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IBX QP Issues Addressed in RAD Studio 10.3.3

Ein Thema von DP News-Robot · begonnen am 13. Dez 2019
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IBX QP Issues Addressed in RAD Studio 10.3.3

  Alt 13. Dez 2019, 12:10
Along with all of the bugs issues addressed in RAD Studio 10.3.3 and listed at*we also included improvements to the IBX (InterBase eXpress) library that ships with the IDE, incorporating changes done to the IBX library by Jeff Overcash.

These were marked as closed with a delay, and so they were not included in the official list in the docwiki*above, but I wanted to highlight them anyway -- IBX is a relevant library a lot of RAD Studio developer use.*

This is the list of additional, IBX related fixes

  • RSP-19934: IBX - tIbDataSet not able to handle chr(0) in char(16) character set OCTETS
  • RSP-19595: Some code TFileStream.Create(AFileName, fmOpenRead) locks files
  • RSP-19459:*TIBTable.CreateTable - missing data types and wrong type
  • RSP-19263: TIBExtract raises exception because of error in query in TIBExtract.ListAllTables
  • RSP-18709: TIBInputDelimitedFile ignores SkipTitles
  • RSP-17061: IBX fails on Turkish locale due to use of ToUpper instead of ToUpperInvariant
  • RSP-15413: IBX.IBDatabase SetHandle doesn't create encodings (FEncodings)
  • RSP-13602: AV using IBX TIBDatabase.CreateDatabase with UTF8 character set
More IBX fixes (and some features tied to InterBase 2020 features) are expected in the next major release of RAD Studio.

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