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Registriert seit: 19. Mär 2003
Ort: Wuppertal
835 Beiträge
Delphi 3 Standard

Re: Problem mit JEDI (Gleitkommadivision durch NULL)

  Alt 19. Sep 2004, 17:13
Hallo xineohp,
es liegt daran, daß die JCL der 2.1 zu alt ist. Du mußt entweder die gesamte JCL austauschen, was vielleicht dazuführen wird, daß Du die JVCL nicht mehr compilieren kannst oder Du tauscht einfach nur den Code der Funktion "function GetCPUSpeed(var CpuSpeed: TFreqInfo): Boolean;" in der "JclSysInfo.pas" aus. Letzters geht schneller und unkomplizierter.

Alter Code der "function GetCPUSpeed(var CpuSpeed: TFreqInfo): Boolean;"

function GetCPUSpeed(var CpuSpeed: TFreqInfo): Boolean;
  T0, T1: TULargeInteger;
  CountFreq: TULargeInteger;
  Freq, Freq2, Freq3, Total: Integer;
  TotalCycles, Cycles: Int64;
  Stamp0, Stamp1: Int64;
  TotalTicks, Ticks: Cardinal;
  Tries, Priority: Integer;
  Thread: THandle;
  Stamp0 := 0;
  Stamp1 := 0;
  Freq := 0;
  Freq2 := 0;
  Freq3 := 0;
  Tries := 0;
  TotalCycles := 0;
  TotalTicks := 0;
  Total := 0;

  Thread := GetCurrentThread();
  Result := QueryPerformanceFrequency(Int64(CountFreq));
  if Result then
    while ((Tries < 3 ) or ((Tries < 20) and ((Abs(3 * Freq - Total) > 3) or
      (Abs(3 * Freq2 - Total) > 3) or (Abs(3 * Freq3 - Total) > 3)))) do
      Freq3 := Freq2;
      Freq2 := Freq;
      T1.LowPart := T0.LowPart;
      T1.HighPart := T0.HighPart;

      Priority := GetThreadPriority(Thread);
      if Priority <> THREAD_PRIORITY_ERROR_RETURN then
        SetThreadPriority(Thread, THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL);
        while (T1.LowPart - T0.LowPart) < 50 do
          Stamp0 := ReadTimeStampCounter;
        T0.LowPart := T1.LowPart;
        T0.HighPart := T1.HighPart;

        while (T1.LowPart - T0.LowPart) < 1000 do
          Stamp1 := ReadTimeStampCounter;
        if Priority <> THREAD_PRIORITY_ERROR_RETURN then
          SetThreadPriority(Thread, Priority);

      Cycles := Stamp1 - Stamp0;
      Ticks := T1.LowPart - T0.LowPart;
      Ticks := Ticks * 100000;
      Ticks := Round(Ticks / (CountFreq.LowPart / 10));
      TotalTicks := TotalTicks + Ticks;
      TotalCycles := TotalCycles + Cycles;
      Freq := Round(Cycles / Ticks);
      Total := Freq + Freq2 + Freq3;
    Freq3 := Round((TotalCycles * 10) / TotalTicks);
    Freq2 := Round((TotalCycles * 100) / TotalTicks);

    if Freq2 - (Freq3 * 10) >= 6 then

    CpuSpeed.RawFreq := Round(TotalCycles / TotalTicks);
    CpuSpeed.NormFreq := CpuSpeed.RawFreq;

    Freq := CpuSpeed.RawFreq * 10;
    if (Freq3 - Freq) >= 6 then

    CpuSpeed.ExTicks := TotalTicks;
    CpuSpeed.InCycles := TotalCycles;

    CpuSpeed.NormFreq := RoundFrequency(CpuSpeed.NormFreq);
    Result := True;
Neuer Code der "function GetCPUSpeed(var CpuSpeed: TFreqInfo): Boolean;"

function GetCPUSpeed(var CpuSpeed: TFreqInfo): Boolean;
  { TODO : GetCPUSpeed: Solution for Linux }
  Result := False;
  T0, T1: Int64;
  CountFreq: Int64;
  Freq, Freq2, Freq3, Total: Int64;
  TotalCycles, Cycles: Int64;
  Stamp0, Stamp1: Int64;
  TotalTicks, Ticks: Double;
  Tries, Priority: Integer;
  Thread: THandle;
  Stamp0 := 0;
  Stamp1 := 0;
  Freq := 0;
  Freq2 := 0;
  Freq3 := 0;
  Tries := 0;
  TotalCycles := 0;
  TotalTicks := 0;
  Total := 0;

  Thread := GetCurrentThread();
  Result := QueryPerformanceFrequency(CountFreq);
  if Result then
    while ((Tries < 3 ) or ((Tries < 20) and ((Abs(3 * Freq - Total) > 3) or
      (Abs(3 * Freq2 - Total) > 3) or (Abs(3 * Freq3 - Total) > 3)))) do
      Freq3 := Freq2;
      Freq2 := Freq;
      T1 := T0;

      Priority := GetThreadPriority(Thread);
      if Priority <> THREAD_PRIORITY_ERROR_RETURN then
        SetThreadPriority(Thread, THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL);
        while T1 - T0 < 50 do
          Stamp0 := ReadTimeStampCounter;
        T0 := T1;

        while T1 - T0 < 1000 do
          Stamp1 := ReadTimeStampCounter;
        if Priority <> THREAD_PRIORITY_ERROR_RETURN then
          SetThreadPriority(Thread, Priority);

      Cycles := Stamp1 - Stamp0;
      Ticks := T1 - T0;
      Ticks := Ticks * 100000;

      // avoid division by zero
      if CountFreq = 0 then
        Ticks := High(Int64)
        Ticks := Ticks / (CountFreq / 10);

      TotalTicks := TotalTicks + Ticks;
      TotalCycles := TotalCycles + Cycles;

      // avoid division by zero
      if Ticks = 0 then
        Freq := High(Freq)
        Freq := Round(Cycles / Ticks);

      Total := Freq + Freq2 + Freq3;

    // avoid division by zero
    if TotalTicks = 0 then
      Freq3 := High(Freq3);
      Freq2 := High(Freq2);
      CpuSpeed.RawFreq := High(CpuSpeed.RawFreq);
      Freq3 := Round((TotalCycles * 10) / TotalTicks); // freq. in multiples of 10^5 Hz
      Freq2 := Round((TotalCycles * 100) / TotalTicks); // freq. in multiples of 10^4 Hz
      CpuSpeed.RawFreq := Round(TotalCycles / TotalTicks);

    CpuSpeed.NormFreq := CpuSpeed.RawFreq;

    if Freq2 - (Freq3 * 10) >= 6 then

    Freq := CpuSpeed.RawFreq * 10;
    if (Freq3 - Freq) >= 6 then

    CpuSpeed.ExTicks := Round(TotalTicks);
    CpuSpeed.InCycles := TotalCycles;

    CpuSpeed.NormFreq := RoundFrequency(CpuSpeed.NormFreq);
    Result := True;
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