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RAD Server Lite (RSLite) Announcement Blog Post

Ein Thema von DP News-Robot · begonnen am 22. Okt 2021
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RAD Server Lite (RSLite) Announcement Blog Post

  Alt 22. Okt 2021, 12:10
You can read the blog post on the official Embarcadero blog site at "The New RAD Server Lite (RSLite) in RAD Studio 11".*

It took a little extra time to clarify steps and improve the process, and more improvements will be coming in future updates. The ability to deploy unlimited RSLite instances, on a bandwidth limited engine but one that's easy to scale out with the full RAD Server and offering modern architecture, is a good reason to migrate off old DataSnap applications you might be running.

RAD Server has a very nice architecture and the RSLite release should really help*more customer leverage this technology.

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