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OpenSSL library files for Android 64 bit

Ein Thema von Alex40 · begonnen am 20. Dez 2020 · letzter Beitrag vom 20. Dez 2020
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Registriert seit: 20. Dez 2020
Ort: Bulgaria
4 Beiträge
Delphi 10.4 Sydney

OpenSSL library files for Android 64 bit

  Alt 20. Dez 2020, 13:25
Hello to everyone. Sorry if this topic is already discussed here.

I've gone through the Search but couldnt find a discussion about the latest 64 bit .so files that are used to be deployed in Embarcadero delphi project for 64 bit platform. So far I have no issue to run a 32 bit application with and delpoyed, but when I deploy the same files fo 64 bit application, the logcat tells me "Could not load SSL library".

I assume that I don't use the right .so files. I've gone through the topic about OpenSSL libraries deplyoment for both 32 and 64 bit application and I do exactly the same as you said there. Still - 32 bit application runs fine, but 64 bit application throws the error for the SSL libraries. A link for the right .so files would be very helpful. Your help would be highly appreciated ! Thank you in advance and have a good day !
Alex Sertev
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Registriert seit: 21. Mär 2012
Ort: Hannover
909 Beiträge
Delphi 10.4 Sydney

AW: OpenSSL library files for Android 64 bit

  Alt 20. Dez 2020, 16:39
OpenSSL-so-Files-Directories for Android for 64-Bit-Projects if you want to create a bundle:
- 32-Bit-so-files -> library\lib\armeabi-v7a\
- 64-Bit-so-files -> llibrary\lib\arm64-v8a\

  var help2:String;
  if (length(help2) > 0) then
    if (length(help2) > 0) then
      IdSSLOpenSSLHeaders.Load();'SSL-Version(3): ' + OpenSSLVersion);
      if (length(help2) > 0) then
      begin'SSL-Errors: ' + help2);
    end else begin'SSL-Version(2): ' + OpenSSLVersion);
  end else begin'SSL-Version(1): ' + OpenSSLVersion);
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