Zitat von
ich weiß jetzt nicht mehr, ob dein beitrag noch in meiner Erinnerung rumschwirrt, aber um die "Koexistenz" von
Win32 und .NET im Forum zu gewährleisten, wären Unterforen notwendig. Dies ist leider beim phpBB 2.0.x auch nicht mit MODs möglich.
Categories Hierarchy (Sub Forums and Sub Categories)
This hack allows you to attach categories and forums to a higher level category or forum or to the root index, giving you the popular sub forum capabilities. It also gives you the ability to create a forum link (links displayed as forums) and the ability to set a picture for each forum or category on the index.
It comes with a wide range of display options that you can setup in the ACP as well as various other parameters. You can also allow users to set their own display preferences. It also allows you to edit the ACP's language setting.
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