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replace string with spaces?

Ein Thema von direktor · begonnen am 19. Jan 2020 · letzter Beitrag vom 20. Jan 2020

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replace string with spaces?

  Alt 19. Jan 2020, 06:12

I have another problem, how to pass the Space in string that I want to replace?

For example I want to find string 'this is just a test' and replace it with 'this is not a test'. Problem is Delphi will find only first word 'this' - everything after space is ignored. How do I make it find full string not that it stops at space? Or I'm using Delphi version which is too low? Should I use Unicode string compare?

'this is something else' - delphi will stop here because 'this' is contained here and 'is something else' it treats like it doesn't even exist because of space between

'this is just a test' - but I want to change this line of text down below, the whole text including spaces

How to do? StringReplace doesn't work.

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