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Sourcecode von BOLD nun auf GitHub verfügbar

Ein Thema von mkinzler · begonnen am 22. Sep 2020
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Registriert seit: 9. Dez 2005
Ort: Heilbronn
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Delphi 11 Alexandria

Sourcecode von BOLD nun auf GitHub verfügbar

  Alt 22. Sep 2020, 13:39

The original source code of the Bold library for Delphi Version Bold for Delphi, Release 4.0 - 2004-04-23

Bold is a tool in the MDA (Model Driven Architecture) space, which allows you to start with an UML model of your application and a set of business rules written in a high level language and “execute” the model after creating a graphical user interface for it. Bold includes a sophisticated object-relational mapping layer, ability to map data to multiple formats, changes synchronization, and much more. It includes a large amount of IDE integrated tools and options to work with external UML modeling software.

For more information see:

The project source code has been made available by and published under an MIT license.
Markus Kinzler
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