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The Visuino Kitchen surrounded by Wind, Fire, Power Outages, and DC-10 Air Tankers fl

Ein Thema von DP News-Robot · begonnen am 1. Nov 2019
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The Visuino Kitchen surrounded by Wind, Fire, Power Outages, and DC-10 Air Tankers fl

  Alt 1. Nov 2019, 22:10
Hello friends,

For the last couple of weeks there have been very strong winds in our area, and there were a lot of fires. The power was cut of multiple times, and the last outage lasted over 34 H.
To keep us entertained while without power, we had quite a show... DC-10 tankers flying over the house, and dropping fire retardant couple of miles away :-)
At some point they were doing a drop every few minutes.
They finally succeeded to get it under control and the w

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