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Ich möchte meinem text ein Ellipsis anhängen '...' wenn diese die weite meines Fensters überschreitet. Das Problem ist es funktioniert nicht. Mit den benötigten Funktionen ist es etwas schwerlich zu lesen geht aber leider nicht anders. (sorry)
unit TextShortener;
interface uses Classes, Generics.Collections, SysUtils, StrUtils; type IMeasureText = interface [ '{898BAD5F-200C-43D8-B60C-546FBE0B7E0A}' ] function GetCharWidth( const C: Char ): Integer; function GetTextWidth( const s: string ): Integer; end; IShortenText = interface [ '{D17025BA-4CBE-47DC-9180-8006EDF94FAE}' ] function ShortenText( const Source: string; const MaxLength: Integer; const ShortenSuffix: string = '...' ): string; end; type TTextMeasureBase = class( TInterfacedObject, IMeasureText ) private function GetCharWidth( const C: Char ): Integer; inline; function GetTextWidth( const s: string ): Integer; inline; protected function DoGetCharWidth( const C: Char ): Integer; virtual; abstract; function DoGetTextWidth( const s: string ): Integer; virtual; end; TCachedTextMeasure = class( TTextMeasureBase ) private FInner: IMeasureText; FCache: TDictionary<Char, Integer>; protected function DoGetCharWidth( const C: Char ): Integer; override; function DoGetTextWidth( const s: string ): Integer; override; public constructor Create( const Inner: IMeasureText ); destructor Destroy; override; end; type TCharMeasureWidthDelegate = function( const C: Char ) : Integer of object; TTextMeasureWidthDelegate = function( const s: string ): Integer of object; TDelegatedTextMeasure = class( TTextMeasureBase ) private FCharDelegate: TCharMeasureWidthDelegate; FTextDelegate: TTextMeasureWidthDelegate; protected function DoGetCharWidth( const C: Char ): Integer; override; function DoGetTextWidth( const s: string ): Integer; override; public constructor Create( const CharDelegate: TCharMeasureWidthDelegate; const TextDelegate: TTextMeasureWidthDelegate = nil ); end; type TTextShortenerBase = class( TInterfacedObject, IShortenText ) private FTextMeasure: IMeasureText; function ShortenText( const Source : string; const MaxLength : Integer; const ShortenSuffix: string ): string; inline; protected function DoShortenText( const Source : string; const MaxLength : Integer; const ShortenSuffix: string; const TextMeasure : IMeasureText ): string; virtual; abstract; public constructor Create( TextMeasure: IMeasureText ); end; type TCharBasedTextShortener = class( TTextShortenerBase ) protected function DoShortenText( const Source : string; const MaxLength : Integer; const ShortenSuffix: string; const TextMeasure : IMeasureText ): string; override; end; type TTextBasedTextShortener = class( TTextShortenerBase ) protected function DoShortenText( const Source : string; const MaxLength : Integer; const ShortenSuffix: string; const TextMeasure : IMeasureText ): string; override; end; implementation { TTextMeasureBase } function TTextMeasureBase.DoGetTextWidth( const s: string ): Integer; var lChar: Char; begin Result := 0; for lChar in s do begin Inc( Result, GetCharWidth( lChar ) ); end; end; function TTextMeasureBase.GetCharWidth( const C: Char ): Integer; begin Result := DoGetCharWidth( C ); end; function TTextMeasureBase.GetTextWidth( const s: string ): Integer; begin Result := DoGetTextWidth( s ); end; { TCachedTextMeasure } constructor TCachedTextMeasure.Create( const Inner: IMeasureText ); begin inherited Create; if not Assigned( Inner ) then raise Exception.Create( 'Inner' ); FCache := TDictionary<Char, Integer>.Create( ); FInner := Inner; end; destructor TCachedTextMeasure.Destroy; begin FCache.Free; inherited; end; function TCachedTextMeasure.DoGetCharWidth( const C: Char ): Integer; begin if not FCache.TryGetValue( C, Result ) then begin Result := FInner.GetCharWidth( C ); FCache.Add( C, Result ); end; end; function TCachedTextMeasure.DoGetTextWidth( const s: string ): Integer; begin Result := FInner.GetTextWidth( s ); end; { TDelegatedTextMeasure } constructor TDelegatedTextMeasure.Create( const CharDelegate: TCharMeasureWidthDelegate; const TextDelegate: TTextMeasureWidthDelegate ); begin inherited Create; if not Assigned( CharDelegate ) then raise Exception.Create( 'CharDelegate' ); FCharDelegate := CharDelegate; FTextDelegate := TextDelegate; end; function TDelegatedTextMeasure.DoGetCharWidth( const C: Char ): Integer; begin Result := FCharDelegate( C ); end; function TDelegatedTextMeasure.DoGetTextWidth( const s: string ): Integer; begin if not Assigned( FTextDelegate ) then Result := inherited else Result := FTextDelegate( s ); end; { TTextShortenerBase } constructor TTextShortenerBase.Create( TextMeasure: IMeasureText ); begin inherited Create; if not Assigned( TextMeasure ) then raise Exception.Create( 'TextMeasure' ); FTextMeasure := TextMeasure; end; function TTextShortenerBase.ShortenText( const Source: string; const MaxLength: Integer; const ShortenSuffix: string ): string; begin if MaxLength <= 0 then raise EArgumentOutOfRangeException.Create( 'MaxLength' ); Result := DoShortenText( Source, MaxLength, ShortenSuffix, FTextMeasure ); end; { TCharBasedTextShortener } function TCharBasedTextShortener.DoShortenText( const Source : string; const MaxLength : Integer; const ShortenSuffix: string; const TextMeasure : IMeasureText ): string; var lSource : string; lChar : Char; lCharLength : Integer; lSuffixLength : Integer; lSourceLength : Integer; lShortenedWithSuffix : string; lShortendWithSuffixFound: Boolean; begin lSuffixLength := 0; for lChar in ShortenSuffix do begin lSuffixLength := lSuffixLength + TextMeasure.GetCharWidth( lChar ); end; if lSuffixLength > MaxLength then raise EArgumentOutOfRangeException.Create( 'SuffixLength > MaxLength' ); Result := ''; lSource := Trim( Source ); lSourceLength := 0; lShortendWithSuffixFound := False; for lChar in lSource do begin lCharLength := TextMeasure.GetCharWidth( lChar ); if not lShortendWithSuffixFound and ( lSourceLength + lCharLength + lSuffixLength > MaxLength ) then begin lShortenedWithSuffix := Result + ShortenSuffix; lShortendWithSuffixFound := True; end; if lSourceLength + lCharLength > MaxLength then begin Result := lShortenedWithSuffix; Exit; end; Result := Result + lChar; Inc( lSourceLength, lCharLength ); end; end; { TTextBasedTextShortener } function TTextBasedTextShortener.DoShortenText( const Source : string; const MaxLength : Integer; const ShortenSuffix: string; const TextMeasure : IMeasureText ): string; var lSource : string; lSourceLength: Integer; lSuffixLength: Integer; begin lSource := Trim( Source ); lSourceLength := TextMeasure.GetTextWidth( lSource ); if lSourceLength > MaxLength then begin lSuffixLength := TextMeasure.GetTextWidth( ShortenSuffix ); repeat SetLength( lSource, Length( lSource ) - 1 ); until TextMeasure.GetTextWidth( lSource ) <= MaxLength - lSuffixLength; end; Result := lSource; end; end.
function GetTextBound(UseText: WideString; UseFont: WideString; UseSize: single; var bW: integer;
var bH: integer; FontCollection: Pointer; UseStrFormat: integer): GPSTATUS; stdcall; var Graphics: LONG_PTR; Fam: GpFontFamily; TempFont: GpFont; DC: HDC; strFormat: GPSTRINGFORMAT; boundingBox, layoutRect: TGPRectF; begin Result := GenericError; strFormat := nil; Fam := nil; TempFont := nil; Graphics := 0; // Create matching font try GdipCheck(GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName(PWideChar(UseFont), FontCollection, Fam)); if Assigned(Fam) then begin GdipCheck(GdipCreateFont(Fam, UseSize, 0, 2, TempFont)); if Assigned(TempFont) then begin DC := GetDC(GetDesktopWindow); GdipCheck(GdipCreateStringFormat(0, 0, strFormat)); GdipCheck(GdipCreateFromHDC(DC, Graphics)); FillChar(boundingBox, SizeOf(boundingBox), 0); FillChar(layoutRect, SizeOf(layoutRect), 0); GdipCheck(GdipMeasureString(Graphics, PWideChar(UseText), Length(UseText), TempFont, @layoutRect, strFormat, @boundingBox, nil, nil)); if Assigned(strFormat) then GdipCheck(GdipDeleteStringFormat(strFormat)); bW := round(boundingBox.Width + 0.5); bH := round(boundingBox.Height{ + 0.5}); if UseStrFormat <> 0 then Swap(bW, bH); if (bW <> 0) or (bH <> 0) then Result := OK; ReleaseDc(GetDesktopWindow, DC); end; end; finally if Graphics <> 0 then GdipCheck(GdipDeleteGraphics(Graphics)); if Assigned(TempFont) then GdipCheck(GdipDeleteFont(TempFont)); if Assigned(Fam) then GdipCheck(GdipDeleteFontFamily(Fam)); end; end;
function TShortener.CalculateCharWith(const C: Char): Integer;
var bW, bH: Integer; begin GDIP_GetTextBound(C, SKAERO_CAPTIONFONT, SKAERO_CAPTIONFONTHEIGHT, bW, bH, nil, 0); Result := bW; end;
TShortener = class private FCaptionShortener: IShortenText; public function CalculateFixedCharWidth( const C: Char ): Integer; function CalculateCharWith( const C: Char ): Integer; end;
Warum muss ich hier 400 addieren? ohne stimmt die länge nicht.SetRect(rc, 0, 0, gP.MainWidth + 400, 20); Shortener := TShortener.Create; Shortener.FCaptionShortener := TCharBasedTextShortener.Create(TCachedTextMeasure.Create( TDelegatedTextMeasure.Create(Shortener.CalculateCharWith))); FileName := Shortener.FCaptionShortener.ShortenText(gM.title, rc.Right, '...' ); SKAERO_SetCTLText(gP.MainHandle, FileName); Shortener.Free; Wenn ich dann den Font ändere stimmt es wieder nicht. Geändert von venice2 (11. Nov 2020 um 21:21 Uhr) |
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Auch das funktioniert nicht.
function GetEllipsis(s: string; R: TRect; DC:HDC): string;
begin Result := S; UniqueString(Result); R := Rect(1, 1, r.Right, 20); DrawTextEx(DC, PWideChar(Result), Length(Result), R, DT_CALCRECT or DT_END_ELLIPSIS or DT_MODIFYSTRING, nil); SetLength(Result, StrLen(PWideChar(Result))); end;
function GetTextWidth(fnt: TFont; const text:string): Integer;
var dc: hdc; tsize : Windows.TSize; begin dc := GetDC(0); SelectObject(DC, fnt.Handle); GetTextExtentPoint32(dc, PWideChar(text), Length(text), tsize); ReleaseDC(0, DC); Result := tsize.cx; end; EDIT: kümmert euch nicht mehr drum habe es selbst geregelt. Geändert von venice2 (12. Nov 2020 um 02:01 Uhr) |
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Registriert seit: 5. Jul 2006 Ort: Magdeburg 8.276 Beiträge Delphi 10.4 Sydney |
und wie hast Du es hinbekommen?
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und wie hast Du es hinbekommen? Hier ist die neue Funktion die im weiteren verlauf auf mehrere andere Funktionen verzweigt. (mehrere Ebenen)
Die ist sehr genau und tut was sie soll.
function DrawEllipsisText(WinHandle: HWND; DC: Hdc; Text: WideString; TextRect: TRect;
ColrARGB: COLORREF; UseFont: WideString; UseSize: Single; FontStyle: TFontStyle; ShadowOffset: Single; UseStrFormat: integer; WordWrap: BOOL): GPSTATUS; var Width: integer; Fam: GpFontFamily; TempFont: GpFont; Graphics: LONG_PTR; rectF: TGPRectF; rc: TRect; strFormat: Pointer; boundingBox, layoutRect: TGPRectF; begin Result := GenericError; Graphics := 0; strFormat := nil; TempFont := nil; Fam := nil; try GdipCheck(GdipCreateFromHDC(DC, Graphics)); GdipCheck(GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName(PWideChar(UseFont), nil, Fam)); if assigned(Fam) then begin GdipCheck(GdipCreateFont(Fam, UseSize, FontStyle, 2, TempFont)); if assigned(TempFont) then begin GdipCheck(GdipCreateStringFormat(0, 0, strFormat)); FillChar(boundingBox, SizeOf(boundingBox), 0); FillChar(layoutRect, SizeOf(layoutRect), 0); GdipCheck(GdipMeasureString(Graphics, PWideChar(Text), length(Text), TempFont, @layoutRect, strFormat, @boundingBox, nil, nil)); Width := (TextRect.Right - TextRect.Left); if boundingBox.Width > Width then begin rectF := MakeRect(TextRect.Left, TextRect.Top, Width, TextRect.Bottom); rc.Left := round(rectF.x); rc.Top := round(rectF.y); rc.Bottom := round(rectF.Height); rc.Right := round(rectF.Width); UseStrFormat := GD_Ellipsis; Result := GdipCheck(DrawTextToDC(DC, Text, rc, ColrARGB, UseFont, UseSize, FontStyle, ShadowOffset, UseStrFormat, nil, False, 0, True)); end else Result := GdipCheck(DrawTextToDC(DC, Text, TextRect, ColrARGB, UseFont, UseSize, FontStyle, ShadowOffset, UseStrFormat, nil, False, 0, WordWrap)); end; end; finally if Graphics <> 0 then GdipCheck(GdipDeleteGraphics(Graphics)); if assigned(TempFont) then GdipCheck(GdipDeleteFont(TempFont)); if assigned(Fam) then GdipCheck(GdipDeleteFontFamily(Fam)); if assigned(strFormat) then GdipCheck(GdipDeleteStringFormat(strFormat)); end; end; Aufruf.
if gM.title <> '' then
begin SKAERO_GetCaptionXY(x, y); if WinHandle = GetForegroundWindow then Color := SKAERO_ACTIVECAPTION else Color := SKAERO_INACTIVECAPTION; SetRect(rc, x, y, gP.MainWidth -70, SKAERO_CAPTIONFONTHEIGHT + 4); GDIP_DrawEllipsisText(WinHandle, SrcDC, gM.title, rc, Color, SKAERO_CAPTIONFONT, SKAERO_CAPTIONFONTHEIGHT, FontStyleBoldItalic, -1, 0); end else SKAERO_SetCTLText(WinHandle, 'KVideo Player64'); Geändert von venice2 (12. Nov 2020 um 18:23 Uhr) |
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Die länge von Ellipsis Text stimmt nun habe aber ein ähnliches weiteres Problem.
Ich Ownerdraw mein Edit Control mit GDI+ dazu übergebe ich folgende Parameter.
Danach konvertiere ich den GDI+ Font in einen HFont damit das Edit den gleichen Font hat wie der den ich zeichne. Stimmt soweit.
Aber das Caret Offset ist nicht gleich Gezeichneter Font -> Edit Font.
procedure TSkinEdit.SetFont(nPointSize: Integer; FontName: String; FontStyle: TFontStyle;
AktForecolor, InAktForecolor: COLORREF; Shadow: Boolean; ShadowOffset: Single); var Fam: GpFontFamily; Gpf: GpFont; Graphics: LONG_PTR; DC: HDC; lf: LOGFONTW; begin Graphics := 0; Gpf := nil; Fam := nil; if Handle <> 0 then begin FShadow := Shadow; FShadowColor := ShadowColor; FShadowOffset := ShadowOffset; FAktForecolor := AktForecolor; FInAktForecolor := InAktForecolor; FPointSize := nPointSize; FFontName := FontName; FFontStyle := FontStyle; DC := GetDC(0); try if GdipCheck(GdipCreateFromHDC(DC, Graphics)) = OK then begin if GdipCheck(GdipCreateFontFamilyFromName(PWideChar(FFontName), nil, Fam)) = OK then begin if assigned(Fam) then begin GdipCheck(GdipCreateFont(Fam, FPointSize, FontStyle, 2, Gpf)); if assigned(Gpf) then begin GdipCheck(GdipGetLogFontW(Gpf, Graphics, lf)); _hfont := CreateFontIndirectW(lf); SendMessageW(Handle, WM_SETFONT, WPARAM(_hfont), 0); end; end; end; end; finally ReleaseDC(0, DC); if Graphics <> 0 then GdipCheck(GdipDeleteGraphics(Graphics)); if assigned(Gpf) then GdipCheck(GdipDeleteFont(Gpf)); if assigned(Fam) then GdipCheck(GdipDeleteFontFamily(Fam)); end; end; end; Der blinkende Cursor ist immer ein paar Pixel daneben abhängig von dem was ich schreibe. Wie kann ich das beheben? Geändert von venice2 ( 1. Dez 2020 um 16:05 Uhr) |
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