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delphi – Invalid floating point operation calling Trunc() – Stack Overflow

Ein Thema von DP News-Robot · begonnen am 18. Mär 2021
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delphi – Invalid floating point operation calling Trunc() – Stack Overflow

  Alt 18. Mär 2021, 06:11
I bumped into [WayBack] delphi – Invalid floating point operation calling Trunc() – Stack Overflow, while searching for what might have tests like these fail: TValueRecordTests.Int64_Through_Value_Container_vi a_Currency_Intermediate_Is_Identity_Operation(9223 372036854775807) = 9223372036854775807 EInvalidOp with message 'Invalid floating point operation' In the end, it reproduced with a much more simple test case class of which the first three fail (EInvalidOp […]

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