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CVS-Import FireDAC

Ein Thema von Ghostwalker · begonnen am 20. Jun 2020 · letzter Beitrag vom 7. Okt 2020

Registriert seit: 6. Feb 2008
838 Beiträge

AW: CVS-Import FireDAC

  Alt 20. Jun 2020, 08:15
..."Leider hab ich es bisher (nach 2 Tagen) nicht geschaft"...
=> 1min google "TFDBatchMove":

Sets the FileName property of TFDBatchMoveTextReader with the location of data.txt. This is the file used to load the data to the table. Also several DataDef properties are adjusted according to the text file format.
DataDef.Separator := ','; It defines the separator used to separate the fields in the text file.
DataDef.WithFieldNames := True; It specifies that the field name is included in the first row of the text file.
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