We have now released updates to ImageEn, our image editing and display library for Delphi/BCB and IEVision, our advanced imaging features add-on. These updates are free if you purchased a license or extension after 1 August 2020:
Other users can extend their registration for 12 months at:
More info and a free trial of ImageEn are available at:
Top Ten Enhancements in ImageEn 10.1.0
1. Numerous enhancements to PDF support, including significantly improved performance with large files, eleven PDF events, annotation rendering, corrupt file handling and much more

2. DICOM images can now be displayed with alternative color palettes, with five standard medical palettes included
3. Improved styling for many built-in dialogs, including enhanced print preview dialogs, gradient preview in Layer and Brush Property dialogs, and new devices glyphs in Acquisition dialog
4. Improved support for
VCL theming, particular with ImageEn toolbars, TIEFolderTree and TIEColorButton. Also, all control types are now available on themed toolbars
5. Many performance improvements, including with animated GIFs, TIEFolder tree and general processing. Also, TIEMultiBitmap can now load frames on demand
6. Mouse interaction to adjust the window level and width (brightness and contrast) of an image, e.g. for DICOM
7. Mouse and keyboard can be used to increase/decrease curvature of TIELineLayer. Also curve line quality is much improved
8. TImageEnFolderMView can show file preview when dragging to/from Windows Explorer
9. 12 new built-in shapes (arrows and chevrons)
10. "Fit Cropping" in ImageEnView to better fill the control with the image
Top Five Enhancements in IEVision 6.0.0
1. Orb Feature Detector: Find matching points in a pair of images
2. Find Homography: Find the alignment matrix between points in a pair of images (e.g. for automatic image alignment)
3. Warp Perspective: Adjust the perspective of an image based on a matrix
4. Exposure Fusion: Merge images taken with multiple exposures into a single image
5. Updated all OCR language files and added OCR script files (e.g. all Latin languages)