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DelphiXE8 and WSDL, disable authentication via Smart Card Reader

Ein Thema von carmeloconny · begonnen am 20. Okt 2019 · letzter Beitrag vom 12. Dez 2019

Registriert seit: 20. Okt 2019
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DelphiXE8 and WSDL, disable authentication via Smart Card Reader

  Alt 20. Okt 2019, 17:31
I'm sorry* if I write in translated English.
With Delphi XE8 I imported a SOAP WSDL and use the HTTPRIO component For use authentication:

procedure HTTPRIO1HTTPWebNode1BeforePost(const HTTPReqResp: THTTPReqResp;
  Data: Pointer);
 auth: String;
 FUserName, FPassword : string;
 auth := 'Authorization: Basic ' + TNetEncoding.Base64.Encode(FUserName + ':' + FPassword);
 HttpAddRequestHeaders(Data, PChar(auth), Length(auth), HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD);
Works well.

The problem is: when a Smart Card Reader with a digital signature card is inserted in the PC, during authentication it communicates with the smart card, opening a PIN request window.

I don't want this, i want to prioritize authentication through HTTPRIO1HTTPWebNode1BeforePost !


Run debug, HTTPRIO1HTTPWebNode1BeforePost, it is processed and then communication with the smart card is started. How can I disable Smart Card Reader reading?

The card with the digital signature I need connected to the PC because my program has to digitally sign documents.

Geändert von carmeloconny (20. Okt 2019 um 20:16 Uhr)
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