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replace string in text files

Ein Thema von direktor · begonnen am 17. Jan 2020 · letzter Beitrag vom 21. Jan 2020
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replace string in text files

  Alt 17. Jan 2020, 19:22

I want to replace certain text in html files. Like I want to replace all text in html file from <header> to </header> and <footer> to </footer> - all text between beginning and ending of headers and footers. How can I do that? It's not stringreplace function. I need to replace all text between this header and footer tags. I can detect with Pos function where <header> begins and ends. So I get 2 integers I and J. I need to replace all text between I and J position of string occurance in text file. Any solutions? Thanks.
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Benutzerbild von Dalai

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AW: replace string in text files

  Alt 17. Jan 2020, 19:39
Well, the easy way would be something like this: Read the file into a TStringList variable (Delphi-Referenz durchsuchenTStringList.LoadFromFile) and replace everything in Delphi-Referenz durchsuchenTStringList.Text from (and including) <header> to </header> with "<header>your_new_text</header>" with the Delphi-Referenz durchsuchenStringReplace function. However, I doubt that this will be the fastest way in terms of performance (e.g. because the .Text property makes a copy of the whole string).

It just came to me that StringReplace in Delphi doesn't work with offsets. So, you probably need to determine the offset of <header> and </header> tags with Delphi-Referenz durchsuchenPos function and use Delphi-Referenz durchsuchenCopy function to get the substring between these tags and then use StringReplace on that substring.


Geändert von Dalai (17. Jan 2020 um 21:00 Uhr)
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AW: replace string in text files

  Alt 17. Jan 2020, 22:04
This might work, but is not a really secure and surely not the fastest way.
Have a look at LinaComponents, in WebCtrls.pas, there is a THtmlDocument class. It should give you an idea or perhaps even do exactly that. The problem with HTML are for example the comments, or text inside strings, that need to be ignored.
The source for the parsing goes as follows (original can be found in LinaComponent's WebCtrls unit):
procedure THtmlDocumentTag.LinesChange(Sender: TObject);
  Index: Integer;
  Current: PChar;
  CurrentTag: String;
  TagName: String;
  TagText: String;
  TagLines: TStrings;
  InTag, InTagArea: Boolean;
  TagKind: (tagOpen,tagClose,tagSingle,tagComment);
  for Index := 0 to TagCount - 1 do
  FText := '';
  TagName := '';
  TagText := '';
  TagLines := TStringList.Create;
  InTag := False;
  InTagArea := False;
  Current := PChar(Lines.Text);
      while Current^ <> #0 do
        if (Current^ = '<') and ((Current + 1)^ in Letters + ['!','/']) then
          InTag := True;
          InTagArea := True;
          if (Current + 1)^ in Letters then
            TagKind := tagOpen;
            if Length(TagName) <> 0 then
              TagText := TagText + Current^;
          if ((Current + 1)^ = '!') and ((Current + 2)^ = '-') and ((Current + 3)^ = '-') then
            TagKind := tagComment;
            if Length(TagName) <> 0 then
              TagText := TagText + Current^ + (Current + 1)^ + (Current + 2)^ + (Current + 3)^;
          if ((Current + 1)^ = '/') and ((Current + 2)^ in Letters) then
            TagKind := tagClose;
        if InTagArea then
          if InTag then
            case TagKind of
              tagOpen: if (Current^ = '>') or ((Current^ = '/') and (Length(Trim(CurrentTag)) <> 0)) then
                         if Length(CurrentTag) <> 0 then
                           InTag := False;
                           if Length(TagName) = 0 then
                             TagName := CurrentTag;
                           end else
                             TagText := TagText + Current^;
                           CurrentTag := '';
                           //Parse spaces and parameters .... (to be added)
                           if Current^ = '/then
                             TagKind := tagSingle;
                             if Length(TagText) <> 0 then
                               TagText := TagText + Current^;
                       end else
                         CurrentTag := CurrentTag + Current^;
                         if Length(TagName) <> 0 then
                           TagText := TagText + Current^;
              tagClose: if Current^ = '>then
                          if (Length(CurrentTag) <> 0) and (Length(TagName) <> 0) then
                            InTag := False;
                            if TrimRight(CurrentTag) = TagName then
                              InTagArea := False;
                              SetLength(FTags,Length(FTags) + 1);
                              TagLines.Text := TagText;
                              FTags[TagCount - 1] := THtmlDocumentTag.Create(TagName,Document,Self,TagLines);
                              if Assigned(Document.OnTagAdd) then
                                Document.OnTagAdd(Self,FTags[TagCount - 1]);
                              TagName := '';
                              TagText := '';
                            end else
                              TagText := TagText + '</' + CurrentTag + '>';
                            CurrentTag := '';
                        end else
                          CurrentTag := CurrentTag + Current^;
              tagComment: if (Current^ = '-') and ((Current + 1)^ = '-') and ((Current + 2)^ = '>') then
                            InTag := False;
                            TagText := TagText + Current^ + (Current + 1)^ + (Current + 2)^;
                          end else
                            TagText := TagText + Current^;
          end else
            TagText := TagText + Current^;
        end else
          FText := FText + Current^;
        raise EHtmlParse.Create('HTML parse error on line ' + IntToStr(CharLine(Current,Lines.Text)) + ' at position ' + IntToStr(CharPosition(Current,Lines.Text)));
      if InTagArea then
        SetLength(FTags,Length(FTags) + 1);
        TagLines.Text := TagText;
        FTags[TagCount - 1] := THtmlDocumentTag.Create(TagName,Document,Self,TagLines);
        if Assigned(Document.OnTagAdd) then
          Document.OnTagAdd(Self,FTags[TagCount - 1]);

Geändert von Dennis07 (17. Jan 2020 um 22:06 Uhr)
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Benutzerbild von Uwe Raabe
Uwe Raabe

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AW: replace string in text files

  Alt 17. Jan 2020, 22:12
Ignoring the problems mentioned by Dennis07 regarding comments:
function ReplaceBetweenTags(const Source, TagStart, TagEnd, ReplaceWith: string): string;
  posEnd: Integer;
  posStart: Integer;
  posStart := Source.IndexOf(TagStart) + TagStart.Length;
  posEnd := Source.IndexOf(TagEnd, posStart);
  Result := Source.Substring(0, posStart) + ReplaceWith + Source.Substring(posEnd);
Uwe Raabe
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AW: replace string in text files

  Alt 18. Jan 2020, 06:55
Dalai text is different every time so I can't use stringreplace function. I was thinking of creating 2 TStringLists and put together the whole file 1. copy up from header + 2. header replacement + 3. copy rest of file... Dennis thanks, long solution but I'll try. Uwe - Sie sind genial! Thank you all.
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Benutzerbild von Dalai

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AW: replace string in text files

  Alt 18. Jan 2020, 14:49
Dalai text is different every time so I can't use stringreplace function.
See my EDIT. StringReplace can be used after determining the tags' offsets and getting the text via Copy function (using the previously determined offsets).

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AW: replace string in text files

  Alt 18. Jan 2020, 20:57
I have another problem, how to pass the Space in string?

For example I want to find string 'this is just a test' and replace it with 'this is not a test'. Problem is Delphi will find only first word 'this' - everything after space is ignored. How do I make it find full string not that it stops at space? Or I'm using Delphi version which is too low? Should I use Unicode string compare?

'this is something else' - delphi will find stop here because 'this' is contained here
'this is just a test' - but I want to change this line of text

How to do?
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Benutzerbild von Luckie

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AW: replace string in text files

  Alt 18. Jan 2020, 21:16
Please open a new topic for a new problem. Thank you.
Ein Teil meines Codes würde euch verunsichern.
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AW: replace string in text files

  Alt 20. Jan 2020, 22:00
Another question: why so people write in English in German
Delphi-Praxis Forum eben there is an english one available nie?
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AW: replace string in text files

  Alt 20. Jan 2020, 23:39
Es könnte sein, daß sie einfach höflich sind und nicht platt auf die englische Version verweisen.

Programme gehorchen nicht Deinen Absichten sondern Deinen Anweisungen
R.E.D retired error detector
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