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wie füttert man TChart?

Ein Thema von Privateer3000 · begonnen am 6. Jan 2003 · letzter Beitrag vom 6. Jan 2003
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Benutzerbild von Privateer3000

Registriert seit: 10. Jun 2002
Ort: Jena
1.128 Beiträge
Delphi 10.4 Sydney

wie füttert man TChart?

  Alt 6. Jan 2003, 15:27

in der OH von D3 wird nur erläutert was ein TChart ist.
Aber wie man damit umgeht finde ich nicht.
Hat jemand Rat???
+++Versuch es nicht mit Gewalt + Nimm einen größeren Hammer! +++
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Daniel B

n/a Beiträge
  Alt 6. Jan 2003, 21:36
Hi Privateer,

fällt Dir was auf bezüglich der Hilfe?
Chartfx   Chart FX lets you create highly customized charts. Choose Properties to display a tabbed control panel that lets you define the values, appearance, and end-user functionality of the chart component. The Help for this sample component is located on the CD in the CFX2OCX.HLP file in the Ocx Chartfx directory.

VSSpell   Visual Speller lets you customize a spelling checker.The Help for this sample component is located on the CD in the VSOCX.HLP file in the Ocx Vci Vspell directory.

F1Book   Formula One lets you design a spreadsheet with its full-featured Designer. The Help for this sample component is located on the CD in the VCF1.HLP file in the Ocx Vci Form1 directory.

VtChart   Vt Chart Wizard lets you create true 3D charts.The Help for this sample component is located on the CD in the VCFI.HLP file in the Ocx Vci Impress directory.
Grüsse, Daniel
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