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Read csv file in usb drive, in Android

Ein Thema von brunotoira · begonnen am 24. Mär 2021
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Registriert seit: 29. Jul 2011
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Read csv file in usb drive, in Android

  Alt 24. Mär 2021, 09:47
Good morning to all Delphier's
I've been trying to read a .csv file on a USB stick for a few days, directly on android, using an apk developed in Delphi 10.2

I've tried everything ... but I can't!

The only thing I need is to read, or copy a csv from the USB stick, to any location, and from that moment on I can send it via FTP or email or another method.

The reason is that we are developing the distribution of COVID vaccines, and the idea is to collect the temperatures (the datalogger works like a USB stick, it's mounted in Android like usb mass storage) and send the temperature data to an SQL server ... but not to complicate, since that it is possible to read the file directly on the USB stick, the rest I can already do.

I ask for your help !! please!
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