Rapunzel · begonnen am 9. Jan 2022 · letzter Beitrag vom 9. Jan 2022
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Registriert seit: 1. Mär 2019
48 Beiträge
Delphi 11 Alexandria

FMX Problem bei Textausgabe auf Bitmap

  Alt 9. Jan 2022, 18:49
Guten Abend,

ich möchte in meiner FMX App eine Graphik zunächst in einer Bitmap als Doublebuffer erstellen und diese dann auf den Canvas einer Paintbox zeichnen. Leider wird der Text aus meiner Bitmap nicht so gestochen scharf auf dem Bildschirm meines Samsung Android Tabletts dargestellt als wenn ich den Text direkt auf den Canvas der Paintbox ausgebe. Ich gehe davon aus, dass es mit dem Skalierungsfaktor 2 zusammenhängt, der auf dem Tablett angewendet wird.

procedure TfrmMain.PtBoxPaint(Sender: TObject; Canvas: TCanvas);
Var Bmp:TBitmap; SrcRc,TxtRc:TRectF;

  Bmp.Canvas.FillText(TxtRc, 'Testtest', false, 1, [], TTextAlign.Leading, TTextAlign.Leading);
  Canvas.DrawBitmap(Bmp, SrcRc, SrcRc, 1);

  Canvas.FillText(TxtRc, 'Testtest', false, 1, [], TTextAlign.Leading, TTextAlign.Leading);
Vielleicht hat ja jemand Zeit und Lust, mir die Lösung des Problems zu verraten.
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Registriert seit: 15. Mär 2007
4.164 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

AW: FMX Problem bei Textausgabe auf Bitmap

  Alt 9. Jan 2022, 20:19
Ein paar Anregungen könnten von hier kommen, z.B. einfach auf einem vergrößertem Bitmap zu malen.


The only option i found for now to remove the antialias is to make the bitmap 2x more bigger and reduce it after by 2x! crazy but the algorithme of reduction remove the aliased ... but the cost of all of this is that the speed become slow, especially when we know that all the graphic function must be done in the main thread

Now more i think more i say to myself that it's crazy to have a graphic library that not support multi-thread ! i can not believe that it's a requirement of openGL and i think now more and more that it's a bug or bad conception in delphi

Speaking about the previous point, even if openGL really required that all graphic routines must be done in the main thread (but really i doubt), i don't understand why delphi not offer on android another TcanvasClass (other than TcanvasGPU) that support multithread ! more crazy is that when you work with TCanvasGPU on Tbitmap, the result will be in any case (as you can see in my previous post) different from what you will have working with TCanvasGPU on the visual component !

now i m looking for function to work directly on pixels grids (old school), that will make me possible to work in multi-thread. but unfortunately their is not to much compatible with firemonley/android

to finish this is the function i use to draw my bitmap. but as this function must be call in the main thread, it's slow down my application (especially the scroll) ... so if you have any idea to make this more fast or multithread i take
    function DrawAdvertBitmap: Tbitmap;
    var aBitmapAliased: Tbitmap;

      aBitmapAliased := Tbitmap.Create(trunc(FWidth * fScreenScale) * 2, trunc(FHeight * fScreenScale) * 2);



          aBitmapAliased.canvas.Fill.Color := $ff000000;
          aBitmapAliased.Canvas.Fill.Kind := TbrushKind.Solid;

          aBitmapAliased.Canvas.Fill.Color := $ff333844;
          aBitmapAliased.Canvas.Font.Family := 'Roboto-Bold';
          aBitmapAliased.Canvas.Font.Size := 12 * fScreenScale * 2;
          aBitmapAliased.Canvas.Font.Style := [TFontStyle.fsBold];


        //reduce by 2 to make antialiased
        result := Tbitmap.Create(trunc(FWidth * fScreenScale), trunc(FHeight * fScreenScale));






        result.BitmapScale := fScreenScale;


Answer - 1
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If you are seeing weird anti-aliasing on some controls, I would recommend that you check that the controls do not have fractional position and size values, make sure to use trunc/round on the position or the GPU canvas uses some low-quality interpolation effect on top of any anti-aliasing.

If you plan to do per-pixel manual adjustments, I recommend that you use optimized color-conversion code (scanline <> TAlphaColor) as the built-in code is designed for clear code and not performance:

As for drawing anti-aliased circles with pictures in them, I found the easiest way is to generate an anti-aliased opacity map and apply it to a TImage's TBitmap. You can find code for generating an anti-aliased opacity map here:
by *

Answer - 2
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If we talk about Firemonkey:

TImage has the property "DisableInterpolation: boolean"
TForm has the property "Quality: TCanvasQuality = (SystemDefault, HighPerformance, HighQuality)" — it is works in design-time

Important to know:

Anti-aliasing is very expensive operation, this is disabled by default on mobile platforms.
The same anti-aliasing should be supported by the device. To Support multisampling the OpenGL must have GL_EXT_multisampled_render_to_texture property. If the device hardware does not support multisampling, the AA will not be.

by *

Answer - 3
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1. Use FMXNativeDraw by OneChen (Aone), - it's very simple, you even do not need to change your standard code for Canvas - need to add only 2 lines (IFDEF). It also supports TPath. It works on 4 platoforms - Win, Mac, Android, iOS. But you need it only on mobile platforms, because antialiasing works on Win and Mac. I use FMXNativeDraw in my mobile projects and it works very well!

Read this article first with google translate about FMXNativeDraw:


Btw if you're using PaintBox Canvas - work as usual. If you need to draw on TBitmap Canvas - prepare Bitmap first:

if Scene <> nil then
lScale := Scene.GetSceneScale
lScale := 1;

fBitmap.BitmapScale := lScale;
fBitmap.SetSize(Ceil(Width * lScale), Ceil(Height * lScale) );

2. (optional) Also use ZMaterialComponents, that is a wrapper for FMXNativeDraw (circle, rectangle, line etc). You can place these components on a FMX Form as standard TCircle and others.
by *

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Registriert seit: 1. Mär 2019
48 Beiträge
Delphi 11 Alexandria

AW: FMX Problem bei Textausgabe auf Bitmap

  Alt 9. Jan 2022, 20:58
Vielen Dank, ich konnte mir gerade die Lösung über ein Image mit einer Multiresbitmap erschließen. Auf der Bitmap des Image funktioniert die Textausgabe. Bitmapscale ist das Zauberwort. Hier meine Lösung. Beide Textausgaben sind jetzt 100% identisch

procedure TfrmMain.PtBoxPaint(Sender: TObject; Canvas: TCanvas);
Var Bmp:TBitmap; SrcRc,TxtRc,DstRc:TRectF;
  // Damit Bmp.Canvas.Scale entsprechend BitmapScale gesetzt wird:
  Bmp.Canvas.FillText(TxtRc, 'Testtest', false, 1, [], TTextAlign.Leading, TTextAlign.Leading);
  Bmp.Canvas.HorzLine(0,100,50); // Aus Classhelper
  Bmp.Canvas.VertLine(0,100,50); // Aus Classhelper
  Canvas.DrawBitmap(Bmp, SrcRc, DstRc, 1);
  Canvas.FillText(TxtRc, 'Testtest', false, 1, [], TTextAlign.Leading, TTextAlign.Leading);
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