Retieves the unique-id listing for one or all messages in the mailbox.
function UIDL(const ADest: TStrings; const AMsgNum: Integer): Boolean;
const ADest: TStrings
Container for UID values in the listing.
const AMsgNum: Integer = -1
The message number desired, or all messages when the value is -1. Default value is -1.
Boolean - True on success.
UIDL is a Boolean function used to retrieve the unique-id listing for one or all messages in the
POP3 mailbox. When AMsgNum is specified, UIDL will request the UIDL for the specified message number. Otherwise, all message numbers in the mailbox are requested from the
POP3 server.
UIDL calls SendCmd with the
POP3 UIDL command and the optional message number. When the response code from SendCmd is wsOk, the response values are stored in Dest. Value from the
POP3 UIDL command consist of the message number folowed by a space character and the unique-id for the message. The unique-id of a message is an arbitrary server-determined string, consisting of one to 70 characters in the range 0x21 to 0x7E, and uniquely identifies a message within a
POP3 mailbox. Messages marked as deleted are not included in a UIDL listing.