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Wie drucken Sie Name und Note in FASTREPORT?

Ein Thema von Alg2009 · begonnen am 12. Sep 2020 · letzter Beitrag vom 25. Sep 2020
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Benutzerbild von haentschman

Registriert seit: 24. Okt 2006
Ort: Seifhennersdorf / Sachsen
5.429 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

AW: Wie drucken Sie Name und Note in FASTREPORT?

  Alt 19. Sep 2020, 11:35
...see previous post.

Three Questions:
1. you programming for yourself?
2. you use a version control system?
3. which delphi version do you use -> add this to your profile.

Geändert von haentschman (19. Sep 2020 um 11:54 Uhr)
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Registriert seit: 12. Sep 2020
16 Beiträge
Delphi 10.3 Rio

AW: Wie drucken Sie Name und Note in FASTREPORT?

  Alt 19. Sep 2020, 14:16
...see previous post.

Three Questions:
1. you programming for yourself? yes
2. you use a version control system? no
3. which delphi version do you use -> add this to your profile. ok
Do you want to help me?
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Benutzerbild von haentschman

Registriert seit: 24. Okt 2006
Ort: Seifhennersdorf / Sachsen
5.429 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

AW: Wie drucken Sie Name und Note in FASTREPORT?

  Alt 19. Sep 2020, 16:58
Do you want to help me?
whereby? The project you have...
you use a version control system? no
GIT video tutorial with TortoiseGIT (GUI):
GIT TortoiseGIT install:

...if you want "command line", you found more videos/tutorials.
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Registriert seit: 12. Sep 2020
16 Beiträge
Delphi 10.3 Rio

AW: Wie drucken Sie Name und Note in FASTREPORT?

  Alt 19. Sep 2020, 19:53
What do I do with the TortoiseGIT!?
I no longer understand what you mean?

i have a simple question and you have the answer why don't you give me the answer instead of asking me to install program that I don't want
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Benutzerbild von haentschman

Registriert seit: 24. Okt 2006
Ort: Seifhennersdorf / Sachsen
5.429 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

AW: Wie drucken Sie Name und Note in FASTREPORT?

  Alt 20. Sep 2020, 08:15
i have a simple question and you have the answer why don't you give me the answer
The answer you have! You just have to deal with it and see what has changed in the source code.
instead of asking me to install program that I don't want
Then I can not help you anymore. You have not understood what a version control system is needed for and why it is needed. The links was only for information...

...i am out.

Geändert von haentschman (20. Sep 2020 um 09:15 Uhr)
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Registriert seit: 12. Sep 2020
16 Beiträge
Delphi 10.3 Rio

AW: Wie drucken Sie Name und Note in FASTREPORT?

  Alt 20. Sep 2020, 15:34
...see previous post.
Forgive me and thank you very match
i didn't see The attached file in the previous reply

I benefited a lot from you and learned new things like "TfoSettings" Which I did not understand and why you added a new Unit? I will try to understand it

thank you very very match haentschman for your help

Geändert von Alg2009 (20. Sep 2020 um 15:40 Uhr)
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Registriert seit: 12. Sep 2020
16 Beiträge
Delphi 10.3 Rio

AW: Wie drucken Sie Name und Note in FASTREPORT?

  Alt 20. Sep 2020, 16:31
Believe me, you gave me a code that I've never seen before so understanding it sounds difficult.
You have added things that I did not know like(New unit)

Now i understand you why you asked about 'Version control System'

I'll be in hiding for two or three days to understand what you explained to me earlier and I'm back
By the way the code did not work
Miniaturansicht angehängter Grafiken
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Registriert seit: 30. Nov 2005
Ort: München
5.779 Beiträge
Delphi 10.4 Sydney

AW: Wie drucken Sie Name und Note in FASTREPORT?

  Alt 20. Sep 2020, 17:45
you can remove these 5 Units from the uses that are underlined.

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Benutzerbild von haentschman

Registriert seit: 24. Okt 2006
Ort: Seifhennersdorf / Sachsen
5.429 Beiträge
Delphi 12 Athens

AW: Wie drucken Sie Name und Note in FASTREPORT?

  Alt 21. Sep 2020, 06:17
Sorry. These units mad* was automatic add to the project. This is a tool to finding errors... I should have to delete them for you.
By the way the code did not work
...i know. It's an easy mistake that I have left as it is...from me. You have to find it out yourself. Write the error message here.
what i do:
* formatting
* naming
* SQL was wrong
* assignment of the query to the report
* delete unused report datasets
* editing report

* All components should have a prefix. 2 to 4 signs. example: fo = Form, edt = Edit, mem = Memo and so on... You can choose it yourself.
previos Unit6 -> Settings only the name has changed!
previos TForm6 -> TfoSettings only the name has changed!

SQL was wrong: can see (btnParamètresClick)

assignment of the query to the report:
dmData.frxDatasetReportMaster.DataSet := dmData.qryReport;
delete unused report datasets:
...from the DatamoduleEtudiant.

editing report:
New names assigned to the report.

Geändert von haentschman (21. Sep 2020 um 07:22 Uhr)
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Registriert seit: 12. Sep 2020
16 Beiträge
Delphi 10.3 Rio

AW: Wie drucken Sie Name und Note in FASTREPORT?

  Alt 22. Sep 2020, 21:14

It's an easy mistake that I have left as it is...from me. You have to find it out yourself. Write the error message here.
The error was in the connection settings

I almost visit GitHub website and i didn't know it is a repository thank you for all the information that will help me in the future

There is only one last question
You said
- Never use DB tables. Better use Querys.
That's means i link all the tables together with JOIN(inner,Left or Right) the question is If, for example, we add another table to the database let it be 'Group' -->the relation between Student and Group is one to many(Each student has one group, and each group has more than one student)

We write two queries the first to show the students and their grades And the other to show the students and their group or only one query ?

because if we write one query the result it will be wrong
JOIN Group G ON G.GroupID = E.GroupID
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