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Registriert seit: 4. Jun 2010 15.562 Beiträge |
Some while back I posted a command script (or batch file as we used to call them) that could be used by RAD Studio 10.3 users if they felt the need to change any of the few Java files underlying Delphi's (and C++Builder's) Android RTL.
The script would rebuild all the Java files into the required fmx.dex.jar and fmx.jar archives and copy them into the relevant RAD Studio installation folders to be used on subsequent builds. When I tried to use the script with RAD Studio 10.3.3 of course it didn't work as things have changed, different files need to be involved in the process. I have updated the script now to work with RAD Studio 10.3.3 and thought I'd share it in case anyone else needs to do this. An obvious question is: Why would anyone else want to rebuild the Java Android RTL files? Well this is normally a necessary step if you find an issue in the code as Embarcadero ships it and you want to try to fix it or enhance it. Indeed the previous post on rebuilding the 10.3 Java files was all about patching the Java code to get Android Intent support working. If you have no interest in tweaking the Java code or fixing any issues you encounter in the Java code then you probably won't be needing this script. If you do need the script, remember to take a backup of your original compiled archives before you proceed. These are found in:
The script can be found below (apologies for any layout issues caused by longer lines than the narrow blog width): @echo off cls rem Android RTL Java files rebuilder for RAD Studio 10.3.3 setlocal enabledelayedexpansion rem Set environment variables rem *NOTE*: check these folders match your setup set EMBT=Embarcadero\Studio\20.0 set BDS=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\%EMBT% set JAVA_PATH=%ProgramFiles%\Java\jdk1.8.0_60\bin rem This is the default path for the Android SDK when installed from the .iso installer set SDK_PATH=%PUBLIC%\Documents\%EMBT%\PlatformSDKs\an droid-sdk-windows if not exist "%SDK_PATH%\" ( rem This is the default path for the Android SDK when installed from the web install (aka ESD install) set SDK_PATH=%PUBLIC%\Documents\%EMBT%\CatalogReposito ry\AndroidSDK-2525_20.0.36039.7899 ) rem Set more environment variables based on those above set DX_PATH=%SDK_PATH%\build-tools\28.0.2 set ANDROID_JAR=%SDK_PATH%\platforms\android-26\android.jar set BDS_LIB=%BDS%\lib set BDS_DEBUG_LIB=%BDS%\lib\android\debug set BDS_RELEASE_LIB=%BDS%\lib\android\release set FMX_SRC_PATH=%BDS%\source\rtl\androiddex\java\fmx set CLASS_PATH=%ANDROID_JAR% set CLASS_PATH=%CLASS_PATH%;%BDS_DEBUG_LIB%\android-support-v4.jar set CLASS_PATH=%CLASS_PATH%;%BDS_DEBUG_LIB%\cloud-messaging.jar set CLASS_PATH=%CLASS_PATH%;%BDS_DEBUG_LIB%\com-google-android-gms.play-services-base.16.0.1.jar set CLASS_PATH=%CLASS_PATH%;%BDS_DEBUG_LIB%\com-google-android-gms.play-services-maps.16.1.0.jar set CLASS_PATH=%CLASS_PATH%;%BDS_DEBUG_LIB%\debug\com-google-android-gms.play-services-ads.17.2.0.jar rem For adListener set CLASS_PATH=%CLASS_PATH%;%BDS_DEBUG_LIB%\com-google-android-gms.play-services-ads-lite.17.2.0.jar rem For AbstractSafeParcelable set CLASS_PATH=%CLASS_PATH%;%BDS_DEBUG_LIB%\com-google-android-gms.play-services-basement.16.2.0.jar rem For ReflectedParcelable set CLASS_PATH=%CLASS_PATH%;%BDS_DEBUG_LIB%\com-google-android-gms.play-services-basement.16.2.0.jar echo. echo Checking environment variables if not exist "%BDS%\" ( echo Path used to set BDS environment variable does not exist^^! Is RAD Studio installed elsewhere? goto :Error ) if not exist "%JAVA_PATH%\" ( echo Path used to set JAVA_PATH environment variable does not exist^^! Is the JDK installed elsewhere? goto :Error ) if not exist "%SDK_PATH%\" ( echo Path used to set SDK_PATH environment variable does not exist^^! Is the Android SDK installed elsewhere? goto :Error ) if not exist "%ANDROID_JAR%" ( echo Path used to set ANDROID_JAR environment variable does not exist^^! Is your android.jar in a different platform folder? goto :Error ) echo. echo Changing to the FMX source folder echo. pushd %FMX_SRC_PATH% echo Getting fully qualified list of all Java source file we need to rebuild echo. if not exist bin\classes mkdir bin\classes if not exist bin\debug mkdir bin\debug if not exist bin\release mkdir bin\release dir src\android\bluetooth\*.java /s /b > JavaSources.txt dir src\android\telephony\*.java /s /b >> JavaSources.txt dir src\com\*.java /s /b >> JavaSources.txt echo Ensuring FMX source path ends in a '\' echo. set LAST_CHAR=%FMX_SRC_PATH:~-1% if not "%LAST_CHAR%"=="\" set FMX_SRC_PATH=%FMX_SRC_PATH%\ echo Making Java source file paths relative to current directory echo. if exist JavaSources2.txt del JavaSources2.txt for /F "tokens=*" %%A in (JavaSources.txt) do ( set STR=%%A set "STR=!STR:%FMX_SRC_PATH%=!" echo !STR!>>JavaSources2.txt ) echo Compiling all the FMX Java code into class files with debug info echo. "%JAVA_PATH%"\javac -g -d bin\classes -classpath "%CLASS_PATH%" -encoding UTF-8 -g @JavaSources2.txt if errorlevel 1 ( echo. echo Problem encountered during Java compilation goto :Error ) echo. echo Creating jar containing the new compiled FMX Java classes with debug info echo. "%JAVA_PATH%"\jar cf bin\debug\fmx.jar -C bin\classes . if errorlevel 1 ( echo. echo Problem encountered during Java archiving goto :Error ) echo Creating DEX jar containing the new compiled FMX Java classes with debug info echo. call %DX_PATH%\dx --dex --output=bin\debug\fmx.dex.jar --positions=lines bin\debug\fmx.jar if errorlevel 1 ( echo. echo Problem encountered during DEXing goto :Error ) echo Compiling all the FMX Java code into class files without debug info echo. "%JAVA_PATH%"\javac -g:none -d bin\classes -classpath "%CLASS_PATH%" -encoding UTF-8 @JavaSources2.txt if errorlevel 1 ( echo. echo Problem encountered during Java compilation goto :Error ) echo. echo Creating jar containing the new compiled FMX Java classes without debug info echo. "%JAVA_PATH%"\jar cf bin\release\fmx.jar -C bin\classes . if errorlevel 1 ( echo. echo Problem encountered during Java archiving goto :Error ) echo Creating DEX jar containing the new compiled FMX Java classes without debug info echo. call %DX_PATH%\dx --dex --output=bin\release\fmx.dex.jar --positions=lines bin\release\fmx.jar if errorlevel 1 ( echo. echo Problem encountered during DEXing goto :Error ) copy bin\debug\* "%BDS_DEBUG_LIB%" copy bin\release\* "%BDS_RELEASE_LIB%" echo Tidying up... echo. if exist JavaSources.txt del JavaSources.txt if exist JavaSources2.txt del JavaSources2.txt rd /s /q bin goto :End :Error echo. echo Sorry, we had a problem :( echo. :End echo Changing back to the folder we started in popd endlocal Weiterlesen... |
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