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Multiple RAD Studio 10.4 Italian Events This Week (Including Delphi Day 2020)

Ein Thema von DP News-Robot · begonnen am 8. Jun 2020
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Multiple RAD Studio 10.4 Italian Events This Week (Including Delphi Day 2020)

  Alt 8. Jun 2020, 12:10
After getting involved with the global RAD Studio 10.4 launch event and before I join other English-language sessions, this week I'm going to spend some time talking with Italian customers.

June 8th - Italian 10.4 Launch Webinar

This afternoon, starting at 2:30pm, I'll join Daniele Teti in a webinar introducing Delphi 10.4 and C++Builder 10.4 to our Italian customers. The initiative is organized by Embarcadero partner BitTime and the session will be in Italian language. This is the agenda:
</br> 14:30 Benvenuti (Fabrizio Bitti)
</br> 14:50 What's New in RAD Studio 10.4 Sydney (Marco Cantu)
</br> 15:15 New Delphi Features (Marco Cantu)
</br> 15:45 Break
</br> 16:00 New VCL and FMX Features (Daniele Teti)
</br> 16:30 New FireDAC, RTL and LiveBinding Features (Daniele Teti)
</br> 17:00 Q and A (Daniele Teti e Marco Cantu)

You can still sign up online at

June 9th - 12th - Italian Delphi Day 2020

While it is almost a week long (so not really a day), this is Italian's older regular yearly Delphi event (and generally most crowded). Organized by Wintech Italia, it has sessions for each morning and afternoon over the week. This is also an Italian language conference. I'll be involved in the following live 90 minutes sessions:

June 9th, 9:45 am: Delphi 10.4: Tutte le Novita'

June 10th, 9:30 am:*Delphi 10.4: Focus su VCL e Windows 10

June 12th, 9:30am:*Mega Q and A session!*(I'll most likely be able to join at least for some of it)

There are sessions by many Italian Embarcadero MVPs and experts, covering many areas of the product.*You can see the entire program and sign up for free for each of the many individual sessions at*

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