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EurekaLog 7.9 is out

Ein Thema von DP News-Robot · begonnen am 28. Sep 2020
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EurekaLog 7.9 is out

  Alt 28. Sep 2020, 23:50
We are pleased to announce the availability of the new 7.9 version.

EurekaLog is a tool for Delphi and C++Builder that gives your application the power to catch every exception and memory/resource leak, generating a detailed log of the call stack (with unit, procedure and line number), optionally sending you a copy of each log entry via email or the Web via the most used Web Bug-Tracking tools (as Mantis, BugZilla, FogBugz, JIRA, YouTrack, Redmine, and Exceptionless).
EurekaLog represents the most advanced exception and memory leaks logger technology available for Delphi/C++Builder developers.

To learn more about EurekaLog, please visit our website at:

To download a demo, please visit:

If you would like to purchase a new license, please visit:

Changes in 7.9 build:
  1. Added: Support for RAD Studio 10.4
  2. Added: FastMM5 Support
  3. Added: Support for Exceptionless bug tracker
  4. Added: Support for new YouTrack API
  5. Added: Basic exception info reader for CLR/.NET exceptions
  6. Added: Better exception information for non-Delphi exceptions
  7. Added: Setting a proper exception address for non-Delphi software exceptions raised with kernel32.RaiseException
  8. Added: Visual highlighting for call stacks of deadlocked threads (group header will be orange)
  9. Added: Support for COM wait chain traversal
  10. Added: [C++ Builder] Support for "fast-exit" - happens when called _exit() (quick version of exit()), e.g. __exit with quick = true (example: _abort() and/or STATUS_FATAL_APP_EXIT/$40000015). Finalization sections of units will not run
  11. Added: "Use SafeMode" option (see "Advanced" page)
  12. Added: Separate options to enable/disable low-level hooks in current/external modules
  13. Added: New "Is process token restricted" value to bug report
  14. Added: "Is admin" value now supports limited (unelevated) admins
  15. Added: Added time since user profile loaded to "System Up Time" value (Windows 10 uses hybrid shutdown (fast startup), which means Windows 10 rarely shutdowns completely, which makes "System Up Time" less useful)
  16. Added: Hook for ShowException - to call EurekaLog on non-Exception exceptions (e.g. raise TObject.Create;)
  17. Added: [Viewer] Settings for default screenshot scaling
  18. Fixed: [C++ Builder] Headers for C++ Builder 2006
  19. Fixed: Sometimes build configurations may be missed from project options dialog
  20. Fixed: Possible small leak if thread is terminated
  21. Fixed: Access violation when double clicked on lists outside of list items
  22. Fixed: Better information about waiting on process in WCT info
  23. Fixed: Auto-handle thread exception option may not work properly due to blocked hook installation when same handler is used for different hooks
  24. Fixed: Accessing non-existing props when exception is not derived from Exception class (e.g. raise TObject.Create;)
  25. Fixed: Added lookup by e-mail for Mantis owner account
  26. Fixed: Possible 'Data too long for column' for Mantis sender
  27. Fixed: Range check error for HWND in logging code
  28. Fixed: EurekaLog dialog may not appear if ESC key was pressed/held down during dialog initialization
  29. Fixed: [C++ Builder] Getting symbol names
  30. Fixed: [Viewer] Resetting grid filter after editing bug entry
  31. Fixed: [Viewer] Wrong "invalid password" for reports from Threads Snapshot tool
  32. Fixed: Compatibility with DynaTrace
  33. Fixed: [Win64] PNG compression issues in some IDEs
  34. Fixed: Internal logging improvements
  35. Fixed: Minor optimizations for exception readers
  36. Fixed: [Regression] Processing non-Delphi exceptions on Win64
  37. Fixed: [Regression] Setting default thread names
  38. Fixed: [Regression] Typo in checks could cause hangs (sometimes)
  39. Fixed: [Regression] Crash if lightweight DLL is not unloaded at app's exit
  40. Fixed: [Regression] Non-working EBase.SetEurekaLogStateInThread for lightweight DLLs
  41. Changed: Global locks replaced with individual locks with timeout
  42. Changed: Emergency "safe mode" termination will now respect restart/terminate settings of application
  43. Changed: Made checks for hooking LoadResString optional to allow better compatibility with 3rd party translation tools
  44. Changed: Internal crash report will be added as an attach to the following bug report

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