Excuse my absence for all those who helped me.
The problem has not been resolved.
looking for a solution on the internet, I realized that I have to use WinHttp instead of WinINet.
WinHttp should not display dialogs, which is what I want.
I tried to replace, in HTTPRIOHTTPWebNode1BeforePost:
auth := 'Authorization: Basic ' + TNetEncoding.Base64.Encode(FUserName + ':' + FPassword);
if not HttpAddRequestHeaders(Data, PChar(auth), Length(auth), HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD) then
ShowMessage('HttpAddRequestHeaders' + SysErrorMessage(GetLastError()));
auth := 'Authorization: Basic ' + TNetEncoding.Base64.Encode(FUserName + ':' + FPassword);
if not WinHttpAddRequestHeaders(Data, PChar(auth), Length(auth), WinHTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD) then
ShowMessage('WinHttpAddRequestHeaders: ' + SysErrorMessage(GetLastError()));
this doesn't work,error "
handle is invalid".
how can I use WinHttp with HttpRio?